Debaucherous Thoughts

~Nariya Patel~

My legs sprawled across the headboard, I undertook an analysis of the damage wrought by my great adventures. The foot of my left leg was adorned with leaves and splinters from the outdoors, while the right one had a bandage that had turned black from the dirt. "Damn it, I should have noticed earlier; now his floors are dirtied," I murmured to myself.

It had been some while since that guy returned, all flustered and disheveled, but the way he peeled his tie off... I bit my lips, shaking the debaucherous thoughts out of my head. A sigh escaped my lips as I wondered how I might clean this mess up without him noticing, his pointed advice still floating in my head. As I did so, an exquisite smell invaded my senses—a whiff of exotic spices mixed with the freshness of fresh mint and coriander, along with the regal aroma of rose and saffron. This smell, I could recognize it anywhere, anytime—the scent that dominated my childhood almost every Sunday, the tantalizing and unique aroma of Biryani.

Gulping in my hunger as it enchanted me, I floated towards the door. A sniff or two to make sure I wasn't dreaming, my hand clasped onto the handle of my door. The cold metal unearthed my palm, shaking some sense into my enchanted self. Snapping back to reality, I realized what I was about to do. What lay beyond this door? Who was beyond this door? These past few days, I had only talked, no, chatted with my guardian only via notes. We had barely had any face-to-face interactions with each other, and for some reason, I felt giddy near him.

Another whiff, and my stomach declared that I couldn't hole up forever; I needed to get out there and face him eventually. With the end-of-semester exams so nearby, I couldn't stay confined within these four walls forever. Most importantly, I still had to fend for myself somehow. Yes, he was being kind to me, but I knew better than anyone else how quickly kindness gets twisted into something else.

Taking a deep breath, I opened a small gap to peek into the foyer connecting my room and the kitchen. The coast seemed clear, but my full view was blocked by a pillar in my way. Sneaking out as if I were a thief, I slowly hopped towards my destination. A hopeful thought beamed in my mind—maybe he prepared the food and left for his room, and I could take my share and eat in my room. Smiling, I hopped forward, feeling a bit more confident this time.

Instantly, my steps halted as I gulped. There on the kitchen island, he rested his head supported by his upright arm. A knowing smirk formed on his lips as he said, "Hello there, sneaky rabbit."

My eyes darted towards the pot of biryani, left open with a small fan airing the scent, directed towards my room! This was a trap! Gulping, I eyed my room door, still slightly open. If only I could sprint, which I could no longer do due to the condition of my legs. Both my feet hurt after being moved around like so.

As if sensing my intention, he pointed to the chair behind me. All the smirk and gleam drained from his voice as he commanded, "Sit." Gulping once more, I looked down and proceeded to do what he told me. His eyes darted at me until I did. It felt as if, if I didn't, he would pick me up himself and make me sit. Either way, we had to do this; let's make it easy for myself now.

Sighing, he proceeded to shut the pot lid. As he saw the panic in my eyes, he reassured me that we would have lunch. Turning off the fan, he placed it in its intended place before walking to the sink. He grabbed a basin, filled it with water, and also went into my room, bringing spare bandages and a rag. I tilted my head in confusion until I understood what he was up to. When he kneeled in front of my chair, startled at his action, I tried to get up, only for him to cage me with his hands. Standing up on his knees, his height matched mine.

From so close, one could tell the well-taken care of skin—poreless, firm, without a single blemish. He had a slight tan that added an exotic touch to creamy skin. His jaw was sharper than the knives in this kitchen. Those mesmerizing grey eyes shifted to almost black in this low lighting, but what captivated me were those plush yet firm lips. They slightly moved, shivered before turning into a smirk, revealing his perfectly aligned white teeth.

A blush crept up my face as he slowly lowered himself to his initial stance. I slapped my gaping mouth, embarrassed at my actions. I hadn't even realized that the shape of those perfect lips would elicit such an unconscious reaction. I was so much in a daze that I didn't even realize he had already started unwrapping my dirty bandage, that was until his cold fingers grazed my swollen skin.

"Ouch," I flinched.

"Hmm..." he murmured, still observing me, carefully placing his palm under my foot to support it better. "You did exactly what I warned you not to," he said in a low tone, almost inaudible if it weren't for our closeness.

Bashfully, I looked at my condition, tilting forward a bit. My eyes widened as I saw my skin red and swollen. Guiltily, I looked elsewhere and started to apologize. "Um…"

A sigh cut me off as he looked at me. "Nari, look at me," his soft voice returned, obliging me to look at his softened face. "You need to be careful, that's true, but these things shouldn't stop you from doing what you like to do. However, I wish you would do so in a more moderate fashion. It's for your safety; you need to understand that, moonpie."

I bit my lips again, wondering about his nickname for me, "moonpie." Were we that close, or did he call everyone that, I pondered. Slowly, I nodded, understanding his meanings.

