"Hang on there guys!! We must survive this!!"

A young woman, with roughly black hair, emerald green eyes. Putting on a black vest and holding both a long sword and a rifle yelled at the surrounding fighters.


The fighters roar out loud hearing her words and opened fire.


The sound of gunshots rang out in the base with bullets flying endlessly around. The survivors fighting desperately to survive the onslaught of zombies, but it looked like the hordes of zombies kept increasing in numbers.

Each zombie that fall, ten more took it place.

The base was filled with the screams of survivors and shriek of hundreds of undead, corpses of both humans and undead littered the floor, blood flowing like a river dyeing the floor red.

In the base command center

A man was watching the battle with a gloomy expression.

Raven-black hair, blue eyes and a handsome face, tall and a little muscular.

'I see we are not going to survive this attack, this base is the last stronghold for survivors around the world, if this base falls, then the world last hope will be lost, thought the handsome man.

His thought was interrupted by a muscular man who rushed in with a panic expression.

The man looked at the handsome man who was busy watching the battle outside with eyes filled with fear and asked.

"Leo, can we win this?"

Leo turned to him and said with a sad smile, "if the Gods are in our favor we will survive a little longer, but I don't believe in Gods or those scraps you guys talked about, to tell you the truth...we can't win these fight"

Leo said with a sigh, turned around and looked straight at the raging battle.

The muscular man was trembling with fear now and was about to say something, but Leo spoke first till looking at the battle.

"Kong, you don't have to be scared, even though we will be dead in a while, we won't go down without a fight."

Leo was proficient at fighting but well... bad with words.

Hearing Leo, Kong tremble more. After a while he took a deep breath calming himself down and looked at Leo with whether courage or determination Leo couldn't tell.

Kong nodded and asked,"what about the boss? Can't he kill all those zombies with a wave of his hand?"

Leo smile bitterly and said in a low voice. "THE BOSS IS NO MORE"


Kong shouted out loud, Leo continue..."He was killed by the golden zombie" He sighed and added with a flash of killing intent in his eyes, "That monster said our leader is not even qualify to face his silver zombies"

Kong frowned hearing these and asked "Are there silver zombies?, why haven't we heard of them?"

Leo answered till watching the battle,"we don't know anything about our enemies, we were ignorant and Arrogant thinking that our enemies are only the normal, red and black zombies but reality slapped us hard with this result, we thought our defense can hold these creatures back, but these creatures were just measuring our strength and weaknesses from those little Attacks, now they attacked with full force leaving us in a desperate situation" Leo sighed and continue. "Let go and end these, even if we die we'll die on the battlefield"

After saying that he picked up his rifle and sword heading out to the battle. Kong looked at Leo with Admiration and thought.

'Our formal leader can't even last 10 rounds with the golden zombie, but Leo with his grand master peak rank is heading out to face these creatures, this is the courage I wished to have, That why Leo is now their leader.'

"Well with my rank I can till assist" He sighed, picked up his sword and followed Leo out.


Gotten to the field, Leo looked around the chaotic scene in front of him with a heavy heart. Heading to the battle front A beautiful lady ran up to him.

"Leo we can't hold on, we lost 70% of fighters, and the survivors inside the base..." She stopped and asked in a low voice "what are we going to do?"

Leo looked at Gaya who was covered in zombies' bloods and said with determination, "Go and protect the survivors inside the base, leave the rest to me"

"Leo what about the boss, have not seen him for a week now?" gaya asked with a frown.

Leo said with a gloomy expression, "the boss is dead"

Gaya trembled hearing Leo words, her face turned pale and asked trembling,"T...Then how c...can we win T...This?"

Leo hugged her and said with a heavy heart,"I don't know Gaya, but we will try our best to avenge him. Now go."

Gaya wipe her tears nodded and ran toward the base, Leo looked at her for a while then turned to Kong and started giving orders.

