
"Why am I the one doing all the physical work when you're the mechanic?"

The next morning, in the yard outside the storeroom, LCH, who had been tinkering with the mecha for an hour, couldn't help but complain as he looked at Thomas, who was sitting nearby, typing away on a computer.

The temperature outside the Death Star was higher, and repairing a mecha was physically demanding. Even for someone with better-than-average physical conditioning like LCH, his arms were beginning to feel sore.

"Do you understand the algorithms of the intelligent core?" Thomas looked at LCH.

"No, I don't."

"Oh," Thomas nodded, then asked,"Do you understand the energy transposition of energy weapons?"

"No, not that either."

"So, you see, since you don't know any of these, what else can you do if not the physical work?"

Left speechless, LCH cast a wordless glance at Thomas, then climbed back up the ladder, half his body disappearing into the mecha's cockpit to continue working.

Thomas observed all this and couldn't help but smile secretly, returning to his work. Simon had been efficient; the computer Thomas needed had arrived before dawn. Since Thomas had to repair the intelligent core and modify the weapons, both tasks requiring significant effort, he had relayed all the parts that needed replacing or maintenance to LCH, letting the MechRider do the hands-on work while he focused on the intelligent core.

After all, that core was fundamental to the operation of the mecha; without it, everything else was moot.

Under the blue star hanging in the sky, within the large courtyard enclosed by high alloy walls, the two men worked diligently. Simon, clueless about mechanics and mechas, couldn't be of much help, though he did keep bringing them food and drinks.

However, being a chatty person, LCH didn't let the food and drinks stop him from talking.

During the hottest part of the afternoon, when the inmates had returned to their cells for a break, LCH approached Thomas again and asked,"Thomas, how much do you think this intelligent core will help in the Capture the Flag battle? Compared to other mechas, what advantages can it bring me?"

"Aren't you a Major General-class MechRider?" Thomas looked at LCH skeptically."Most vanguard-class mechas are equipped with intelligent cores. As a seasoned MechRider, don't you know the advantages of an intelligent core?"

"You said it yourself, most, not all," LCH scratched his head."They are too expensive. My own mecha isn't equipped with one. I've only occasionally piloted other vanguard-class mechas with intelligent cores but never really utilized the AI assistance. I don't understand it much."

"I guess I forgot about that…" Thomas glanced at LCH and nodded slightly.

LCH's situation was typical of many MechRiders. Though the profession was rare and well-compensated, the value of mechas often surpassed their earnings. Most MechRiders, especially those of lower ranks, didn't own their mechas. The ones they piloted in combat were usually provided by the organizations they served.

In essence, many lower-ranked MechRiders were just high-paid laborers. Without investing in a mecha, they could ensure a comfortable life. But owning a mecha meant dealing with expenses akin to getting married, paying dowry, mortgage, car loans, and then worrying about children's expenses. Their substantial salaries suddenly seemed much less significant.

"The most notable advantages of an intelligent core are threefold. First, it monitors the mecha's status in real-time and feeds back to the MechRider, allowing them to focus entirely on combat. Second…"

Thomas paused, taking a sip of the cold drink Simon had brought, before returning his attention to the computer. While working, he continued,"The second is computational capability. Although the AI of vanguard-class mechas may seem a bit slow in on-the-spot combat, an AI is still an AI. Its computational power is undoubtedly stronger than the human brain, at least stronger than yours."

"Why do I feel like you're insulting me..." LCH glanced at Thomas with a deadpan expression.

Thomas didn't even look at him, continuing to work on the computer while speaking,"If the mecha has the appropriate equipment, it can calculate wind force, air humidity, planetary gravity, and so on. At the very least, it can assist the MechRider in aiming. The third, and most important point, is that the intelligent core allows the mecha to operate independently, that is, to fight without a pilot. Though it has its limitations, it indeed frees up the MechRider and adds diversity to tactics.

"Take this Mammoth, for instance. Based on the data you gave me, in a lineup of twenty mechas, Mammoth ranks towards the lower middle at best. Simon's luck is obviously not so good…"

"You dare to speak about the boss like that?"

"He's your boss, not mine. Even if he were here, I'd still say the same," Thomas replied nonchalantly, shrugging his shoulders.

