CHAPTER 17: Going To Celestial Island 2.

[Next day, 15th of May]

Leo woke up feeling refreshed, looked around his room and sighed. "We will be leaving A-CITY today, I hope everyone is ready"

After doing his morning routine, he went downstairs.

"Morning dear" Carol said.

"Morning mom" Leo said entering the kitchen, after getting water, he turned to his mom and asked. "Mom where's Dad and Nora?"

"Your dad took Nora out to buy health medicines, he said those in celestial island are not good"

"Oh, they should become back soon, we are leaving at noon" Leo said.

"It's till 9:00 clock" Carol said looking at her phone and added "come and eat your breakfast, only you can sleep soundly after knowing so much about doomsday" Carol said with a smile handing Leo a plate filled with food.

Leo took the plate with a smile and ask "what about you guys?"

"Don't worry honey, we already had our breakfast" Carol said walking out of the kitchen.

'Sleep? Of course, I need to sleep more, after doomsday, there will be no time to sleep.

Because you will be on edge, scared and vigilant, always on guard, feeling... what if something attacks you when you are asleep?, so now I need to cherish it' Leo thought.

After eating breakfast, he switched on the system. 'System, I want to know everything about doomsday'

[You can't know everything about doomsday host] 'hmm... You sound more human'

[Yes Host, the more host level up, the more changes happened to me]

'OK, why can't I know everything about doomsday?' [Host level and strength is too low]. 'Ok then, tell me the things I can know at my realm'

[3,000 Doom stones host], '3,000!!, fine take it' Leo said with a frown.

'Let see if this information is worth it.'

[Successful Host]

[Ok Host, let start with your cultivation, from now on you won't be able to level up with eating spirit stones, your core have been formed with the system, so spirit stones are useless to you now]

'Wait… What?!, already have a core?, why didn't I feel it?'

All enhancers went through a painful process to form their core, when they broke through to the core formation realm, their core will be formed, from these realm onwards will make you a genuine enhancer, all your spiritual energy are store in the core, once you die all your spiritual energy will leak out, any enhancer around you can absorb it to get stronger, your core is your essence of power, if your core is damaged or destroyed you will either be a cripple for the rest of your life or die.

[Yes Host, don't be heartbroken, when you reach a certain realm, A function will unlock to exchange spirit stones to Doom stones and Doom stones to spirit stones]

'Ok... that's better, continue.'

[Host, mutated Animals have a class from D to SSS, And host, mutated Animals can also be eaten, it helps with cultivation, the stronger the mutated Animal the more benefit you get...

After doomsday, you can start leveling up your skills, the function will unlock when host reach a certain realm.]

'Tell me, what is the difference between the past zombies and future zombies?, or are they the same?.'

[No Host, the zombies you face in your past life will be a lot weaker in this life. For example the golden zombie which killed you, will be in the heavenly realm in this life, 3 realms below it previous strength.]

'That's wonderful' Leo was happy hearing these.

[Don't get too cocky host, even though their realm and strength are reduced, they are new breed of zombies which are ten times stronger than the golden zombie you face in your past life, for example the hellhound, these are mutated dogs, bigger and dangerous than two grown-up male lions combined, with speed and stamina that can rival even a divine wind enhancer.]

'What the f*ck, wind enhancers have a strong advantage in a battle which is speed, something that can even rival a wind enhancer at the divine realm, that's trouble'

[Host You need to get stronger and prepare for the oncoming battles]

'Why did I feel like someone is watching me, all these creatures are not in my past life, but why are they in this life, is someone trying to make my life difficult?'

At these moment Leo eyes widened and a look of terror appeared on his face. "That creature I saw before I die, wings as big as a grown Dragon, horns as long as the king of hell, with a tail, he looked more like a demon that any zombies, System, what is that creature I saw before I died?" Leo asked the system out loud.

[Host Realm is too low], 'what…?, can't you ask for doom stones or something?' Leo asked with a frown.

[There are some knowledge you need to get stronger before you can know them host]

Leo was silent for a moment and said, "So you are saying, that creature is a lot stronger than a golden zombie, it means that creature might be in the Transcendent realm or half immortal or even an immortal realm, what If that creature has attacked us, we won't even have a chance to resist." Leo shivered with the thought, "No I need to get stronger, stronger than anyone in these world, only when you are the strongest that all your enemies will kneel and before you."

