Warped Lust (NSFW)

Was it such a sin to love?

From the moment I was created, the connection I felt was no joke. Blood, cells, life; everything came from her. I exist because of her. My sole existence is proof of her love for me.

All I ever wanted is to 'eat' her and let me experience that wonderful feeling of being one with her once again.

However, societal rules and norms do not allow such scandalous affairs. The changing eras impose different rules and regulations upon its people. If it were in ancient times, where no one would care and only want to survive another day, this kind of thing and thought would be nothing.

It's such a shame that I do not have such supernatural powers to manipulate time and space and transfer to a world of different rules. I'm constrained by the thoughts of others, and even by morality that was written with the well-being of most in mind, and not the minority.

"Mother let me dry your hair," I volunteered as mother emerged from the bath.

Mother is as beautiful as ever. From the day I could remember, my gaze would always be attracted to those icy blue eyes. Whenever those eyes stared at me, the icy glaciers would melt into the warmth of spring and show its favor and doting. I love the feeling of being enveloped in that gaze, as if I'm the only one it could see.

I gently held the towel and wiped her long dark hair with it, before using the hair dryer to finally make the wet hair fluffy again. Mother remained silent as she sat in front of the dressing table, looking at me through the mirror.

The silence between us in the room is delicate. But even if the atmosphere is tense, I still love spending time with Mother. She's my reason of existence. My reason for living. My reason for –

"Lucy," my thoughts of devotion and worship were cut short when Mother called my name.

Ahh. That sent tingles down my spine. I focused my attention on Mother again. Every word she speaks through her mouth is a sacred, inviolable command. I must obey!

"Yes, Mother?" my eyes twinkled at the delight of conversing with Mother.

Usually, it would be me indulging in the very air that Mother breathes and talking incessantly about my daily life. Mother would continue watching over me with her kind gaze. Occasions of her talking to me outside of the daily greetings and topics about that person were rare.

It was not that strange. Mother was such an enigmatic person. Every word is precious.

"Dad's coming back home in three days," that sentence was spoken in the gentlest tone possible, with Mother's eyes softening and a smile blossomed in her face, but it brought me the chills.

I experienced shortness of breath for a few seconds before I forced myself to calm myself down. Mother did not blink an eye upon seeing me like that. It's a daily occurrence, after all. But I would still like to present my best appearance in the presence of Mother.

Ever since I learned of the notion that I was created between two people; I consciously ignored the other contributor to my genes. After all, I never met that person. Mother would send me away to another house whenever he comes. But I'm fine with that. Mother is all I need. With Mother, I can survive even in outer space.

"Let's not talk about Dad, Mother," I pleaded. Mother just continued to smile gently at me.

I can feel my heart breaking many times over. Mother knows. Mother knows how I feel about her, about what would happen to my heart every time she would mutter the name of that person with a loving tone. How I wish to be Mother's significant other, to be the person she would want most in the world, just like how I would crave for her every day. However, only that person would evoke that kind of smile in Mother. Mother loves that person too much, even becoming a mistress for him.

I felt disgust. That person is a disgusting piece of flesh that tainted my sacred Mother. Selfish, greedy, arrogant bastard who can't be content with what he has. Already eating, but still eyeing what's in the pot!

"Did you do what I told you to do?" she asked, raising her hand towards me. I acquiesced and leaned forward, letting her have access to my head as much as she wants. She then gently patted my head, and I quickly forgot about my negative emotions. Oh! Mother's touches!

"Yes, Mother," I tamely answered. My heart kept fluttering at Mother's gentle pats. But I have to learn to be content. I need to enjoy these rare moments of rewards before Mother retrieves her hand from my head.

I almost sighed in disappointment as Mother lowered her hand and looked back again towards the mirror.

"Stay with that person when Dad arrives. Keep her occupied," Mother ordered.

My back shivered in excitement at Mother's tone. My body shook slightly before I felt something unspeakable leaking down my second mouth. I shyly clamped my legs to avoid slumping down the floor. I'm still in Mother's presence. I cannot disgrace myself.

"As you wish, Mother," I answered reverently.

Hehe, smiling to myself, I did not notice the gloom that shrouded Mother's eyes for a second when I accepted her command before going back to its previous gentle expression.

After three days of breathing Mother's exhalations which brought jubilations to my body and soul, I was sent away. I always feel reluctant whenever I leave her alone with that person, however, Mother's orders have to be followed. It's the creed I follow in my daily life!

I exhaled heavily one more time before proceeding in acting like a cheerful student, and knocked on the doors of my class adviser, or the legal wife of my reluctant other gene contributor.

After a few seconds, the door opened, revealing a beautiful woman in her home clothes. She tied her long hair carelessly into a bun and there's still some sweat between her eyebrows, evidently wiped haphazardly. Beautiful, but still miles away from the beauty of my own Mother.

