chapter 285

As Wu Xiufan leaned back in his seat, his eyes closed, Alex couldn't help but feel a wave of admiration. The man was incredibly strong, both physically and mentally. He had been poisoned, yet he had managed to keep his composure, to continue on as if nothing was wrong.

Alex knew that Wu Xiufan was a man of great discipline, a man who was capable of enduring pain and suffering. He was a man who would do anything for the people he cared about.

As Wu Xiufan began to feel the effects of the poison, Alex knew that he had to act quickly. He reached into his first aid kit and pulled out a vial of antidote.

He administered the antidote to Wu Xiufan, who immediately began to feel better. His color returned to his face, his breathing became easier.

Alex breathed a sigh of relief. He had saved Wu Xiufan's life.