A Wind Lady Awaits Outside

Watching Zhong Wen being taken away by Shangguan Junyi, Zhangsun Wuwei, and the others exchanged glances.

"I never thought that Brother Zhong was a young master from the Shangguan family," Shu Yun seemed to find it amusing. "It seems the younger generation tends to be attracted to mature and charming women. This Lady Shangguan is probably over ten years older than him."

"Brother Shu, you're mistaken," Zeng Xiaoxian seemed to understand Zhong Wen's thoughts quite well. "Both Shangguan Junyi and Brother Zhong are Heaven Wheel experts. They each have at least two hundred years of life ahead. A difference of a few years in age means nothing. Besides, this Lady Shangguan is a rare beauty in both appearance and figure. With such a rare beauty, I wouldn't let the opportunity slip by, and neither would I."