CHAPTER 40: beg for mercy on your knees


With a slash of the dagger, A man dropped dead. Stunning everyone present.

"What the fuck, did anyone see how it moves!" Snake shouted looking around. The water warrior move like a shadow from here to there, anywhere it passes, a member will drop dead.

"That's it!! Fire!!" Snake roared in terror seeing the water warrior walking toward him.


Countless bullets flew towards the water warrior, hitting it. Instead, to go down the water absorbed all the bullets. The warrior looked at the skull organization members and disappeared from view.

Heads and bullets flew around making bear and snake face changed dramatically. They looked at the water warrior like the grim reaper coming to take there life.

Mila looked at the remaining seven members of the skull organization, she was about to kill them all when Leo voice sounded.

"Spare one"

Mila nodded and say. "Kill" the water warrior move killing the five of the skull organization members remaining snake and bear, after that the water warrior stopped and turned back to water.

"Witch!, she is a witch!" Snake was scared silly Looking at Mila like she was the goddess of death. Bear kept silent observing Mila, with the way she was standing, it looked like she would fall at any moment, anyone can tell she is weak.

'This is the opportunity to kill her.' Bear said took out a desert eagle, point it at Mila and fire a shot. The bullet flew out with deadly killing intent heading straight to Mila. Out of nowhere a wall of fire appeared around her, coming in contact with the fire wall the bullet melt instantly.

Seeing this both snake and bear were dumbfounded. "What the hell?" Even sunny who was about to take action was confused.

Leo walked up to Mila and held her and said "You did well, you are my second-strongest subordinate now, try to keep that position." "Second?" Mila looked at Leo confused. "Yes second, my sister is stronger than you, but don't worry cultivate your skill more, and you will be the strongest." Leo pat her head and said. "Now let me finish this, you rest."

"What can you do? Come here, kneel down and kowtow to me, I might spare you." Bear said arrogantly.

"You will spare me? That's one of the stupidest thing I have heard. Look around what did you see?" Leo asked with a smile.

"If you kill us you will be an enemy of the whole skull organization." Snake said trying to threaten Leo with the skull organization.

"Guy, I think you forgot something. Am already the enemy of your skull organization, well I like you a little because you are a little funny to me, so I won't kill you" Leo said with a smile.

"Little funny to you?" Snake was confused. "Yes" Leo nodded and with a snap of his finger. Bear caught on fire.


He rolled on the ground screaming and shouting in pain, till he turned into dust. Snake was paralyzed with fear. When he saw Leo turned to him, he knelt down on the ground instantly.

"My lord please spare my life, I will do anything you ask. I can also be a spy if you want, please just spare me." Snake was truly scared now. First Mila strength had almost scared him to death, and Leo said she is the second strongest. Then who is the first. And top it off with Leo strength. What can he do, so he would rather beg for mercy then wait for death.

"I spare you today not because am a saint or anything, I just want you to deliver my message to your leader, Hades." Leo looked at him and continued. "Tell him that after doomsday, I will pay your skull organization a visit, you understand?"

"Yes, yes, yes" snake continue nodding his head like a chick picking rice.

"Now get out of here" Leo said releasing his Aura. Snake shiver, stood up and ran inside he's car and drove away in full speed.

Leo raised his right hand and a red flame appeared dancing on his palm. ' The power of the mastery of fire element, is terrifying.' Leo thought and threw the flame at the bodies of all the skull organization members, burning them to ash.

'Potentate, you can start now.'

[Congratulation, subordinate Mila have killed 20 normal humans, you have been rewarded with 2,000 EXP and 3,000 Doom stones, you have been rewarded with extra 5,000 Doom stones]

[Congratulation for the killing a normal human you have been rewarded with 200 EXP and 300 Doom stones]

'Hmm, I see you are generous today, ok show me my profile.'

[Ok Leo]

Name: Leo John]

[Realm: Master realm 1 star. 7,200/8,000 EXP]

[Attributes: 85]

[Status: healthy]

[Species: Super enhancer]

[Missions 4:which are "Alert the world about doomsday, protect your family, be the strongest enhancer alive, look for gaya."]