"Lucy?" she seemed surprised as she saw me at their doorsteps. She looked around to make sure that no one saw me before ushering me inside their home.

I smiled cheerfully when she did, confirming that there's not even another soul inside. Otherwise, she'll turn me away if her son is home. Hmm, he must be in their college dorms.

After she locked the door, she immediately pounced on my lips and kissed me hungrily. I assented and wrapped my arms around her neck as we passionately kissed, while she held and rubbed my waist.

This is not sacrilegious. Mother owns everything about me. What she wants to do with it is absolute. I have no right to deny her wishes, even if I do wish to keep my body pure and untainted for Mother to enjoy. However, for Mother's orders, everything can be thrown away, even if I have to kiss and be caressed by another.

 "I missed you, Lucy," she murmured in between kisses. I giggled at her. After all, it's the summer break. There're no classes, and we can't meet as often when we were in school.

"I missed you too, Teacher," I purred into her mouth, which made her more eager in lapping my saliva. After a few more minutes of kissing, we broke apart, panting.

"Did you have had breakfast yet? I can heat some up for you," she gently asked before affectionately wiping some saliva away from the corner of my lips. I shook my head. I have a mission here. I need to keep her occupied for two weeks. What better way to occupy her if not in bed?

 "No need, teacher. I want something else," I said as I tugged the sleeves of her clothes.

She obviously understood my meaning, because I caught her breath hitched a little before she forcibly tried to calm down her disordered breathing, to which she is failing in miserably.

"Let's continue this in my room," urgency can be sensed in her tone. I also mimicked her labored breathing as I let her grope my body as she wished.

Soon, we arrived in her room.

And then, it's as if the collars chaining the beast got released, teacher ripped my dress to shreds and threw my underwear somewhere before pushing me to bed. It did not hurt in the slightest; after all, teacher already did this quite a number of times. She's an expert at ripping my clothes without it hurting me.

I opened my arms wide and welcomed the hungry kiss she directed my way as she also undressed. After undressing, she broke the kiss with cloudy eyes then went to lick my earlobes, which elicited a soft gasp from me. Her right hand went between my legs as she caressed my inner thighs and core.

"Lucy, you're already wet," Teacher said in an affirmative tone.

I did not deny the allegations.

"Because teacher like to bully my earlobes," I whispered in between moans as my hands went down from her neck and reached for her full chest.

"I really like it whenever Lucy moans under me. It makes me want to bully you hard," she whispered back before staring straight at my eyes with a predatory glint. My back shivered at those eyes. I shyly looked away before requesting something that would surely excite her even more.

"Teacher… stop with the foreplay. Just fuck me already."

Then all hell broke loose.

I woke up feeling a bit groggy, then, memories of what happened came to me. My lower body felt numb, but I don't feel sticky. Teacher must have cleaned me up. I silently looked at the person beside me, sleeping and also naked.

Whenever I woke up after these sessions, I would feel conflicted. On one hand, Mother ordered me to distract Teacher so that Mother can get that person's attention. On the other hand, I wish for that person to disappear from the face of the earth, but this would sadden Mother, which I do not want to see.

But whenever Teacher is caressing me, I would forget about the troubles of the world and would just succumb to the pleasures of the flesh.

I feel… content and fulfilled, as if my feelings get reciprocated.

However, I am sure that I would feel ultimate bliss if I would wake up next to Mother naked as well.

"Awake?" Teacher snapped open both eyes even before I could look away. I blushed as I looked away. She caught me peeking. How embarrassing!

She reached for my face and made me turn towards her before kissing me slowly and gently, different from the urgent and hungry kisses earlier. The beast had been sated.

"Can I stay here?" I asked after the kisses. She hesitated a bit before answering.

"Two weeks. You can stay here with me for two weeks. My husband and son would return home after that," she answered silently, clearly thinking of the repercussions if our relationship becomes known to the world. She must have been thinking how immoral it is to bed and fuck your own student. But who am I to judge her? I wish to hog Mother all to myself.

"Good," I just said.

Two weeks passed by. I stayed at Teacher's home, helping around with the chores, doing movie dates, and playing around in bed. I enjoyed every minute in her company and loved the way she would worship my body as if I were her deity. However, I would never forget that she's still married to my other gene contributor and that accompanying her is my mission from Mother.

When two weeks was up, I looked reluctant before bidding her goodbye. Once I am out of her sight, I cheerfully hopped on my feet at the thought of returning to Mother.

Knocking on the doors of our home, I cautiously waited. If Mother turns me away, this means that the person is still there. But if she lets me in, it means that I can comfortably be with Mother!

In a few minutes, I heard a rustle from behind the door. Someone unlocked the door and I saw Mother, looking a bit different from usual, as if she's drunk.

"Lucy," the familiar voice made my eyes twinkle in delight.

