"I vote we use The Plane," Sol suggested watching Arla nod in agreement almost as soon as the words fell from his mouth.
"I agree, considering the nature of this exercise, it is the best place I can think of," She smiled before the two of them vanished in flases of light.
Next, the audiences were introduced to a great barren land, black stones and megastructures made entirely of rock and dirt, vast canyons as large as solar systems and mountains as vast as entire suns, the same place that Dina had achieved her first divine technique, recreated by Alpha after Ikaris had destroyed it figting the Ninth General of the Emporium.
"As the Sol Collective watches, I too bare witness to this monumental day, Lady Amastacia, Master Vestic, when your hearts are settled, you may begin."
"It starts!" Ikaris leapt from her seat as soon as she saw Arla shift. "Arla, you've got this!"