There is a disparity even among private-class mechas. Some are military-grade, some are designed for racing, and others are for household use. Household mechas are more of a simplified version created by mechanical companies to fulfill the common people's fascination with mechas. They are significantly inferior to military and racing mechas in every aspect. To some extent, Mammoth falls into the household category.

"In the selection of over twenty mechas prepared by Jenna, Mammoth is practically at the bottom. In my opinion, if it weren't for LCH's higher rank and high synchronization rate, Mammoth wouldn't have won even two Capture the Flag battles. Saying Simon is unlucky isn't wrong."

"Continue about this mecha," Thomas said, gesturing towards Mammoth without looking up."Its tonnage, armor thickness, and firepower configuration are all inferior to military mechas. Its output level and maximum torque are below racing mechas. If it weren't agile enough, it would be practically useless. Competing against other mechas of the same class, you must feel quite disadvantaged."

"Though I don't want to agree with you, you're right," LCH said with a bitter expression, as if recalling some unpleasant memories.

"Adding an intelligent core changes everything. With it, the mecha gains the ability for autonomous combat, giving you a period of freedom. You can also coordinate with the mecha to do more, thus changing the course of battle."

"Like what?"

"For example, you could have the mecha engage the enemy mecha head-on, while you exit the cockpit and pull out the opponent's battery."

"Isn't that basically a suicide mission?"

LCH looked at Thomas, his face spelling out 'I don't understand'. Thomas's suggested tactic was indeed viable, and LCH, as a MechRider, had seen other riders leave their field mechas to handle the opponent while the AI took over control.

But all this was under one condition: the presence of single-pilot mechas. Only with a single-pilot mecha could a MechRider's strength, speed, and protection be greatly enhanced, gaining abilities comparable to a warrior. However, the Capture the Flag battles on Death Island only allowed field mechas, and MechRiders didn't have the privilege of using additional single-pilot mechas. In such a case, without the protection of the cockpit, a MechRider would be just a physically fit and agile normal person. A slight brush from a field mecha, weighing tens of tons, could be fatal.

"It is indeed risky, but not impossible," Thomas responded without looking up."I know a MechRider who, with just basic equipment, has done what I described more than once."

"Really? What's his name?"

"His name is Jack Cooper, and he was just a rifleman before becoming a MechRider."

LCH, not realizing Thomas was making a reference, mentally noted the name, planning to look it up later.

However, LCH's attention soon shifted back to Thomas. Watching Thomas's hands move rapidly over the computer, LCH chuckled, leaned closer to Thomas, and whispered,"Thomas, you must be more than just an ordinary mechanic, right?"

"Oh?" Thomas stopped working for the first time and looked up at LCH."What makes you think that?"

"I may not understand mechanical programming, but I know it's an extremely complicated task. Most people couldn't keep up a smooth conversation while working like you do."

Thomas didn't respond immediately. He gave LCH a deep look, then quickly lowered his head and worked even faster.

"Thomas?" LCH was puzzled."What's wrong, is there a problem?"

"Yes!" Thomas nodded."I just realized that while talking to you, I've made many errors in my coding."

LCH was speechless…

Thomas was somewhat of a perfectionist, preferring to finish his work on the same day unless there were exceptional circumstances. To make the intelligent core compatible with the mecha, he had spent over ten hours, working from day into deep night, and completed the task that very day.

In the presence of Simon and LCH, he successfully installed the intelligent core into the mecha.

After a brief period of waiting, the steel behemoth hummed to life, and the visual lights on the Mammoth's head lit up. The thirty-ton deep blue mecha raised its head.

**[Program activated, self-check in progress. Current energy 84%, energy supply normal, neural connection device normal, sensory simulator normal, structural integrity of the mecha intact, total mass 32.5 tons…]**

**[AI Directive One: Execute MechRider's commands unconditionally.]**

**[AI Directive Two: Assist MechRider in combat.]**

**[AI Directive Three: Prioritize MechRider's safety and provide protection.]**

**[Seventh-Generation Vanguard-Class Intelligent Core 'Cain', standing by.]**

"Done!" Thomas exclaimed, hearing the intelligent responses from inside the mecha. He sighed in relief and stretched leisurely.

Now, he could fully focus on the second task at hand.