Exam Season

~Nariya Patel~

Cold puffs of air escaped my lips as I observed the sun ascending in the sky. Holding a cup of hot water, I witnessed leaves gracefully falling and dancing away with the wind. Nyx nestled close to me, seeking solace in my warmth. As days drifted by, a week passed in the companionship of my guardian. From that day forward, we shared meals together, except on occasions when he wasn't available.

During the night, he diligently applied ointment to my cuts. Just a few days ago, Dr. Jeon had visited, granting approval for my left arm to resume activity. It was a liberating feeling to regain a measure of independence, though I must admit she wasn't thrilled about my leg. Hence, the leg cast remains in place for now.

Donning my uniform, the emblem of Eleanor Finchley College for Women gleamed proudly on my breast pocket. I reached for a brush, unraveling the waves of my hair before applying a touch of light makeup to my face. Following a routine of a well-balanced diet and a stress-free environment had worked wonders on the radiance of my skin. The dark circles, remnants of years of sleep deprivation, gracefully faded away, replaced by an enduring rosy blush that adorned my visage.

As I gazed at my reflection in the mirror, I beheld a young woman exuding happiness and joy, possessing a youthful vibrancy at the tender age of seventeen. Gone was the weary child forced to wear adult responsibilities prematurely. The realization filled me with a radiant sense of bliss, although an underlying fear tinged my elation.

The shadow of the resilient Nari I had forged for myself perpetually trailed me, her cautionary whispers echoing in the air. 'Don't trust him. He's just like the others.' I pinched the back of my wrist, suppressing the unsavory thoughts. Today marked the commencement of exams, beginning with Morals and Ethics. The exam season at Eleanor Finchley followed a predictable rhythm — starting with easier topics and, as the days progressed and confidence soared, shattering all optimism with a sudden, brutally challenging paper.

Eleanor Finchley's approach seemed perplexing. Most schools aimed to boost their average scores, but Eleanor Finchley embraced a different philosophy. They believed in preparing students for any unforeseen challenges in the future. This seemingly draconian method, unveiling unexpectedly difficult subjects, prevented students from gauging the difficulty level of each subject. The intention was clear – students needed to be overprepared for anything that might come their way. It was a method of education that instilled resilience and adaptability, even if it came at the cost of a predictable academic journey.

I waited in the foyer for him to arrive, knowing he would be my companion until my leg fully healed. My eyes briefly flickered to the unwelcome sight of the crutches beside me. In addition to managing my academic subjects, I now had to master the art of walking like a typical injured person. This involved training my body to distribute weight onto the walking stick for support.

My attention was abruptly drawn to the staircase as he gracefully descended, exuding an air of nonchalance. Clad in sleek black slacks that hugged his long legs and firm thighs, he wore a lengthy trench coat that concealed his rare beauty from prying eyes. The addition of a black turtleneck did little to hide the chiseled physique that lay beneath, causing me to gulp in awe. He resembled nothing short of a Greek god, a masterpiece sculpted by Michelangelo himself. Undoubtedly, he would become the object of desire for the girls attending this college, starved for male interaction on these grounds. To make matters worse, today was the day of the dreaded exams, when even the most isolated girls were granted freedom to roam. These girls, banished to the hostel by their strict families, were particularly condemned for their perceived promiscuity.

I can still vividly recall that incident from my first year, when a female student from the hostel got involved in a scandalous affair with a teacher. The consequences were swift, as the teacher was immediately dismissed. However, this incident made me worry that someone like Alexie Ivanov, a man of his stature, might also succumb to the allure of young, blossoming girls. As I pondered this, a sudden realization struck me - I myself was a blossoming adolescent! I glanced up at Alexie, who exuded confidence and seemed to revel in the effect he had on those around him. I shook my head, realizing that I had forgotten something important - this man had likely encountered far more captivating beauties than some college kids who fell for him. He had experienced the finer things in life, and perhaps a fresh glass of wine wouldn't be his preferred choice. The thought pierced my heart, leaving me with a sense of unease.

"Are you ready?" he asked, twirling the keys in his hands. I nodded eagerly, and we made our way to the garage. He turned off the security alarm and graciously opened the door for me. Expressing my gratitude, I settled into the seat, the familiar scent bringing back memories of my first visit here. I couldn't help but notice that the interior had been subtly cleaned and reorganized since then. Taking his place in the driver's seat, he started the engine and we sped towards the college premises.

The majority of the journey was filled with a comfortable silence, which I truly appreciated. I had a tendency to get anxious right before any important event, even though I had prepared extensively. This anxiety often had a negative impact on my performance, causing me to fumble with my projects. That's when my mother suggested I try meditating to calm my nerves. It had become a regular habit of mine to stay silent and admire the scenery before any exam. As we neared my destination, a thought that had been lingering in my mind finally escaped my lips.

"Um, do you think it would be better to drop me off a bit further away?" I mustered the courage to ask him.

