
~ Nariya Patel~

Walking through the store, we decided to have our lunch there. It was already time for my medicine, and as I pondered which dish to order, I settled on Tori Katsu Curry (Chicken Katsu Curry), while Alexie chose Tonkatsu Curry (Pork Katsu Curry). As we were seated by the humble girl from the entrance, whose name I caught as Rosela, she chimed in excitement to take our order.

"Hello! My name is Rosela, your waitress for today, and," she looked at me and winked, "your future best girl at work." I giggled at her forwardness. She continued, "What would you like to order?"

Biting back my excitement, I responded, "Pleased to meet you, Rosela. I'm Nariya. I'll have a Tori Katsu Curry." With a nod, she noted it down before turning her attention to the man sitting in front of me. Even in this casual setting, he exuded a debonair demeanor, and I couldn't help but notice how eyes around us glanced him up. Rosela's confidence wavered as she asked, "And this gentleman here?"

Nonchalantly, he closed the menu and directed a charming smile towards the girl, saying, "I'll have the Tonkatsu Curry, thank you."

Biting her lips, her hands shook as she noted it down and stammered, "Yes, thank you... I mean, you're welcome to Lib—I'm sorry." She bowed, blushing profusely, and bowed again before moving towards the POS system. All the while, the man held an innocent smile, seemingly oblivious to his effects on those around him. I narrowed my eyes at him as he casually tilted his head, a mischievous smirk forming on his lips.

Sighing, I shook my head as I looked away, earning a humored laugh from him. This man was dangerous; it was different to be charming and handsome, and different to know how to use that charm and handsomeness to manipulate people. Observing him for weeks had led me to the conclusion that he was the latter.

As if the questions were plastered on my face, he raised an eyebrow, urging me to ask away. Gulping, I started, "Where do you get... you know..."

His full attention on me, he commanded, "Talk confidently, Nari."

Instantly, my eyes locked to his as I said, "The confidence to be confident... I guess." I didn't know how to portray my question properly.

Shifting his weight forward, he urged me to do the same. To any other patron present in the space, it would seem like we were indulging in a secret lover's talk, preying away from any intrusion. When he followed his command, he whispered just audibly, exclusive to my ears, "Before I walk into a room," I listened intently to the secret, "I think I'm walking into a room full of my lovers."

Silence followed his sentence as I processed the words he uttered. Finally, when it clicked, I responded, "Ahhh," nodding in agreement to myself. "You are a narcissist, got it." I moved back, cushioning my back on the chair, as I watched his eyes travel around the room, all eyes lit in coy smiles as he glanced around. I watched wide-eyed as a waiter approached us with glasses of water, only to stumble and spill the liquid a bit on himself when the man in front of me smiled at him. The waiter excused himself as Alexie just shrugged, saying, "Not narcissist when it's true, moonpie."

As I observed the flustered waiter rush off to the wash area, my attention swiftly returned to the calm man sitting across from me. Leaning forward, I motioned for him to do the same, my curiosity piqued. "How did you manage that?" I whispered, watching him chuckle in response. "Well, all you have to do is flash your most captivating smile," he explained.

Perplexed, I furrowed my brow, and his demeanor turned serious as he began to elaborate. "You see, Nari, one doesn't need to be conventionally attractive to persuade others. While having appealing features may grant you certain advantages, it's not the only factor. The key lies in discovering your own unique charm and pairing it with a genuine smile to achieve the desired outcome. Of course, effective communication is also important, but for simple favors, an enchanting aura is often sufficient." Leaning back, he looked at me and said, "Come on, show me your best smile."

I blinked in surprise, my words hanging in the air. "But I don't feel like smiling," I confessed.

The man's eyes softened, a gentle smile playing on his lips. "That's the secret, my moonpie," he said kindly. "Even when you don't feel like it, give it a try."

Confusion still clouded my face as I looked at him, my lips attempting to form a smile. "Like this?" I asked, unsure.

A sigh escaped the man's lips as he shook his head. "No, you're still too stiff," he explained. "When you smile naturally, it's not just your lips that turn upwards. It's a gradual, subtle blossoming, like a flower bud opening. And your eyes, Nari, they hold the key a peep hole into your soul. They should shimmer with happiness, emphasizing the lines underneath. Without that, it would seem strange and forced."

I pondered over his suggestion, humming in agreement. Grabbing a nearby spoon, I glanced at my reflection and realized he was right - it did seem eerie and unnatural. Lost in deep thoughts about his words, our lunch arrived and we ate in silence.

As I mused over his comment, a memory from my mother suddenly popped into my mind. It made me wonder about my most charming quality. Just then, the waiter presented us with the check and Rosela asked if we wanted anything for dessert. Alexie was already reaching for his wallet to decline, but before he could, I reached out and held his hand. With a coy smile, I batted my eyelashes at him and a genuine smile formed on my lips. "Can't we indulge this time? Please, My Lord," I emphasized, placing extra weight on the word 'My'.

Amusement danced in his eyes as he arched an eyebrow, clearly catching onto my playful intentions. "Well, moonpie, I'm all ears. What's your heart's desire?"

Confusion washed over me, and my gaze shifted to Rosela, who was now blushing furiously. She stumbled over her words, suggesting, "Um, how about trying the Japanese cheesecake? It's just out of the oven, and it's absolutely divine."

I flashed her a smile, the one that Alexie had taught me, and directed it towards the girl. "Sure, we'll take that and please pack that. Thanks, Rosella," I said. As she hurried off to turn in our orders, the smile slowly faded from my face. My muscles twitched from the sudden exercise, and I let out a sigh. Meanwhile, the man in front of me burst into laughter, finding the situation quite amusing.

To silence him, I lightly kicked his leg with mine, groaning in embarrassment. I couldn't help but wonder what thoughts the shy girl might be sewing about me. There goes my reputation, I thought to myself, as I glared at the snickering man.

Just then, his phone buzzed with an incoming call. He furrowed his brows at the caller and stood up, sliding a card across the table towards me. "Nari, I'll be out. Pay the bill. The pin is 2812," he said, before striding out of the cafe. His strong stance and confident steps reminded me that achieving the charm he talked about wasn't as simple as it seemed.

With a slight sigh, my eyes fixated on the casually tossed Ammex black card before me. Even my father, despite our amassed wealth, never owned one. This single-colored card, initially introduced by American Express, still held its status as a symbol of prestige in the world. Gingerly, I picked up the card, my heart racing as I observed Rosella approaching with the swipe machine and the to-go box. A funny thought crossed my mind, "How amusing would it be if the card were to decline?" Internally, I chuckled as I witnessed the girl swipe the card and hand it back to me. Nope, it didn't decline. Still feeling a bit uneasy, I carefully cleaned the plastic before placing it gently in my chest pocket and making my way towards the parking lot.

It wasn't just a simple smile that exuded confidence and charm, but also a substantial bank balance!