Bored + Annoyed= Dangerous

~Alexie Ivanov~

Perhaps I should consider embracing the yoga routine that Nari practices daily for stretching. At first glance, it may appear effortless, but the tension evident in her muscles speaks volumes about the years of disciplined dedication she has invested to achieve such proficiency. Shaking my head, I recall Nari in those snug workout attire, contorting into poses that, if misunderstood, could be interpreted in a rather inappropriate manner. It doesn't seem like the ideal starting point for me. Don't get me wrong, it's mesmerizing to watch her perform those exercises, but mesmerizing her in my current state is not the wisest choice.

My body throbbed with discomfort, the persistent headache lingering for days as I stole a glance at my new imposing companion, the hulking figure known as "Roberto." Throughout the train ride, his proximity to me was unnerving; to an outsider, it might have appeared as if he were a devoted lover. In a moment of jest, I playfully called him "Wifey," only to receive a gruff response from the man. Needless to say, my attempt at humor earned me quizzical looks from those nearby.

As I sighed, my gaze shifted to the changing scenery. We had transitioned from the clamor of Paris to the breathtaking blues of Cannes. Despite the picturesque view, a sense of foreboding shadowed my appreciation. I couldn't allow myself too much happiness in this moment, for I was acutely aware that, in the coming days, this azure sea would transform into my temporary confinement—a beautiful but restrictive prison.

The roads eventually faded away, and it became evident that we had officially entered the playground of the wealthy and ostentatious. On one side, towering buildings showcased every conceivable luxury a person with deep pockets could desire—fashion, gourmet food, drugs, firearms, whores, you name it you'll have it. On the other side, the coastline was adorned with an impressive array of multimillion-dollar yachts, inviting those who tired of spending extravagantly on land to continue their indulgence at sea.

Ronald led the way, walking ahead of me, guiding us towards the yacht that would serve as my temporary residence for the next few days. I strolled nonchalantly, savoring the last few moments on solid ground, at least for the days ahead. With my hand casually tucked into my pocket, I surveyed the opulence surrounding me. It struck me as a lavish landfill, a vast sum of money spent not for genuine luxury but to ensnare unsuspecting individuals into a suffocating spiral of debt and unnecessary consumption.

He came to a halt in front of a luxury yacht named "Soleil Levant" – the rising sun. I couldn't help but wonder about the audacity of someone naming such a magnificent vessel with such an obnoxious title. My curiosity was quickly satisfied as a portly figure approached – Pierre Michel Laurent, Lady Lady Larorret's rather foolish cousin. I grunted disapprovingly at the display of his arrogance.

Moving towards the man, who seemed to believe he owned the entire pathway, I couldn't help but notice his unsteady demeanor as he extended his hand towards me. "Great, it's only morning, and this motherfucker is already drunk," I muttered under my breath. Without hesitation, I barged past him, causing him to grunt in pain from the impact of my shoulder against his.

On the way to the gangplank, a sleekly dressed man in black greeted me with a bow. "Good morning, Mr. Todd. I am Albert, and for this trip, I'll be your personal butler," he announced, to which I simply nodded in acknowledgment.

Ronald, standing beside him, chimed in next, "Please, Mr. Todd, hand me your cellular device and all electronics." My lips tightened as I stared at him. I anticipated tight security, but surrendering to this extent was unexpected. Sighing, I reluctantly handed over my phone and laptop. However, when Ronald's eyes fell on the digital watch adorning my wrist, I gritted my teeth, unclasped the device, and placed it in his outstretched palm. With that done, I made my way up to the deck, stealing a sideways glance to witness him pocket the watch, a smirk spreading across my lips. Did they believe someone like me could be so easily deceived? I adjusted my glasses, contemplating their miscalculation.

Behind me, the piggy grunted, but I had no inclination to be friendly with him. His instructions were clear: to accommodate Mr. Nicolous Todd on his yacht for the next few days, and on Saturday, I would be picked up and shifted elsewhere. Other than Ronald, no one knew my identity or the purpose of my visit. To them, it was a directive from above, and they likely perceived me as a hapless individual who owed debts to the wrong people. If they thought they could manipulate me, they were in for a turbulent journey.

"Sire," Albert called out, but before he could continue, the piggy interjected, "The entire upper floor is for your use. If you need any—"

I cut him off sharply, "I'll inform my butler. Now that the floor is mine, I don't want your stench anywhere near me." The man grasped at my rudeness, but I remained indifferent. I had no intention of making friends, especially with this glutinous pig. I was well aware of what he expected—a clandestine deal to line his pockets. He exuded obnoxiousness, and with that, I strode to the upper deck, accompanied by my stalker and butler in tow. Surveying the interior, I was pleased that it didn't emanate from the mind of the frustrated piggy on the floor below.

