Kill Shalba.

"Master Shalba," A young woman sat in a carriage, her head was covered, hiding her hair and face revealing only her blue eyes through the black robes. "There seems to be some kind of distress back in the Capital City," She looked out the window. 

"If it is all the way in Capital then we can deal with it when we return, we are more than halfway actross the continent already, do not concern yourself with that now." Shalba; a man seemingly middle aged with streaks of white through his beard and a few wrinkles under his eyes responded, picking up a golden apple and offering it to her. 

"I agree with lady Yin, Sir," Another woman sitting parrallel to him spoke up. Like Yin, she too was covered from head to tow with her brown eyes being the only parts of her body revealed. "After you saved us from the Direfreaks years ago our sense have become sharpened to dangerous situations..."