chapter 229

Alex froze, a tableau of unexpected chaos unfolding before his eyes. The sterile efficiency of his world shattered in an instant. The dimly lit living room held Wu Xiufan at its center, his face etched with a concern deeper than anything Alex had witnessed before. The butler, Fei Lin, a man usually calm and composed, spoke with a frantic urgency as he addressed a figure unlike any Alex had encountered in the mansion.

This newcomer, a man seemingly woven from ice and silk, exuded an aura of power that sent chills down Alex's spine. Tall and impeccably dressed, his face, though handsome, held a coldness that could curdle blood. Beside them, on the plush sofa, lay two young men in uniforms – a stark contrast to the opulent surroundings. One held his arm, hastily bandaged and stained crimson with fresh blood. The other, pale and still, cradled his right foot in obvious agony.

A million questions warred within Alex. Who were these men? What had happened? And why did Wu Xiufan appear more concerned than Alex had ever seen him? He felt a primal urge to reveal himself, to offer assistance, but something held him back. The icy demeanor of the newcomer, the vulnerability etched on Wu Xiufan's face – it was a scene that defied logic, one that didn't fit neatly into the mission parameters.

Suddenly, a voice, cold as the newcomer's demeanor, sliced through the tense silence.

"Ten minutes," the newcomer spat, his voice laced with a barely concealed fury. "That doctor better be worth the wait, Fei Lin. These injuries demand immediate attention." He turned his gaze towards Wu Xiufan, a flicker of something resembling warmth softening his features for a fleeting moment. "Are you alright, brother?" he asked, his voice softer now.

Wu Xiufan shook his head, a weary sigh escaping his lips. "I'm fine, Xiuqi," he replied, his voice strained. "Just… worried about the boys." He gestured towards the injured men on the sofa.

A wave of revelation washed over Alex. Xiuqi. Wu Xiufan's brother. The Queen's consort. The man whose power, according to the report, could instill fear in forty percent of the Empire's officials. And here he was, in this room, concern etched on his face for his brother and his injured subordinates.

The symphony of Alex's mission screeched to a discordant halt. The lines between friend and foe were blurring, the black and white world of his directives replaced by a canvas splashed with the vibrant hues of human emotion – worry, concern, and a loyalty that transcended rank or position.

He remained pressed against the wall, invisible, his carefully constructed world crumbling around him. He was here to protect Wu Xiufan, but who was Wu Xiufan protecting? And who, in this tangled web of loyalties and hidden agendas, was the real enemy? The melody within him, once a clear call to vengeance, now dissolved into a cacophony of questions, a desperate plea for understanding in a world where nothing was as it seemed.

A flicker of surprise crossed Fei Lin's face as he spotted Alex emerging from the hallway. Before Alex could even react, the butler called out, "Alex, good timing. Come here and greet Master."

The tension in the room was thick enough to cut with a knife. As the imposing figure of Xiuqi turned, his icy gaze landed squarely on Alex. A jolt ran through Alex – the man's face, handsome and aristocratic, held a faint familiarity. And then it hit him – the scent. It was the same scent he'd caught on Wu Xiufan, a subtle yet unmistakable link.

Confusion swirled within him. Why the sudden coldness from Wu Xiufan? Was it simply because he was just an employee, someone expendable? Or was Alex reading too much into the situation?

Steeling himself, Alex met Xiuqi's gaze with unwavering calmness. There would be time to unravel the mystery later, but for now, professionalism was paramount.

"Master, this is Alex," Fei Lin began the introductions, only to be interrupted by Xiuqi's deep voice.

"Alex?" Xiuqi echoed, his eyes scanning Alex with a newfound intensity. Was it suspicion? Was he searching for signs of treachery? "Can you handle external injuries?" he asked abruptly.

"Yes," Alex replied, his voice firm and concise.

The tension in the room seemed to ease slightly. "Good," Xiuqi said, stepping aside and gesturing to the two injured men on the sofa. "Help them."

Without a word, Alex moved towards the sofa, his every step measured. He assessed both men with a practiced eye. First, he knelt beside the brown-haired man clutching his leg. His slender fingers, pale against the man's dark, muscular leg, reached out to feel the bone. The injured man watched him intently, a flicker of fear in his eyes.

Suddenly, Alex's attention shifted to the blond man beside him. A grim look settled on his face. Before the brown-haired man could react, a sharp crack echoed through the room, followed by a pained cry. Alex had swiftly, and with surprising precision, relocated the dislocated leg.

Wu Xiufan's surprise was evident in the flash of his eyes. He hadn't expected such practiced and efficient bone-setting skills from his enigmatic employee.

With a sigh of relief, Alex turned back to the brown-haired man, addressing his minor cuts and a budding infection. Once satisfied, he moved on to the blond man, his calm demeanor a stark contrast to the urgency of the situation. He efficiently rewrapped the blood-soaked bandage on the man's arm.

As Alex worked, he stole a glance at Xiuqi. The coldness had softened somewhat, replaced by a hint of curiosity. Perhaps his skills had earned him a sliver of respect in this high-powered room.

