
Perhaps to garner higher attention and viewership, much like many variety shows and sports events on Earth, this death-defying flag capture battle was scheduled for the afternoon of a rest day. Thomas and his companions conserved their energy, had lunch, and took a short nap, boarding the dedicated transport ship around three in the afternoon.

Inside the cabin, a high-tech electronic display hung, split into two screens. On the left, the camera showed a beautiful and voluptuous host, speaking with exaggerated expressions. The right displayed an aerial view of the battleground for the flag capture battle. The landscape was littered with old mechanical wreckage and barren ground, featuring complex terrain and a desolate, post-apocalyptic atmosphere. Atop the remains of an upright military ship, a blue flag fluttered.

In the top left corner of the screen, a humanoid icon followed by a long string of numbers was visible. "This is a live broadcast on the dark web, and the figure in the top left is the number of online viewers," LCH explained, while trying to increase his synergy with Yan Fang and Kane.

Simon approached Thomas and pointed to the top left corner of the screen, saying, "The influence of the Death Star flag capture battle is expanding. It's now connected to users on the dark web from other civilizations and conglomerates. Look at this exaggerated number of online viewers. The match is still two hours away, yet the online viewer count has already exceeded two billion."

"Indeed, that's really high..." Thomas couldn't help but admire.

The Carl Star Nation had over twenty colonial planets with a total population of over two hundred billion. Excluding those not interested in various competitions, there were still about a hundred billion people left, most of whom were civilians who typically didn't have access to the dark web.

In this context, achieving such a viewer count was already comparable to a regular mech professional league, and this was just the preparation period before the match. Once the match officially started, the number of online viewers would be even more astounding, likely reaching an unimaginably high viewership rating.

"Truly a grand spectacle..." Thomas, with his arms crossed, quietly watched the broadcast, occasionally glancing at the rapidly scrolling chat box below the screen. After a moment, the transport ship landed, and the hatch opened.

"I'm heading over first," LCH said, turning back to Simon and Thomas. For fairness in the competition, mechs had to undergo a verification process before the start of the match to ensure they hadn't undergone violent modifications or been equipped with anything exceeding the standard specifications for a soldier-class mech.

LCH, as an iron manipulator, had to be present for this, so he had to temporarily part ways with Thomas and Simon. Under the guidance of the prison guards, Simon and Thomas were taken to a temporary room.

Upon opening the door, they were greeted by a room full of professional equipment, the most noticeable of which were two large monitors. One displayed the live dark web broadcast, while the other was connected to multiple drone cameras inside the arena, allowing the mechanic to freely switch views to keep track of their iron manipulator's situation.

"Hey, hey, hey,"

A moment later, LCH's voice came through the wireless radio on the console: "This is Mammoth Mech, confirming communication device is connected. Please respond if you hear this, please respond."

Thomas quickly put on the headset and playfully replied, "Didn't hear, didn't hear, won't respond, won't respond!"

LCH: ...

Simon: ...

Both of them suddenly felt that Thomas, their mechanic, might not be as reliable as they thought.

"David, I'm at the inspection station, I've seen LCH. Judging from the operational status, his mech does seem to be fixed," Jet reported from the inspection station, where mechs were neatly lined up in two rows, awaiting their turn for inspection.

Jet Lee, having arrived relatively early, had already completed his inspection and was now waiting for the battle to begin. Observing LCH's arrival, he frowned and spoke into the radio. Since the beginning of the flag capture battles, LCH had consistently outperformed him, even snatching the flag from him at a crucial moment in the third match to win that round.

This made Jet increasingly irked by LCH, especially since LCH was evidently stronger than him in some aspects and competing in the same arena as him.

"It seems they really did find the main control chip," came David's voice over the radio, "Don't worry, his mech doesn't have an advantage in terms of overall data, and it lacks long-range firepower. It has a very low margin for error and can be easily heavily damaged."

"It looks like he now has some long-range capability," Jet observed, noting the energy gun in Mammoth's hand. After a moment of thought, he used his communication wristwatch to take a photo and sent it to David. Having a backer not much weaker than Simon, Jet had access to these basic tools.

"It appears to be a modified basic model of the 7 heavy energy gun..." David's voice came again after a moment, "Don't worry, though this energy gun has a long range, its output level is low, and its energy ammunition has poor armor-piercing capability and insufficient lethality. Your mech is a military model with thick armor and strong defense; this gun won't pose much of a threat to you."

Hearing this, Jet nodded in relief, feeling reassured.

"How's the online viewer count?"

"It's still increasing, already reached 2.5 billion."

"What about the mech inspections? Can we ensure the match starts on time in two hours?"

"Just received a message, everything is proceeding normally there. All inspections should be completed within half an hour if there are no surprises."

"Good, notify Kenny to get ready, the camera will switch to the commentators in ten minutes."

In Section A of the Ninth Prison, a room had been transformed into a control room for broadcasting.

The entire hall was adorned with numerous monitors broadcasting various scenes, bustling with dozens of people working. Jenna, dressed in a professional blue suit, stood in the center of the hall, overseeing the screens and issuing orders with efficiency. Compared to her demeanor in the interrogation room, she now seemed more like a leader.

"Yes, it's all good, no problem."

Watching the online viewer count skyrocket, Jenna took a deep breath, her eyes sparkling with excitement. In the Ninth Prison, everyone knew her as the warden, but few were aware that in her youth, she was a director for a segment on an interstellar channel, highly regarded and marked for significant career development. Under normal circumstances, she might now have been a channel head at some interstellar station.

However, Jenna had bigger ambitions. She craved status and power. The interstellar channel's production team was merely a stepping stone for her.

After her directed programs gained explosive popularity, Jenna, as the director, gradually got the opportunity to interact with influential figures. She astutely seized this chance. Using her youth and beauty, along with a daring, all-in approach, she successfully established a series of politically advantageous relationships, which paved her way into the political sphere.

As her ambition swelled, she entangled herself with more and more people, increasingly deepening her involvement in various affairs. This helped her climb to her current position. However, in recent years, she found herself unable to ascend any further. As Thomas had provocatively pointed out, as an ordinary person without a special background or abilities, she had started to age. The beauty she once took pride in was now marred by wrinkles, and her once firm figure had withered.

Unless something unexpected happened, being a warden would be the peak of her life. But this flag capture battle offered her new hope. The complex relationships involving various gray-area powers and the terrifying level of attention on the dark web had triggered a massive chain reaction. Countless eyes from the underworld, betting companies, and the political world were now fixed on Death Star.

This event could well be another stepping stone for her.

"The warden, a message from the inspection station. The inspections are nearing completion."

"Good..." Jenna nodded, "Alright, switch the broadcast camera to Kenny."

This development in the flag capture battle, set against the backdrop of Jenna's ambitious career, painted a picture of high stakes and complex motivations, extending far beyond the confines of the Ninth Prison.