You Forced Me

The main tower of the Valley of Thunderous Resonance was constructed using special materials, and despite its black exterior, the interior of the tower was not dimly lit. The second floor of the tower was still spacious, with walls that had no windows but featured light-transmitting holes in all eight directions. The rich spiritual energy within the valley partly blocked the sunlight, allowing only a limited amount to enter the tower. However, this faint light, when reflected off the black walls of the tower, created a bright ambiance, making every corner of the floor visible.

At this moment, more than half of the over twenty gray-clothed corpses on the floor were used by Shen Xiaowan as "throwing weapons" to attack Mr. Xu. These corpses were then turned to ashes within Mr. Xu's black spiritual energy flames, leaving charred skeletons scattered all over the floor. Against the black tower walls, this scene created a terrifying atmosphere reminiscent of a hellish landscape.