I... I Can't Go On

Seeing the dark metallic tube in front of him, Mr. Cang had a bad feeling in his heart. Despite his calm appearance, he was undergoing immense consumption, not much different from Zhong Wen. His left arm was severed, and with every drop of blood that flowed, he felt his strength draining. After an intense battle and repeatedly using the highly draining technique "Soul-Eroding Black Dragon Flame," waves of exhaustion uncontrollably rushed to his brain. If it weren't a matter of life and death, he would have wanted to lie down and take a good rest.

A dazzling light radiated from the black tube's opening. Mr. Xu tried to retreat, but his right hand was still caught by Zhong Wen, and he couldn't break free. How could this be?

What cultivation technique was Zhong Wen practicing? Mr. Cang couldn't believe his eyes when he saw that Zhong Wen, who had been struck by his "Soul-Eroding Black Flame," didn't turn to ashes. His indifferent expression transformed into one of disbelief.