Placing my feet on his knee, he proceeded to bandage me up, careful not to hurt me, while I looked at his long fingers meticulously working. He placed one foot down, then proceeded to go for the other. My eyes widened as I tried to push it away, but I didn't have much space to work with. That's when I realized what a compromising situation I was in. My silk shorts had ridden up to the edge of my upper thigh, and stuck in between them was he. Gulping, I looked away as my heart hammered in my chest.

His quick pace caught hold of my feet, grasping it roughly, the coldness of his firm fingers pressing against my soft skin. My eyes snapped at him as he stared me down like a predator. The dirt also sullied his palms. As I went to protest, he placed my foot on his knee; the tip of his hard bone felt the fabric of his slacks, sending a shiver down my spine. He placed the rag into the basin of water, cleaning my feet gently. My toes curled under his touch, the sharp pull between my core seemed to be getting full, a ragged breath escaped my lips as he pushed his middle finger between my toe and index toe. I covered my mouth as my eyes caught hold of the amused darkness in his eyes.

Just when I thought this torture was finally over, he proceeded to pick up my other foot. Instinctively, I wanted to pull away, but something didn't want him to stop. Something in me wanted him to continue, to push his hands up higher between my... my debaucherous thoughts were cut off when his dark gaze caught my attention. I watched him slowly bring up my foot near his face; slightly, his lips grazed my sensitive skin. That was it. Clasping the armchair, a soft moan I tried to suppress escaped my lips, and I came undone. As if out of a trance, he let go of my foot, making my leg dangle, and he pushed himself off the floor, carrying with him all the utensils he brought.

He looked away from my panting self as I snapped my legs together, the wetness in them evident. 'What had I done!' my mind flustered.

"I'll go change," he said, still facing away from me, but I noticed a shade of red developing on his ears as he stormed off. "We'll have lunch in a bit. I need to talk to you."

"Ye...s," I said. When he was gone up the stairs, I noticed how they didn't creak as before. Bringing my knee up to my face, I groaned. I've had boyfriends before, but with none of them had I gone beyond light pecks. I always believed that things like these required a serious relationship, which I never felt with anybody I've been with. Plus, I was really young back then, and the thought of regret in the future always scared me. I had heard stories from many of my peers or older cousins who had done something because it was hip amongst their peers, only to have such a deep disgust for themselves later on. Some of them didn't mind, 'you only live once,' was their motto, but I tried to cherish myself as much as possible.

Then, when our ruin came, all those boyfriends, peers, and cousins left me like I didn't exist, and that's when I realized what a great decision my younger self had taken; at the end, there is no one else you can love but yourself.

The wetness in my panties made me push myself as I made my way towards the changing bathroom. The doctor had provided me with plastic covers for my bandages, and putting them on, I tried to cool off the heat in my body.

"This is not right, Nari. He... he's just there for a year... he too will leave me." This was a mantra I kept reminding myself of to kill the hope that bloomed in my idiotic heart from time to time. Sighing, I dressed up in a long sleeveless dress. Putting on too many clothes, especially those that reached my bandages, was not an option for me. That's why I had been trotting around in some tiny silk pajamas. Bracing myself, I made my way towards the dining area. Whatever happened, it could not happen ever again. NEVER.

~Alexie Ivanov~

My strides carried me into my room, a bright flush stammered in my chest. Something, no, my demons had taken over me. What had started as a kind gesture turned into... into that! But when I saw her face, as if the goddess Aphrodite was charming me herself, I could smell her needs, the silk doing no justice to hide her wetness. Her lush thighs clenching and unclenching, I just wanted to shove my... Slap! I slapped myself hard at the absurd thought, how impure. How dare I, how had I dared to touch the precious angel. Her jagged breath, her hardened buds peeking beneath the tiny silk, I lost it. I wanted to serve my goddess, bow before her, offer her my soul.

My sanity only returned when I saw her come undone. My own bulge poked at me to take her. Tearing my sweat-stuck clothes off myself, I made myself in for a cold shower. Drenched in coldness, it still didn't help my situation. I stared at my reflection in the floor-length mirror in my shower room. The cheek I had slapped plumping red, my breathing jagged, and my dick hard, poking up, calling to lose myself in lust.

"We can make her feel pleasure like no one else," my demons invaded my thoughts. No, allowing a train of thought like that about her was inappropriate as well. So, I did what no sane man would do.

I clenched a towel roll off the rack and placed it between my teeth. Bracing myself, I stood tall in front of the mirror. Counting backward, I took a rough breath in, clenching my fist to punch myself between my legs. A groan of pain escaped my muffled lips, but I didn't bend. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath before releasing the towel; that had done the trick. Making my way out, I opted for a set of sweats. Fluttering my hair, I braced myself for our first proper talk.