Food and Shelter.

"This is absurd." One god complained as soon as he exited the tunnel Dina had created and saw nothing but a vast red sandy desert before them. "We are nearly a hundred, how can we survive without our powers, and I am sure you all heard that demon, she intends to hunt us for sport, when I was freed I expected to be led by a god, not some human girl-"

Then go back." Dina turned to him. "Go on, walk right back into their grasp and see what happens to you!" She snapped, causing the god to flinch and ball his fists.

"You only speak this way to a god because you know we are powerless-"

"If you know you're so powerless then shut the fuck up and don't complain about it." She glared at him, her eyes were puffy and her hair had stuck to her face from excessive crying.

"I have never seen a god act so selflessly for the well-being of any one, why did Ikaris do that?" Gadriel asked, wiping the sweat from her forehead and standing next to Dina.