[Congratulation Host for adding a new mission, be the strongest enhancer alive]


We are home. After two hours of waiting Nora and John finally came back from their shopping, with bags.

After packing all their stuff, Leo wave his have and everything disappeared into his system storage. Seeing these the three were stunned, looking at Leo as if they have seen a ghost.

"Come on, stop staring at me like that" Leo said getting inside the car.

The three snapped out of their shock hearing the car engine and got in. The ride went smoothly with Leo thinking about the blurry figure.


A-CITY Port, one of the magnificent place in all of A-CITY, with countless ships coming and going every day. At this moment there was a Hugh and strange looking cargo ship in the dock, which attract passerby attention. Leo's family car stopped at the side, Leo and Nora lead their parents toward the cargo ship.

Seeing the cargo ship, both Carol and John were dumbfounded and speechless, after a while John ask.

"It's that…?"

"Yes dad, Leo bought it" Nora answered.

"Bought a cargo ship?" Carol asked surprised.

"Yes this cargo ship is sturdy and also low-key, it will help for transporting survivors after doomsday." Leo said.

"Ok let go in" John said walking inside the cargo ship, followed by Carol. "What about you guys?, aren't you coming?" Carol asked the two.

"We are waiting for our friends" Nora answered with a smile.

"Ok" Carol nodded walking inside.

After 10 minutes of waiting, Mike family car stopped at the side, Mike got off the car followed by his mom and little sister.

"Afternoon Mrs James" both Leo and Nora greeted.

"Afternoon lovelies, please call me Carina, I feel old when someone called me Mrs James." Carina said with a smile.

Mike mom was nothing but hot, 37 years old, still as beautiful as always, with two children but her mature body just shows her curves and beauty more, if you don't know her, you won't even guess she had given birth to two kids.

"Mom...!" Mike called with a frown.

"Come on dear, am just talking with your friends"

Mike sighed and said, "Julia please take mom inside"

"Hmm" Julia nodded and dragged their mom toward the ship. Carina looked at the ship with a frown.

"What's it mom?" Julia asked.

"Are we going IN these?" Carina asked.

"Come on mom, let go in" Julia said pulling her inside.

"Sorry about my mom, she is always like that" Mike said rubbing his head.

"No worries" As Leo words fall, an engine of a bike sounded.

"Hi guys" Ricky said with a smile and asked. "Can I bring my bike with me?"

Leo looked at the bike and nodded. "Thanks dude, I will be inside" Ricky said walking inside the ship with his bike.

After 20 minutes of waiting, A Mercedes-Benz limited edition stopped in Front of them.

"No dad, we are going, you promised me!" they all heard Sam voice.

"Fine, I don't know why you want to go to a small island for our family vacation, well it's only two months." Jones annoyed voice sounded.

"Someone is not in a Good mood" Nora said with a smile.

"After two months, there will all believe" Leo said.

"What!, are we traveling in that?!" Jones shouted.

"Dad, what is wrong with the ship?, it looks ok to me" Sam said a little frustrated.

"No way, I'm calling my private yacht." Jones said bringing out his phone to make a call.

"Mr Jones, what a wonderful day, What make you so frustrated" Leo voice sounded at this moment, drawing their attention.

"Leo…?, what are you doing here?" Jones asked.

"Am also going to celestial island" Leo answered with a smile.

"So you are the one who filled my daughter's head with all these bulls**t about doomsday and zombies?" Jones asked Leo with a frown.

Leo looked at Jones and move with a blur appearing in Front of him in an instant, Jones was not expecting Leo speed and also fall back, Leo caught his hand and ask with a smile, "did I scared you Mr Jones?, am sorry"

"How? You..." Jones was speechless. 'How can this boy be so fast'

"Ok honey, let just check inside, if you don't like it we can change ship" Mrs Jones said walking up to her husband.

"Fine" Jones said with a snort and walked towards the cargo ship.

"Sorry about my dad, he is..."

"No worries" Sam was about to apologize, but Leo stop her and said "Come on, let get going"

"Yes" Sam nodded and Mike helped her with some luggage.

Leo looked at the group of people walking ahead, brought out his phone and make a call.

"Is everything ready?"

"Yes Mr Leo" came a man voice from the other end.

"Good we will be there soon" Leo said and hang up, walking inside.