"Good morning, Mother," I greeted as I humbly went inside the house. A quick glance made me realize that there are empty bottles of beer in the living room.

Did something happen? Why did Mother drink? Did that bastard do anything heinous to Mother while I was away?

As Lucy was raging over on her own, she did not realize that her drunk mother's, Miranda's, eyes sharpened when she saw the kiss marks on Lucy's nape. Even if Lucy tried to rub away the traces left by her Teacher on her body, some would still stay, becoming evidence of their activities in bed.

Gritting her teeth, Miranda hesitated over a few things before her eyes turned firm. She finally reached into a decision.

"Lucy," she once again announced her presence, which stopped Lucy from her thoughts of hacking her other gene contributor to shreds, focusing all her attention to her beloved Mother.

Miranda, on the other hand, upon seeing the reverence and adoration in her daughter's eyes, scanned her daughter from head to toe. This made Lucy feel nervous.

"Take off your clothes," such a simple sentence almost took away all of Lucy's functioning brain cells. Her eyes widened, as if she could not believe the words of the woman in front of her. Then, upon processing the meaning of the sentence, she became enthusiastic at undressing herself. Albeit, she tried to do it as graceful as possible, wishing to present her best appearance.

When Lucy is finally in her birthday suit, traces of lovemaking were evident in her body. Lucy felt her face burn in shame of showing such disgrace to her Mother, but her Teacher really sucked and licked hard last night. She was not expecting a body inspection and did not prepare, thus, she did not oppose to her Teacher's parting advances.

Miranda's eyes examined each and every mark on her skin without fail. Different from the usual gentle face, her Mother is now sporting an expressionless one, which gave Lucy butterflies in the stomach, anticipating but also nervous.

Finally, her Mother took slow, deliberate steps towards her until she can feel her Mother's shallow breaths in her earlobes.

"Even your ears were not spared," such a short, breathless sentence threw Lucy's insides into haywire.

She can feel her core throb in excitement, but she stayed as still as a rock, waiting for her beloved Mother's orders. There is no further instruction. She has to stay firm! She has to impress her Mother that she is a dedicated, disciplined daughter!

"Tell me. Did you… lay in bed… with her?" Lucy can't see the expression of her Mother right now, but she knew that lying would have dire consequences. She can lie to everyone except her Mother. And it's something she can be proud of.

"Yes, Mother," Lucy answered firmly, even if she felt a bit timid. Her Mother should be the very first and only entity to use her body, however, orders have to be followed, even if in a weird way.

Miranda turned silent, confirming the suspicions she had for over a month now. With the confirmation came the feeling of betrayal.

How? How could her daughter, the one she carried in her womb for nine months, the one she raised for sixteen years, lay on bed with that damned woman?!

"How?" She has so many questions! However, it is taking all her will to even rationally converse right now. Otherwise, she would have already run off and storm the house of that damned woman who laid her hands on her daughter!

Receiving a question to iterate the methods she used to accomplish the orders of her beloved Mother, Lucy ignored the tense atmosphere as her eyes brightened.

Her Mother is interested! She got her Mother's attention! Mother will praise her for sure!

"Mother ordered me to get close to Teacher a few months ago. Seeing as she's our homeroom adviser, it is easier for me to do so. However, beyond shallow emotions, I could not access more about Teacher, and thus, I resolved to seduce her," Lucy slowly narrated her tale.

"It was a bit bumpy at the start, with Teacher avoiding my advances. But all it took was one night of passion and Teacher was all over for me. I managed to start a relationship with her, and she indulges me in every little secret she has ever since. Teacher was a bit wild on bed, but caring and gentle outside of it. Don't worry Mother! I am not losing out on this deal!" Lucy reassures her Mother, not realizing the darkening of Miranda's expression since she narrated her seduction and its success. And such a vivid narration made Miranda do something uncharacteristic.

Before Lucy could talk more and ask for praise, Miranda pushed her daughter to the sofa before going for Lucy's mouth. Lucy's eyes widened in disbelief. Her Mother… kissing her?! She won't believe it even if the world melted from the heat of the sun!

Noticing the lack of response from her daughter, Miranda lightly bit Lucy's lower lip which earned a soft moan from her daughter. She then slipped her tongue inside to access her daughter's mouth, which slowly heated up Lucy's body, and gave her the realization that what's happening is true: Her Mother is kissing her!

Such a thought turned her on faster than the speed of light. Without struggling, Lucy surrendered her everything to Miranda.

And with that, Lucy's wish of 'becoming one' with her beloved Mother came true.

At the behest of her Mother's orders, Lucy cut off any relationship with her Teacher, Miranda stopped being a mistress, and the two continued the twisted relationship between Mother and daughter.

Even if the entire world is against it, Miranda truly had something she owned for herself.

Her daughter, born from her womb, belongs to her alone.

In this tangled web of relationships, pure love and adoration from a daughter became warped with lust.
