A secret for a secret

~Alexie Ivanov~

My attention shifted to the slumbering girl beside me, her hair casually falling across her face, concealing the worry lines that etched her visage. Somewhere within, I recognized that her reactions were ordinary, and I was the anomaly in our dynamic. Yet, if I failed to project a facade of confidence, I knew the creases of concern on her face would only deepen. Despite being just her legal guardian on paper, my commitment to keeping her safe was unwavering, perhaps enduring.

Pausing momentarily, I allowed the security system to scan the car plate and model for access clearance. Today, taking a different route there and returning in an alternate vehicle, I even had to undergo a retina scan to ensure security. Within five minutes, our engine roared to life as we headed toward home.

"Opulent Oaks Estates," a prestigious gated community, stood as a symbol of opulence and exclusivity. Nestled behind towering iron gates, this enclave was a haven for the affluent seeking not only luxury but also unparalleled security. The community was surrounded by lush landscapes and majestic oak trees, creating a picturesque setting that complemented the grandeur of the residences within.

What set Opulent Oaks Estates apart was its unwavering commitment to security. The community employed top-tier, military-grade security measures to ensure the safety and privacy of its residents. Surveillance cameras were strategically positioned throughout the premises, and highly trained security personnel patrolled the area around the clock. State-of-the-art access control systems, biometric scanners, and cutting-edge technology safeguarded the entrance gates, allowing only authorized individuals to enter, making it a sought-after haven for those who valued not only their wealth but also their peace of mind.

Guiding my car through the community gates, I maneuvered towards a series of pathways leading to the exclusive villas designed for the ultra-wealthy who valued privacy above all else. As I drove, I reached for my phone and noticed a message from the Handler, assuring me that the car crash had been handled, and the man tailing us was now firmly within his control. Earlier, I had discreetly texted him upon detecting the unwelcome follower, determined not to create a scene, especially in front of Nari. However, it seemed that some individuals were unwilling to accept a straightforward refusal.

I parked the car in front of the house and gently nudged the sleeping girl, calling out to her, "Nari, we have reached…" I observed as she groaned, fluttering her lashes. Rubbing her eyes, she stirred as I exited the car to open the doors for her. With a push, she maneuvered her small body to jump off the seat, but as she landed, her knees buckled, causing her to fall. Startled, I instantly reached out, supporting her shoulders, only to discover that she was shivering with cold. My eyes widened in concern, realizing she was sobbing lightly.

'Oh, my poor moonpie,' I thought, proceeding to comfort her in the embrace of my arms. She wrapped her arms around my torso, and I patted her back lovingly. Sighing, I carried her towards the house, my strides directed to the lounge chair in the foyer where she could find warmth and solace.

"Nari…" I called her in a soft voice, patiently waiting for her to find comfort within my arms. Resting my chin on top of her head, I held her as she gradually calmed down. When she finally looked at me, her swollen doe eyes beckoning answers, she uttered, "Alex… tell me the truth… who were those people… and why were they after us… or me?" The determination in her eyes made it clear she wouldn't easily back down, but I wasn't prepared to divulge information so readily.

"Okay…" I sighed, "but you need to tell me what happened in the hospital." It might be an occupational habit, but I wasn't ready to disclose her information without a reciprocal exchange.

Her mouth fell agape as she stared at me in disbelief. "Even though this information might be related to MY security?!" Her voice rose, sounding offended.

'Okay, logical thinking,' I pondered internally, my resolve remained steadfast. I wasn't willing to back out so easily. "But what goes on in your head is also part of emotions I should know. If I would've known what hospitals do to you, I would've called another doctor home or taken you in from the back way itself," I reiterated, emphasizing the importance of mutual transparency in our exchange of information.

She bit her lips, contemplating, and averted her eyes. Finally, in a small voice, she looked at me and said, "Okay... but you tell me first…"

Sighing, I began, "So I don't know if that man was after you or using you to get to someone else." Her brows shot up, confusion evident on her face as I continued, "You see, I have proof to believe that there are men—evil men—after your father."

"Evil men...? Like the bank or shark loans...?" she voiced her previous experiences.

I shook my head. "No, Nari. Evil men like the ones who would think of hurting Mr. Patel's daughter to get to him. Evil men who would do anything to get Mr. Patel, even if it means killing you or anyone around him."

She gasped at the implication, her mind churning. "But what for? I'm pretty sure we had paid off everyone after my father's arrest. All our assets are gone; what could they possibly want now?" she wondered aloud.

"I don't know," I told her the truth, my gaze holding sincerity. "But I know it's not just about the money… In fact," I hesitated, reluctant to cause her further distress, but understanding the importance of honesty, "it might be even related… I don't know for sure, though."

I could sense her impatience growing, but she urged me, "Tell me, Alex!"

"Related to the death of your mother and the fall of the company she had built."

"Wha-" she gasped in horror. "But… but my mother, she died… due to cancer… how…" Her breaths quickened, and she choked on her words. I pulled her closer, offering comfort as I cooed into her ears, "Calm down, Nari. It's just an assumption; I don't know anything for sure."

"But… but…"

"Hush… moonpie," I whispered, using the endearment. In that moment, amidst the uncertainty, there was a warmth in our embrace, a shared determination to face whatever challenges lay ahead together.

We sat there, cuddling for a while, finding warmth in each other's embrace until I sensed her breathing becoming soft once more. Holding her face close to mine, I wiped away any remaining tears, lightly kissing her forehead. Gently picking up her sleeping form, I carried her princess-style, carefully placing her on the bed. The raw information had caused the poor girl to sob for what felt like an eternity, and a pang of pain resonated in my ribs. As I caressed her swollen eyes lightly, I picked up Nyx, setting the feline next to Nari.

Patting the feline, I said softly, "Take care of her. I'll be back." Proceeding to leave a note on her bedside table in case she woke up, I went upstairs to grab some clothes. By the time I was done, the sun had already set, casting the world into darkness as I drove towards the Eastern docks, the word "Fifteen" repeating in my head.