Standing in the library of Valley of Thunderous Resonance, gazing at the numerous shelves filled with spiritual weapon-related books, Zhong Wen couldn't help but feel a mix of amusement and frustration.
It's as if they've been professional blacksmiths for a hundred years!
After exploring the entire library, he finally found a shelf labeled "Techniques and Spiritual Arts." Approaching it, he saw that there weren't many books, but there were more than twenty, which was a lot better than what Medicine King Valley had to offer. It seemed that blacksmiths might be poor, but they had many more opportunities for combat than doctors.
With a sardonic smile, he extended his right hand.
"Have you found the 'Technique-Class' book 'Barbaric Might Technique'? Yes/No."
"Have you found the 'Technique-Class' book 'Fire Separation Divine Art'? Yes/No."
"Have you found the 'Technique-Class' book 'Strengthening Muscle and Bone Technique'? Yes/No."