Chapter 29

Chapter 29 - Kidnapped 

In a dark silent underground Ed was questioning how he arrived at his present situation; he was staring at the iron bars in front of him trying to remember how he got to this situation.

He was not alone as he looked back to see his cousin, Siebold who was beside him and his always angry face.

 Ed looks around and he couldn't but laugh silently as he remember the same scenes he read about a character in a history genre being put in a prison in unknown reasons. 

'How the hell did this happen!' He couldn't help but shout inside his mind

'How did we arrive in our present situation?' He asked himself as he remembered the events of their journey towards being prisoned. 


4 days before 

Many days had passed when Grandpa Sean and his family arrived at the Verdanturf town. Now it was Christmas and also a day for the Williams to gather in one place and have a celebration. And most of the Williams arrived at Verdanturf town. 

Grandpa Yun and Grandma Talya's children aside for their youngest who is their only son. Sonia, Ed 's mother was their oldest daughter and their second daughter Lynn. For the first time Ed saw his aunt even the predecessor Ed didn't see his aunt. 

On the other hand Jin and Carolina's family were Ralia, who's Cynthia's mother, Alan, and Jed Elder Sean and Hella were Rudi and Shella. 

They also had a guest named Lynn she was working as a teacher in Lumiose City, Kalos also she's Argus adoptive sister. But she went to Hoenn for vacation and Sonia invited her. 

Lynn was always busy on her work as she's not only working as a teacher but she's also one of the leading the research team who was researching for the development of Coumarine and Lumiose City. 

The atmosphere around was jolly and full of laughter. 

Ed went to the garden wanting to give gifts to his pokemons as this day was also Christmas. Skimming through his inventory he found the items his pokemons will like also connected to the pokemon and their future. 

He gave Ralts a necklace which was modified by the system. The necklace was a sword and the middle of it was a Galladite he got from his sign in. 

"Look we have the same necklace" Ed told Ralts who was looking at the necklace and saw that Ed took out the necklace that had a same design as him. But it wasn't the same as Ed's was a cross. Ed used the necklace he was always wearing in his past life as a reference.

He gave miracle seed to Roselia (Dew) and Mystic Water to Marill (Azu). He gave a ribbon for Cleffa, Bug gem to Silcoon and Spinarak, as for Trapinch he just gave the glutton berries to eat. And for Pikachu(Zeraora) he gave the pokemon a revival herb as he didn't know what to give to the pokemon. Finally he gave all the pokemon rare candy and this increase the level of the pokemons by one. 

Too bad that he couldn't use the rare candy the same as the game as the item's value decreases if the pokemon already had consumed one before and that it have a small effect to higher level pokemon. 

He also gave one to all pokemon present in the house. While he was conversing with his pokemons he heard someone calling him. He saw that it was Ella. 

"Big brother"


"We need your help, we couldn't understand Daisy" 

"Couldn't understand?" Ed was confused as long as he remember he could clearly understand Daisy. 

"It was only you, grandma talya and sister Cynthia who could understand her"


"But the elders understand her right?" 

"Ugh just come with me" Ella pulled Ed and his pokemon followed him. 

When they arrived Ed saw Siebold flustered as they were trying to appease Daisy who was crying. Ed was confused about where the adults went. 

"Where's everyone?" Ed asked as he remembered the adults were still here when he left. 

"Grandpa Yun got a call, I think it was about uncle Azim" Siebold answered Ed's question

Ed nodded as he went towards Daisy and asked their little cousin what she wanted. 

"Daisy, can you tell me what happened?"

"Sister Cynthia was taken away by a scary Pokemon."

"Huh?!" Her answer shocked Ed. How could some pokemon take Cynthia away with the protection of the pokemons around. 

"What did Daisy say?" Ella asked 

"She said that a pokemon whisk Cynthia away" 

"Huh? Impossible!" Siebold was surprised in hearing this

'Okay now bro that's what I think too' 

"You kids" They heard someone talking to them so they look to the direction and saw Lynn who was caressing her face. 

"I'm glad you're all safe, damn that sneaky Gengar. Of all thing it sneak attack punching ny face." 

"Auntie Lynn what happened?" Ella asked

"A Gengar sneaked in the house, wait where is Cynthia?" Lynn answered

"I think that Gengar kidnapped her" Ed answered

"Damn!" Lynn exclaimed

"But that's impossible, there is many strong pokemon here" Siebold said

"That's the problem except for Argus' Charizard most of the elite pokemon went with their trainer. Damn how unlucky! I'm just here for vacation but this happen"


Ed saw Lynn taking out a pokeball

"Come out Rotom!" She called out Rotom and everyone was curious about the pokemon especially Ed as this is his first time seeing a Rotom as the textbook only talks about the mysterious pokemon but doesn't have any pictures to show the form of the pokemon. 

'Oh it was in its original form' Ed thought as he want to know if the pokemon could use different appliances to transform but he could see that the pokemon was hard to control as it immediately flew around when it came out of the pokeball.


Lynn took out a device and it immediately attract Rotom and it immediately latch itself towards Lynn's hand

"Rotom help me search for the ghost trail around" Lynn ordered and the Rotom nodded and immediately flew to search. 

Lynn told the children about Rose who was taking care of Violet on the second floor and wanted to take them to check on her. 

But before they could get to check on Rose they saw Rose who was carrying Violet with her. 

"Lynn? What happened?" Rose asked and Lynn explained what happened. 

A while later Rotom returned and it explained to Lynn through actions but Ed also understood, especially with the help of Ralts. 

"So Gengar has already left the house huh." Lynn nod and took out a device and clicked some buttons and Sonia's voice could be heard. 


"Sonia we have a situation here" Lynn said as she talk about Cynthia being kidnapped. This alarmed and angered the William family. 

"Do you have any idea Sonia?" Lynn asked 

"Sigh I don't know Lynn its just that most of those fallen clan hate our family but they can't take action as they're afraid of father and mother. Now that most pokemons went with us, they took action. But it's weird how they know all of us will get here." Sonia state her hypothesis 

"Hmm… Okay don't worry I will chase those guys especially that Gengar I will freaking beat it." Lynn said as she seet in anger as she remembered how Gengar knocked her out. 

Ghost type pokemons are really dangerous as they could be a great assassin and for spying on others. But they're mostly countered by Psychic, Dark, Ghost and high level pokemons. 


While Lynn was talking to Sonia, Rose called out her pokemon who could use psychics such as Slowbro, Golduck, and Starmie to guard the children as she tuck the crying Daisy to sleep. 

Ed was brainstorming about what really happened. 

'Hmm… Is it the enemy of the William family that took Cynthia? Then they're really great at gathering information then. But with a strong ghost type like Gengar it wasn't impossible.' 

'But it shouldn't have taken the pokemon Cynthia had with it. Maybe because it didn't care due to her pokemon being weak?' 

'Maybe it could also be a wild pokemon who took a liking to Cynthia' 

'Nah, as I remember the pokemon Cynthia has was a Spirittomb' 

'But what Daisy said is that the pokemon just want to take away the pokemon egg which is the Togepi egg' 

'Right the egg!' 

Ed suddenly remember that Zeraora was so protective about the egg. So he suddenly looked for his pokemon only find that it was missing.