The interior of the luxury yacht exuded an air of extravagance and sophistication, as if every detail had been meticulously curated for the utmost opulence. Stepping aboard, one was greeted by a foyer adorned with polished marble floors that reflected the soft glow of strategically placed crystal chandeliers overhead. The walls were paneled in rich, dark wood, intricately carved with ornate designs that spoke of timeless elegance.

Moving further into the yacht, the main salon unfolded with plush, cream-colored furnishings that invited guests to sink into luxurious comfort. Large panoramic windows framed breathtaking views of the azure sea, allowing natural light to flood the space. The decor boasted a tasteful blend of contemporary art pieces and classic sculptures, creating a visual feast for those on board.

The dining area featured a grand table set with fine china, crystal glassware, and silver cutlery – a tableau that spoke of refined taste. Nearby, a fully equipped bar sparkled with an array of premium spirits and wines, beckoning guests to indulge in a sip of the finest libations.

The cabin was sanctuaries of tranquility, a private retreat with lavish king-sized bed, adorned with the finest linens. Ensuite bathrooms boasted marble countertops, gold accents, and spa-like amenities, providing a sanctuary within a sanctuary.

The upper deck revealed a sprawling entertainment area, complete with a jacuzzi, sun loungers, and a well-stocked outdoor bar. The sundeck, a perfect vantage point for panoramic views, offered an open-air escape with plush seating and an inviting ambiance.

I grunted, tossing my throbbing self onto the bed, instantly grateful for its supportive firmness. Tilting my head up, I glared at the large man stationed at my door, a formidable presence akin to a hound. "Planning on joining me, Ronald?" I raised a skeptical brow. "Because I prefer my cuddle partners to be petite."

Coughing, the man looked flustered as he stammered, "Not at all, sire. Rest well." With that, he promptly closed the door behind him.

Rubbing my face, I peeled off my sweaty T-shirt and tossed it in a random direction. Placing my glasses on my nose for a clearer view, I smoothed the rose gold ring on my index finger, adjusting the glasses once more. With a subtle click on the ring, I activated the device. The screen sprouted on my glasses, granting me full control as I browsed through various windows, focusing particularly on the home security feed.

Shaking my head, I reminded myself of the essential tasks at hand. Propping up the bed, I moved around the room strategically, scanning each nook and corner. I was aware that there might be monitoring, not necessarily by the council but likely by the owner of the yacht. Snatching off any potential surveillance devices, I broke them and discarded the pieces into the garbage bin.

Rolling back into the bed, I scrolled through my windows once again, utilizing the ring as a navigational mouse. I clicked on the window that connected to the fake devices I had handed to the fool before boarding – specially prepared instruments designed to thwart any intruders attempting to penetrate the wrong defenses. Using the speaker placed in the temples of my glasses, I could hear the gruff voices of two individuals I recognized engaged in conversation.

Ronald spoke, "Listen, I can't oblige to what you want."

"Come on, I'll pay you for your troubles. I just want a bit on that arrogant asshole. Nothing else," the voice belonged to Piggy.

"Ughh," the other one hissed, "Fine, but do it fast."

I smirked at the foolishness of their attempt. I knew the phone I had specifically prepared for them was a trap. At first glance, it appeared to be a normal device, complete with photos of loved ones I had no connection to and sensitive information belonging to a fake account I had meticulously crafted. I had laid out everything for that idiot on a silver platter, and he took the bait without hesitation. A notification popped up, indicating that the cell was connected to his device. As he attempted to transfer the data, I smoothly intercepted and transferred his information to my own device.

A tiny laugh escaped my lips when another notification popped up—a call from Nari. I grunted, knowing I couldn't answer even if I wanted to. It was too dangerous to expose her to these hyenas in my vulnerable state. After landing in Paris, I had texted her that I would be busy and might not be able to pick up, but damn, I didn't anticipate it would sting so much. The call ended, and I switched to the home security window. I wasn't the only one affected; I could see her figure frowning and pacing around the foyer. I tightly pressed my lids, calming my breathing. "Damn, maybe I should murder them all," I hissed in annoyance.

That's when an idea sparked in my head as I rolled onto my stomach, scrolling through my ring frantically. Opening the tab with all the data on Piggy, I skimmed through, and a short laugh reverberated in my throat. "This is interesting. This will totally shorten the trip."