Prickly Situation.

"That's impossible," Sol started walking away from the estate while Ikaris followed at his side. "He smiled at their neighbours and nodded while they waved, but since his scaring of their son, the people had yet to utter a single word to him; they were polite but silent. "How could there be anyone else there? You checked; isn't Atla still in the middle of getting purged?"

"I said there was another, I did not say there was someone else," Ikaris had her hands neatly folded before her; although Talia was in his grasp it felt like they were taking a stroll on Arkadia again, a danger on the horizon, uncertainty behind every new decision, yet the moment they shared was peaceful even with their current problems, she looked at him with that same calm smile. "I think it was you who was left behind." She finally admitted the direct problem, and Sol stared for several seconds, searching his memory before the contract came to the forefront of his mind.