chapter 224

Although without emotions, covenantors did not lose their skills in any other fields. In some cases, they would show even more potential than before. Yue Ze was that type. His ability to focus was exceptional so he could learn three times faster than most people, so his ability to work with technology and his stamina improved by leaps and bounds.

The System's dispassionate explanation ignited a firestorm within Alex. Here, amidst the gilded halls and supposed familial love, lurked a viper's nest of manipulation and deceit. Yu Xua, his own brother, driven by ambition, had used an undetectable drug to frame him, a pawn sacrificed in a twisted game of power orchestrated by his own stepmother, Madam Chan.

The revelation ripped away the last vestiges of naivete clinging to his soul. His father, blinded by fear and a misplaced sense of duty, had condemned him to a shortened, emotionless existence. His birthright, the legacy he was supposed to inherit, callously stripped away in the blink of an eye.

But amidst the anger, a sliver of defiance remained. He wouldn't succumb to despair, wouldn't let their cruelty break him. He would become a maestro of vengeance, his music a weaponized symphony to expose their lies. The melody within him, once a beacon of hope, now pulsed with a dark counterpoint – a song of retribution.

He would learn everything about the drug, its effects, and its potential reversal. Perhaps, with the help of the System, he could find a way to reclaim a semblance of his stolen emotions, even if it was just a flicker compared to the vibrant symphony he once possessed.

His remaining years, however short, would be dedicated to a single purpose – dismantling the web of deceit his own family had spun. He would expose Madam Chan's machinations, reveal Yu Xua's ambition for all to see. He would become a thorn in their side, a constant reminder of their treachery.

The fight for the Yu family legacy was no longer his goal. This was a war for his very identity, a battle for the right to exist as more than a hollow shell. He would use his remaining influence, his knowledge of the family's secrets, to build alliances with those who believed in truth and justice. He would expose their corruption not just within the Yu family, but to the entire Empire.

The path ahead was a minefield of political intrigue and personal betrayal. He would face not just his duplicitous family, but also those who benefited from the status quo, those who feared the ripples of truth. Yet, Alex, the melody maker, wouldn't be silenced. He would delve into the corrupt symphony of the Yu family, his music a defiant counterpoint to the lies and deceit. Even if his final song was a dirge of vengeance, it would resonate with a power that would shake the very foundations of their house of cards, a testament to the enduring human spirit, even in the face of the coldest betrayal.

A sardonic laugh escaped Alex's lips. Stripped of his emotions, a lobotomized shell – yet somehow, even in this state, the System saw him as… enhanced? The revelation was a bitter pill to swallow. Here, in this world that valued logic above all else, his very essence, the vibrant melody that defined him, was seen as a weakness to be excised.

But amidst the bitterness, a spark of defiance ignited. Focus, exceptional focus – perhaps that was the key. He wouldn't let his stolen emotions become a crutch. He would become a master of logic, a strategist without equal. He would delve deep into the symphony of technology, its intricate patterns and precise calculations. With his newfound focus, he would learn three times faster, surpassing even the most gifted minds in the Empire.

His lack of emotions, a curse in the eyes of his family, could become his greatest weapon. He wouldn't be swayed by sentimentality, wouldn't make rash decisions fueled by anger or fear. He would become an emotionless machine, a conductor of logic, his every move calculated to dismantle the web of lies that had ensnared him.

He would use his exceptional stamina, another gift from his forced transformation, to his advantage. He would work tirelessly, uncovering Madam Chan's machinations, building a case against Yu Xua's treachery. He would become a tireless force, a relentless storm that would expose the corruption at the heart of the Yu family.

The fight for the Yu family legacy was dead. In its place burned a new purpose – a symphony of vengeance conducted with the cold precision of a machine. He would expose their crimes not just out of personal vendetta, but for the sake of the Empire. He would show them the dangers of a society that valued logic above all else, a society that sacrificed its humanity on the altar of efficiency.

The path ahead was a treacherous climb, a mountain of evidence to gather, a web of alliances to forge. He would face not just his duplicitous family, but the entrenched power of those who benefitted from the status quo. Yet, Alex, the melody maker, wouldn't be silenced. He wouldn't play their game of emotions anymore. He would rewrite the symphony on his own terms, a chilling composition of logic and calculated revenge, a song that would echo through the halls of the Yu family, a testament to the fact that even a lobotomized shell could be a force to be reckoned with. The melody within him, once vibrant and hopeful, had transformed into a single, steely note – a note of vengeance that would resonate long after the final chord was played.

