No Greater Honour.

Reaper's Calling; an ethereal scythe manifest from the darkest part of Sol's soul, created in his time back on Atla with the sole purpose of killing anything it touched, even himself.

In order to attain the perfect killing weapon, he gave up on all defences while using it and placed an irreversible curse on it that would kill him if it missed, in other words, [Reaper's Calling] had only one condition; something must die upon it being summoned, it had a consciousness that not even the real presence of death could ignore, it was absolute, inevitable, demise.

"Forbidden technique," Sol spoke while Ikaris and the others retreated to a safe distance behind him. "Reaper's Calling; Communal Killing," He raised the weapon high into the air, and the black flames which held it together spread high and far splitting into tentacle aberrations and striking every single one of the accused simultaneously.