Only Victory, No Defeat

On the road outside the northern gate of Nantian City, a massive dark shadow descended from the sky.

"Is this okay?" Zhong Wen looked at the city gates in the distance. "I can take you straight home."

"No need," Zi Yuan shook her head. "Once I'm inside the city, someone will come to pick me up."

As the daughter of the Nantian Lord, she was like an exalted princess in this largest city of the Southern Frontier, with exceptional privilege.

"Alright then, you take care," Zhong Wen chuckled, "and remember to be cautious from now on. Even those closest to you might not have your best interests at heart."

"Thank you, Zhong Wen." As they were about to part ways, Zi Yuan felt a tinge of reluctance.

"Just doing my part," Zhong Wen waved. "I'm leaving. Take care."

As he was about to give a signal to the White-Headed Eagle to take off, he heard Zi Yuan say in a tender voice, "Wait."

"Yatou, do you have any other instructions?"