
Pokemon Rank 

Lvl. 1-10 (Child) 

Lvl 11-20 Begginer

Lvl 21-30 Challenger 

Lvl 31- 40 Advance

Lvl 41-50 Quasi Elite

Lvl 51-60 Elite

Lvl 61-70 Champion (Quasi Master)

Lvl 71- 80 Master 

Lvl 81- 90 Grandmaster 

Lvl 91- 99 Epic

Lvl 100 Peak 

Lvl 100+ Fantasy (I-X) 

Fantasy I (101-110)

Fantasy II (111-120)

Fantasy III ( 121-130)

Fantasy IV (131-140)

Fantasy V (141-150)

Fantasy VI (151-160)

Fantasy VII (161-170)

Fantasy VIII (171-180)

Fantasy IX (181-190)

Fantasy X (191+) 


-Wood (Pokemon that don't know any moves and only for food) 

-Steel (Normal pokemon) 1-5 

-Bronze 1-3

-Silver 1-3

-Gold 1-3

-Platinum (1-3)

-Diamond 1-3 

-Myth 1-3

-Legend (God level pokemons) 


Pokemon rank limitations: 

Wood : until level 20 

Steel: lowest is level 30 but to level they need more hard work and training or materials that could help them level up.

Bronze: Quasi Elite - Elite. When reach level 41 they will slowly progress. 

Silver: Champion

Gold: Master

Platinum: Grandmaster 

Diamond: Epic

Myth: Peak

Trainer Rank

Beginner: Have pokemon 

Normal class: Have one challenger rank pokemon and have 6 or more pokemon

Great Class: Have Advance rank pokemon and 6 or more challenger rank 

Advance: Have 6 or more advance rank 

Quasi Elite: Have a quasi elite pokemon 

Elite: Have an elite rank pokemon and 2 or more quasi elite

Champion: Have a champion rank pokemon and 1 or more elite pokemon (Title champion is if you defeat other elite in your region or given by alliance) 

Master: Have a master rank pokemon 

Grandmaster: Have grandmaster rank pokemon and 2 or more master rank 

Peak Trainer: Have 3 or more Grandmaster rank pokemon/ Have an epic pokemon. 

Legend: .....