The System's words sent a fresh wave of anger crashing over Alex. So, not only had Yu Xua framed him and stripped him of his emotions, but now he was condemning him to a life of servitude as a "Covenantor"? The very name, a twisted mockery of a bargain, left a bitter taste in his mouth. A life devoid of emotions, yes, but also a life dedicated to honest work, a life where loyalty and integrity were paramount.

A dark chuckle escaped his lips. Yu Xua, in his arrogance, had underestimated him. He thought by sending him to the Covenantor Distribution Center, he was throwing him away, condemning him to a life of obscurity. Little did he know, he had just handed Alex a powerful weapon.

The Covenantors, these emotionless shells, held fast to a principle Alex desperately needed – a sense of right and wrong. They wouldn't be swayed by sentimentality, wouldn't be manipulated by the empty promises of family. They were, in a way, the embodiment of the cold logic Alex was forced to adopt. But unlike him, they weren't shackled by the chains of a corrupt family.

Here, amidst these emotionless beings, Alex saw a glimmer of hope. He could use his exceptional focus, his newfound understanding of technology, to gain their trust. He could become one of them, a Covenantor with a purpose – a purpose of vengeance, yes, but also a purpose of justice.

He would learn everything about the Covenantor network, their code of honor, their methods of operation. He would become a strategist within their ranks, using his skills to expose the Yu family's corruption not just within the Empire, but to the very organization that now housed him. He would be a thorn in Yu Xua's side, a constant reminder of his treachery, not from the opulent halls of the Yu family, but from the very heart of the Covenantor community.

The fight for power was a thing of the past. Now, he fought for his own redemption, to prove that even a shell of his former self could be a force for good. He would become a conductor of justice within the Covenantor network, his music a chilling symphony of logic and calculated revenge, a song that would not only expose the Yu family's crimes, but also challenge the very foundation of a society that saw emotions as a weakness.

The path ahead was a tightrope walk – gaining the trust of a community wary of outsiders, navigating the complex web of the Covenantor network. He would face not just his duplicitous family, but the scrutiny of his new comrades, those who valued loyalty above all else. Yet, Alex, the melody maker, wouldn't be silenced. He wouldn't play by the rules of the game anymore. He would rewrite the symphony on his own terms, a chilling composition of logic, justice, and calculated revenge, a song that would resonate not just within the Yu family, but throughout the entire Empire, a testament to the fact that even a lobotomized shell could be a beacon of hope in a world that had forgotten the value of human emotion.

A sliver of respect cut through Alex's simmering anger. Covenantors – not just emotionless drones, but individuals who bound themselves to a contract, a promise. Their unwavering loyalty, their lack of ambition, it was a double-edged sword. While it made them easy prey for manipulation, it also meant they were incorruptible, a stark contrast to the moral decay festering within his own family.

The System's clinical assessment of him as "Alex," a three and a half star with exceptional abilities, ignited a spark of defiance. He wouldn't be a pitiable existence without dreams. He would turn his lack of emotions into a weapon, his focus into a scalpel to dissect the Yu family's web of lies. His exceptional capacity for dealing with internal affairs – that could be used to his advantage.

He wouldn't just be another cog in the Covenantor machine. He would become a strategist, an information broker within the network. He would use his access to different employers to gather intel, to plant seeds of doubt about the Yu family's dealings. He would become a virus within the system, a silent infection spreading the truth, exposing their corruption for all to see.

The fight for vengeance had morphed into a revolution. He wouldn't just bring down Yu Xua and Madam Chan, he would expose the flaws in a society that relied solely on logic and efficiency. He would show them the value of human emotions – compassion, empathy, even anger – in fostering a just society.

The path ahead was a labyrinth of information, a delicate dance of trust and manipulation within the Covenantor network. He would need to navigate a world where loyalty was paramount, all while keeping his true identity a closely guarded secret. He would face not just the watchful eyes of his family, but the scrutiny of his fellow Covenantors, ever wary of outsiders with hidden agendas.

Yet, Alex, the melody maker, wouldn't be silenced. He wouldn't be a slave to his emotions, nor would he be a slave to a system. He would rewrite the symphony on his own terms, a chilling composition of logic, justice, and calculated revolution, a song that would not only dismantle the Yu family's house of cards, but also challenge the very foundation of a society that had forgotten the power of human emotion.

The melody within him, once a vibrant symphony, had transformed into a single, powerful note – a note of defiance that would resonate long after the final chord was played. He was Alex, the Covenantor with a purpose, and his song was about to begin.