"Kong take 100 fighters to the right flank and leave these areas to me" Kong nodded took 100 fighters heading straight to the right flank to defend. These zombies focused there attacks in the middle and left flank attacking with precise coordination, which gave Leo a bad premonition, 'first of all zombies are mindless creatures who only have one thought in mind.'


'But with these coordinated attacks it only means one thing, the golden zombie is nearby.'

"Everyone hold your ground!, we must drive these monstrosities back no matter what!!"

Leo shouted at the remaining fighters.

"HOO!!.. YAL!!"

They all shouted, with Leo joining the battle these fighters got a little more hope, with a little hope there fighters spirit increase greatly.

The zombies looked like they have received orders, they all change there direction, the normal and red zombies attacked Kong defense while the black zombies attacked Leo's. The only fortunate thing is that the black zombies were not much as the red and normal zombies, but they're more deadly, more deadly than a rampage LION. With insanely recovery abilities they charge at Leo defense with full force.

Leo frown deepens and order, "men hold your ground!, fire at will don't let them cross the line!!"

The fighters receiving Leo's order pointed their guns muzzle at the black zombies charging at them and opened fire. Unknown numbers of bullets flew out from the muzzle heading straight to the charging hordes of black zombies.

Gotten hit by the bullets these zombies with insanely recovery abilities didn't slow down at all, it only made them angrier, with endless rage and bloodlust, they increased their speed. Charging at the defense.

'"Damn it!!"

Leo caused, drew out his sword and charge at the hordes of black zombies, the fighters noticing their bullets have no effect on the black zombies brought out their weapons and charged with Leo. Instead to sit and wait for the zombies to charge toward their defense, they all charged stopping them half way.

The two forcing clash, and a bloodbath appears. The ground was littered with the bodies of both humans and zombies.

These black zombies have a dangerous advantage, the abilities to recover their limbs in seconds, the only way to end then faster is by taking off their head. But with so many black zombies it was a bit difficult to deal with two.

Even if these fighters were all enhancer who possessed different skills and abilities they were till having a hard time keeping up. In a matter of minutes out of 100 who charged with Leo, only 60 remained, While the zombies kept increasing in numbers.

Leo butcher his way through the zombies line like a God who descend on earth. Anywhere he passed the sound of head falling rung out.


At Kong side it was even more chaotic. With the hordes of both the normal and red zombies attacking like a group of demons from hell. The humans continue firing their guns sending an unknown amount of bullets. In seconds the ground was littered with the bodies of the zombies, no Matter how they killed more attacked, even climbing on the bodies of their kind trying to attack the humans. The red zombies with muscles as red as blood, running on all four gave the humans a hard time, these zombies were fast like wide dogs with endless killing intent all charge at the humans.


Kong stood at the back with his sword in hand giving orders.

Out of nowhere a red zombie lunge at him with his claws straight intending to tear this human to pieces.

Kong face turned cold, and he leaped back swiftly, landing on the ground he shot out like a missile with the help of the earth, heading straight toward the red zombie.


With a strike the red zombie freeze on the spot while Kong stopped behind it. With the shocking gaze of all the fighters the red zombie head fell from his body rolling on the ground, follow by its body.

"What are you all looking at!, head to the front to defend the flank!!"

Kong roared at the fighters who were stunned, bringing them out of their daze. Getting their sensing back, they all rushed toward the front with their guns.


At that moment they all heard a deafening roar, making everyone freeze on their track, including the zombies, they all stopped attacking and remained motionless.

The sky turned dark even when it's already dark, it got darker.

"What is happening!?" A fighter asked looking at the dark sky.

Leo frowned and looked ahead, his eyes flash with worry and said to himself.



Hey guys, this is my first book, and thanks for checking it out.

Please am not experience in writing so if you have any idea or See any mistakes, please call my notice.😳

Please leave a comment and review. Thanks. 🙏🙏

Stay safe 🙂🙂🙏😂