His eyes locked with mine for a moment before returning to the road ahead. "Sure, I don't mind. But may I ask why?" he smirked playfully. "Are you worried that your boyfriend will find out and get jealous of me, harboring some illicit thoughts?"

A blush spread across my cheeks as I quickly hid it beneath my scarf. "No, not at all. It's just that I'm trying to protect your reputation."

His eyebrows raised in curiosity and I continued, "Well, you know there will be a lot of young girls..."

Understanding dawned on him as he blinked a few times and jokingly replied, "Ah, I see. I'll drop you off at the nearby café then." With that, he steered the car towards the café, its neon sign shining brightly through the morning fog, reading 'Felix's Coffee Parlour'.

As he opened the door and helped me out, making sure my crutches were steady, he said, "Meet me at the same spot once you're done, and good luck."

I thanked him and began walking ahead when I heard him shout, "And thank you for protecting my virtue, Sir Nariya!"

I looked at him, puzzled by his comment, while some passersby chuckled and glanced in my direction. Embarrassment flooded over me as I watched the man casually walk back inside, as if he had just performed the most innocent act.

"What a peculiar man!" I thought to myself, and hurriedly made my way towards the main entrance.

The halls I remembered from a week ago appeared unchanged, except for the curious glances I received. During exam season, Eleanor Finchley's halls were flooded with students from all disciplines, all years, all classes, converging into a unified stream of students solely focused on one goal: to excel. The only attention I garnered was due to my obvious crutches and the limp I carried, but even that quickly faded when they realized I was just a girl with an injured leg. I was better off being a girl with an injured leg than the protagonist of a pitiful tale of riches to rags. Even the seating arrangement was randomized to minimize the chances of cheating and foul play.

Soon, the bell rang and we hurried off to complete our respective papers. Fortunately, this subject was not the unlucky draw and proved to be fairly easy. Every answer flowed naturally to me, and I finished before anyone else. I utilized the extra time to review my answers multiple times before submitting my answer sheet to the coordinator. With the rest of the day free, I made my way towards the exit, relishing the feeling of being one of the first to leave, avoiding the post-exam rush.

The solitude brought a sense of contentment to my soul as I entered the cafe. Scanning the room, I spotted him, sitting with an air of dignity, his legs crossed. Even in an empty cafe, he managed to capture the attention of the few patrons. I hadn't anticipated the man blushing under the scrutiny, but he remained unfazed. Naturally, attention came to him effortlessly. Feeling a bit hesitant, I approached him, clearing my throat to catch his attention. However, it was unnecessary. The moment he sensed my presence, his gaze locked onto mine, and a smile blossomed on his lips as he greeted me with the utmost affection.

"Hey, moonpie how did it go?" he asked.

Curiosity piqued, I stared at him in disbelief. It suddenly dawned on me that he had asked that question to divert attention away from himself. "Well, it went smoothly," I replied, taking a seat across from him. The adoring gazes that were once directed at him now turned into piercing glares aimed at me. Ignoring the judgmental stares, he slid his Flat White towards me and said, "Here, drink this. It'll warm you up. I'll get you another drink. What would you like?"

I bit my lip and warmed my hands by cradling the cup between my palms. "Just a hot chocolate will do," I answered. He nodded and made his way to the counter to place the order. Left alone, the whispers and piercing stares became even more pronounced.

"Doesn't she look too young?"

"Maybe she's his little sister."

"But they don't look related..."

"Oh my gosh, is she a sugar baby?"

Annoyance surged through me as I set the cup down on the table. Looking straight ahead, I noticed the man paying for the hot chocolate, engrossed in conversation with the barista at the counter.

As I took a sip from the cup, a shy smile formed on my lips. I playfully turned the cup around, positioning my plush lips exactly where he had taken his drink from. With a light and sensual touch, I savored the liquid, slowly gulping it down. As I glanced around, I caught a glimpse of the vibrant green curtains fluttering in my peripheral vision. Twirling my curls, I maintained an innocent facade while secretly observing the bewildered man returning to the scene, a mischievous smirk adorning his lips. My gaze grew intense, for I was not finished yet. I wouldn't let him off the hook so easily after this embarrassing moment of mine.

I flashed a delicate smile at him as he settled into his seat, twirling the cup around to showcase the bold mark of my lipstick on the transparent glass. With a slight lean forward, I tilted my head, my fingers still toying with my hair, and confidently declared, "Here you go, My Lord," making sure everyone around us could hear the emphasis on 'Lord'.

He nervously bit the inside of his cheeks, his muscles tensing beneath his snug attire, as he reached for the cup, bringing it to his lips and leisurely running his tongue along the lipstick stain, savoring every drop. A blushing waitress approached, setting my hot chocolate in front of me, but my gaze remained locked with his, oblivious to her presence. This playful exchange continued as we enjoyed our beverages, until reality snapped back into focus when I found myself in the passenger seat. Watching him stroll nonchalantly to the other side, I was overcome with embarrassment and quickly buried my head in my lap.

'What in absurdity came over me!!!'