He finished tending to the injured men, a sense of accomplishment washing over him. He had done his job, efficiently and effectively. But the bigger mystery remained – the connection between Wu Xiufan and Xiuqi, and the sudden shift in their behavior towards him. The symphony of his mission had taken another unexpected turn, one he was determined to understand. He stood tall, ready to face whatever melody the night would play next.

A flicker of satisfaction crossed Wu Xiufan's face as he observed Alex work. The young man's professionalism and thoroughness were impressive, a stark contrast to the initial apprehension Wu Xiufan had felt earlier. He turned to Fei Lin, his voice low and appreciative.

"Butler Fei," he said, "call the cook and prepare a meal for everyone. Alex has earned it."

Fei Lin bowed slightly. "Already done, Master. It should be ready shortly."

Wu Xiufan nodded, his gaze lingering on Alex. The way Alex treated the injured men, both with skill and a touch of gentle care, surprised him. There was a depth to this young man, a quiet strength that belied his youthful appearance.

As Alex tended to Xiuqi's friend, his head dipped slightly, casting his features in shadow. A stray lock of hair fell across his forehead, partially obscuring a profile that, to Wu Xiufan's surprise, held a certain elegance. The moonlight filtering through the window seemed to catch on Alex's skin, lending it an almost ethereal glow.

The image sent a jolt through Wu Xiufan. He hadn't expected to find himself captivated by his new employee, a mere boy by comparison. Alex's movements were practiced, his every touch purposeful, hinting at a past filled with more than just basic training. Eighteen, nineteen at most, and yet he possessed a calmness and composure that most seasoned medical professionals would envy. The sight of blood didn't faze him in the slightest.

Wu Xiufan found himself inexplicably drawn to Alex, a strange magnetism pulling at him. He couldn't tear his gaze away, mesmerized by the way Alex worked, oblivious to the silent scrutiny.

But Alex, for his part, remained oblivious. He was entirely focused on his task, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts and observations. The connection between Wu Xiufan and Xiuqi was undeniable, yet their behavior towards him remained an enigma. The coldness had thawed, replaced by a guarded curiosity, but the reason behind it was still shrouded in secrecy.

The melody within him, once a call for vengeance, now hummed with a new, discordant note – a note of fascination, a hesitant pull towards the enigmatic man who had become his charge. He finished treating the injured, a silent question hanging in the air – what came next? The night was far from over, and the symphony of his mission had just begun to play its most intriguing movement.

Wu Xiufan's lips curved into a faint smile, a rare sight that crinkled the corners of his eyes. Despite his earlier reservations about Fei Lin hiring a covenanter, Alex was proving to be more than just a bodyguard. His quiet efficiency and medical expertise had come in handy tonight, not to mention the unexpected bonus of his ability to set a dislocated limb with such practiced ease.

As the servants bustled around, setting the table and tending to the injured men, Wu Xiufan stole glances at Alex. The young man stood stiffly by the side, his gaze fixed on a pillar in the corner of the room as if it held the key to the universe. There was an aloofness to him, a distance that intrigued Wu Xiufan.

The blond man, Nan Te, seemed determined to break the ice. His easy smile and playful offer of the nickname "Little Alex" were met with Alex's characteristic stoicism. Wu Xiufan felt a pang of amusement. Here was Nan Te, a seasoned warrior known for his boisterous personality, completely disarmed by Alex's indifference.

"Don't be discouraged, Nan Te," Wu Xiufan chuckled, his voice warm. "Alex isn't one for idle chatter. He prefers actions to words."

Nan Te's smile faltered slightly, replaced by a look of curiosity. "Is that right? But wouldn't a little conversation make things less tense?"

Wu Xiufan raised an eyebrow. "Tense? Is that how you feel, Nan Te?"

Nan Te scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "Well, things have been a bit… hectic lately, Master. And then there's the whole covenanter business. It's not something we're used to."

Wu Xiufan sighed, a hint of weariness creeping into his voice. "Change is never easy, Nan Te. But trust me, Alex is here to help, not hinder." He gestured towards Alex. "Why don't you at least try a different approach? Perhaps offer him some food? A show of hospitality might go a long way."

Nan Te's eyes widened in understanding. "Food, of course! How silly of me. Little Alex," he called out, his voice a touch more tentative this time, "Master Wu Xiufan insists you join us for a meal. We wouldn't want our savior to go hungry, would we?"

Alex remained silent for a moment, his impassive expression unreadable. Then, to everyone's surprise, a flicker of something akin to… hesitation crossed his features. He glanced at Wu Xiufan, a silent question hanging in the air.

Wu Xiufan met his gaze, a hint of a challenge in his eyes. "What do you say, Alex? Will you join us, or retreat to the shadows once more?"

The melody within Alex thrummed with a new note – a note of curiosity, a hesitant acceptance of a shared meal. Would it be a truce, a temporary break in the tension, or the beginning of something more? He uncrossed his arms, a silent decision made. As he moved towards the table, the symphony of his mission took another unexpected turn, one that promised a chance for connection, however fleeting it might be, in this strange and captivating world.