The moment he appeared, all eyes were on him. This young genius from the Nie family had impeccable credentials. He was exceptional, with both high cultivation and a remarkable foundation.
"Truly a genius among the younger generation! Only a powerful force like the Nie family could nurture such a talent, right?"
"Absolutely. I, too, was immersed in the Blood-Refining stage for a long time when I was young. It seems I can't compare to him. The gap is still considerable, and such a figure must be quite outstanding in the Nie family."
Many important figures didn't hesitate to praise.
All eyes were on Nie Wushuang. At this moment, he was undoubtedly the most dazzling presence in this place. The crowd was filled with admiration and longing looks, hoping he would stop for their daughters. After all, such a genius was exceedingly rare in the City of the Godless.