[Wealth: 2 billions]

[Skills 8: Master marksmanship S-Class, Shadow Radar C-Class, Pentagon fighting technique S-Class, master swordsmanship S-Class, Stealth B-Class, invisible barrier C-Class, 10 yang karma fire SS-Class LOCK. Mastery of fire elements SS-Class]

[Ability: Dark and Fire Enhancer]

[Doom Stones: 35,300]

[Base of operation: NONE. Reputation: 0. Population:0. Doom stones par week: 0]

"OK" Leo said and turned to Mila and asked. "Are you ok?" Mila nodded. "Much better, thanks."

"Next time don't use your unique skill if you plan to leave anyone alive, you can use your normal skills, which increase your attributes by 50% as long as you are in your domain. So only use your unique skill when you don't have a choice. Ok" Leo said calmly looking at Mila.

"Ok" Mila nodded. Leo turned around and said with a smile "You can come out now, I know you are there." Mila was confused looking at Leo with a frown, she was about to ask when she saw a figure in black military uniform appeared from a distance.

"Mr sunny? What are you doing here?" Mila said in a bewildered daze. "Your grandfather asked me to watch you." Sunny answered and turned to Leo. "You knew I was following you all along. Why didn't you say anything?" Leo Smile and said. "There is nothing to say, you are just following orders and I understand Mr Steven too. Even I might not let my granddaughter go with a guy I just met not long ago. So I need you to do one thing for me."

"And what's that?"

"It's simple, go back and tell Mr Steven that Mila is safe with me, and I hope you saw what she can do now. So he shouldn't worry about her." Sunny looked at Leo for some time before saying. "Ok, but let me ask, where are You guys going now?"

"We are going to A-City" Leo answered. Sunny looked at Leo and nodded. "Ok, we might see in A-City again." Sunny said and turned to Mila and asked. "Any massage to your grandfather?" Mila nodded slowly and said. "Tell him I love him, and he should take care of his health. If he needs me, I am just a phone call away, and I will be there." She said looking at Leo.

Leo didn't say anything, even though he knew all the phones will be down after doomsday.

Leo nodded. "Mr sunny, we will be going now, it will take us two days to reach A-City so we will leave first." Leo said walking toward his car. Gotten to it, he stopped and looked at sunny. "I will be announcing something important on the 7th, so if you can come it will be great. If you can't, watch it on the news." With that he got inside the car followed by Mila and drove away.

Sunny looked at the disappearing car, sighed and walked away.

[4th of June]

"It looked like we used one and a half day to reach the city." Leo said looking at the city border. "Yes because you didn't stop the car, you are really something." Mila said a little frustrated. This guy didn't even let her sleep or pee.

"Don't worry, we are here now." Leo said driving inside the city, going to one of the hotels. "Are you going to the biggest hotel in A-City?" Mila asked looking at the magnificent hotel in the distance.

"Yes, we need to enjoy the city before doomsday, because after doomsday they will be no more city." Leo said with a solemn expression. Mila looked at Leo but kept quiet.

Leo parked his car in the parking lot, and walked into the hotel with Mila.

"Welcome sir, how may I help you." A beautiful receptionist said at the lobby. "Two rooms please." Leo said. The receptionist looked at Leo's handsome face then as Mila's, and said. "Sir why would you book two rooms, what about your girlfriend here?"

Mila and Leo face changed slightly. Leo was about to say something, but Mila said first. "He's not my boyfriend, I'm just he's bodyguard."

Leo facepalmed himself hearing Mila answer, 'God, this girl... Why can't she just said we are friends.'

"Bodyguard?" The receptionist was confused, looking at Mila and Leo. "Stop looking at us and do your job." Mila snapped at the receptionist. "Am sorry ma, this is your room keys." The receptionist quickly apologized and handed Leo the keys.

Leo took the keys and nodded with satisfaction, the rooms are next to each other, just as he likes it. "Thank you" he said and walked toward the elevator followed by Mila. The receptionist just looked at them with a strange expression. 'She can't be his bodyguard, she might be his side chick or mistress.' The receptionist thought and focus on her job.


Leo got to his room, brought out his phone and called maxim.

"Yes Mr Leo" maxim voice sounded from the other end.

"Time to announce doomsday to the world" Leo said calmly.