chapter 211

The melody within Alex throbbed with a familiar, discordant note – the chilling cry of war. Years of interstellar travel and diplomacy had lulled them into a sense of optimism, a belief that the universe, vast as it was, held the potential for peace. But the melody shattered that illusion, revealing a brutal conflict raging on a distant planet – Xiphos.

Dr. Chen, ever the pragmatist, materialized beside Alex on the bridge of the Harmonia. His gaze, usually filled with scientific curiosity, was clouded with concern. "A brutal civil war," he confirmed, his voice tight. "Two factions, the Ferrons and the Zeniths, are locked in a deadly stalemate, each wielding devastating sonic weaponry."

Alex's blood ran cold. Sonic weaponry. A chilling reminder of their past struggles with the entity. This wasn't just any war; it was a war fought with sound, a weapon that could not only tear flesh but also shatter the very fabric of a civilization's soul.