CHAPTER 19: Encounter

Leo shot out like a missile, chasing after the hooded figure.

The running figure felt something behind him and looked over his shoulder, to his shock, a young man was chasing after him.

"Impossible, where did this speedster appeared from?" the hooded figure asked himself and increased his speed.

Leo eyes flash with surprise 'this guy Is not yet an enhancer, but his speed is already abnormal. No matter how fast you are, there is still a power gap between a normal human and a super enhancer.'

In minutes, the gap between the two decrease rapidly, seeing Leo catching up to him, the hooded figure changed routes, passing through different buildings and streets, the advantage of being a local was fully display.

Leo used his skill "shadow Radar" to his full potential, not planning to lose the hooded figure.

Seeing he can't shake Leo off, he made a quick decision and turned toward a dislocated area.

Leo stopped, observing the rundown areas in Front of him, the dislocated ruins was once a beautiful town. But now there wasn't a single human in sight, only half collapse buildings.

Leo walked around with cautious steps And activated his skill, he frowned tightly because he didn't detect any life force, which only means, the hooded figure is outside the skill range.

Leo took a deep breath and listened, after a moment he heard a sound coming from the east, without a second thought, he ran towards the direction, arriving in a small half collapsed room. Leo unleashed his skill again and a smile appeared on his lip.

"You can come down now" Leo said looking up.

After a moment, the hooded figure jumped down, with a small rusted dagger in hand, and a deep frown.

"Who the fuck are you? And why are you chasing me?." The hooded figure asked in a deep voice.

Leo observed him with a smile and ask flatly "why did you steal someone money? You are a native of the island, making money won't be that hard right?"

"What do you know you low life! Let me go or else I won't hold back!!" the hooded man said in a threatening tone.

"Sighed... Ok, let do it this way, I will give you two hundred dollars, and you will tell me why you stole the money. How about that?" Leo sighed and gave an offer.

The hooded figure was surprised hearing Leo offer, but still said in a deep voice, "First of all, this money is mine and second why would you want to give me two hundred dollars?."

"The money is yours?" Leo's curiosity was aroused hearing these.

"Really...?, as far as I know, you took the money and ran away, only that move will give everyone the impression of a low life thief." Leo said with a smile.

"You…!, Am not a thief!, why did you even care?!!" The figure yelled at Leo.

"Maybe, I can help you, it looks like you need the money for something urgent or am I wrong?" Leo asked remaining indifferent with the figure attitude.

Hearing Leo the hooded figure lowered his head, after a moment he looked up at Leo and said, "Yes, I need the money for something important"

"Are you going to tell me, or give the money back?" Leo asked.

"I said this money is mine!, I worked for that fool for 3 years, time to pay me back. He announced that I stole something important from him and locked me up in punishment department, my elder sister worked twice as hard and paid back the money, after paying that fool back I was then released, he should be lucky I haven't killed him. The hooded figure said with gritted teeth full of murderous intent, he stared at Leo and said coldly.

"Am just taking what is mine."

Leo nodded and ask. "Is that money enough?" The guy looked at Leo then the small banknotes in his hand and give a bitter smile and said, "No…, but It's better than nothing"

Leo frowned and ask. "Who do you mean by that?."

"There is this dangerous organization on this island, they appeared 2 years ago, in just two years, their power and influence increased rapidly, destroying any other gangs on the island, the people thought they were here to uphold justice, but after a month, they showed their true colors, doing all types of evil things, their leader took a liking to my sister, after being rejected by her twice, he got angry and captured her and asked me to pay one hundred thousand dollars if I want her back." The hooded figure said with a dark expression.

Leo eyes turned cold, hearing these and ask, "What is the name of this leader?"

"They called him, Black eye, and that's why I am looking for money."

Leo frown deepened, 'this name surely ring a bell, yes! One of the 12 elders of skull organization, a very shameless and Ruthless guy, more dangerous than Guo.'

"Ok, take me to their base, I will help rescue your sister" Leo said.

The figure stared at Leo with a frown and ask filled with doubt, "What can you do?, they have at least 200 men and all armed with rifles, you are just a single man"

"Don't worry about that, just take me there, your only task is to distract black eye." Leo said with killing intent.


the hooded man nodded, keeping his rusty dagger and removed his hood, reviewing a young man, with black hair and Brown eyes.

"Am Jack" he said.

"Leo" and said and added, "Let go"

Leo is planning to build his base here, and with skull organization being present, it might make things difficult, so he planned to wipe them out.

"I hope no harm will come to my sister?" Jack asked.

"I promise" Leo answered.

"If you can help me rescue my sister, I will do anything you ask" Jack said with a straight face.

Leo nodded, and the two turned to leave the area, but Leo stopped and turned around moving his daze around the ruins with a frown, 'what's this energy I just felt?' Leo asked himself.

"What's it?" Jack asked following Leo daze.

"It's nothing."


Walking outside Leo asked. "What happened here?"

Jack looked at Leo for a moment then started recounting the stories he heard from his parents about this place, "10 years ago, these place was once a beautiful town, with people living peacefully, but all these changed after a group of scientists arrived, saying they were here to explore a dungeon, the chief was a little confuse but till allowed them. After entering the dungeon, no one heard from them again, after a week or so. Unknown numbers of creatures came out of the dungeon, destroying and killing everything in their wake.

The A-City government had enough and sent the army to destroy these creatures, but it had little effect, with no other solution they blew up the whole island, destroying all the creatures in it. The dungeon also disappeared, after 3 years the current town you see now was built by the survivors. The natives here called these areas the forbidden city."

Leo nodded hearing these, 'it looked like one of the dungeon that would be unlocked after doomsday, but what did those scientists touch or activate inside the dungeon which allowed the creatures to come out?.' Leo thought and asked.

"What did these creatures looked like?"

"As the stories go, the natives said that, these creatures have the body of a dark muscular human with a goat head and two big horn, to tell you the truth I don't believe any of these, they also said they were all hearing the roar of an animal, and the sound of a goat and a snake inside the dungeon, these sounds got closer to the entrance in each passing day, so the government got scared and blown up the island, they also make this historical events as classified information, only the natives whose survived knows about it, I think that why the island don't have enough population, because of the explosion, some people are still scared"

'Creatures, with body of a human and head of a goat, these are future's of a MINOTAUR. And a roar of an animal, a sound of a goat and a snake, this can be three different Beasts or a CHIMERA.' Leo shivered with the thought and asked.

"What about the dungeon?."

"No one know what happened to it, it looked like it just vanished from the island, the government used all their power and connection but couldn't find anything, so they made it a classified information."

'The dungeon can't vanish that easily, a dungeon which can hold countless Minotaur and a chimera can't disappear that easily, it might be somewhere around the island or inside the water, I need to get stronger, because if these creatures come out, it will be disastrous, but I wonder how powerful a chimera world be.' Leo thought with a solemn expression.

"Why are you asking all these?" Jack asked.

"After we rescue your sister, I want to tell you both something." Leo said in a Deep voice.

"Ok" Jack nodded.


After walking for hours, they got to skull organization base.

"Go through the front gate, try to distract black eye, I will handle the rest." Leo said with killing intent.

"I don't know what they did to you, but thanks for helping me" Jack said, stood up from their hiding spot and walked towards the front gate, while Leo followed from the shadows.