To The Last Drop Of Mana.

"She is indeed impressive, to withstand that level of power without breaking." Ikaris stared at the fire reaching the vaccum and beyond in the distance as a star-like projectile tore across the skies above them and crashed into the crater in the mountains causing the fiery energy to dissipate.

"What the devils..." Arla stared at the powers that be, knowing well that one of them was Sol and the other belonged to the god that he was fighting. "This is unbelievable..." The half-elf mused.

"Why exactly are we agreeing to not finding out what's happening over there?" Han looked at Arla confused, and Ikaris turned to him with her brows furrowed in annoyance.

"Han, you have no dealings in the events taking place there," Lyra had a look of shock and horror as she watched the last of the flames vanish into the sky, looking across the other direction where she could still see the trail of fire Sol's approach had left. "This is a quarrel between the gods!"