CHAPTER 46: Shocking The World About Doomsday 2

Leo looked at everyone and brought out his last two spirit stones out of the 50 he took from the Qin emperor tomb. The remaining people and reporters looked at the two shining red spirit stones in a gaze, then all turned their gaze to Leo.

"This is the spirit stones, if any human swallow this stones, even if it's just one, your powers will be unlocked."


The reporters and people present started murmuring, looking at the stones.

"Are you saying, if any of us eat these stones, we will become super human?" A reporter asked.


Hearing Leo everyone was in a frenzy.

"Are you 100% positive of that?" another reporter asked.

"Yes" Leo nodded again and added. "Let me prove it" Leo turned to Mr maxim "maxim can you please come on stage." Maxim nodded, stood up and walked towards Leo.

"Some of you are wondering how Mr maxim could walk again even when countless doctors said he can't, right?"

Hearing Leo, almost everyone nodded. "Are you saying these stones, healed Mr Maxim legs?" The third reporter asked.

"Yes, that is the truth" Maxim confirmed. Leo looked at maxim and asked. "Do you want me to unlock your skill?" Maxim was a little surprised, while the people, reporters and even the top families were dumbfounded by his question. "Yes Mr Leo" maxim said with a smile, looking ecstatic.


[1,000 Doom stones]

'You increased the amount?'

[No, the system reduces the price because they are your subordinates]

'Ok, do it'

[Successful in 3 seconds]

"You will feel a slight pain in your head"

"What? Ahh!" Maxim was about to ask what he meant, before pain struck his head. After 5 second the pain disappeared. "Now try to control the earth" Leo said calmly.

Maxim nodded, after a while he raised his hand, a small rock like a pebble flew from the distance, landing on his palm slowly, shocking him and everyone present. Leo nodded with a smile, turned and looked at the people and continue:

"This is the power of an earth enhancer, Mr Maxim here is an earth enhancer. With destructive powers and strong defense."

"Wow, that's wonderful"

"Mr Leo, how can we get these stones?"

"Mr Leo, can you sell the remaining two to me? Just name your price!"

"What are really these stones?"

"How can we get these stones?"

All the reporters were throwing questions around, even some businessmen and big shots were asking for the price, to buy the remaining two stones from Leo. "Am sorry, these stones aren't for sale, and I don't really know what these stones are, I just know they gave humanity a chance to survive, and how to get these stones, it's kind of easy but also dangerous." Leo Smile faintly and continue:

"These stones are gotten from the red zombies and the once above it. The red zombies can be killed by firearms, but the higher trial zombies can't be killed by firearms but can be slowed by them."

"So... you are saying the first stage zombies won't provide these stones?" A female reporter asked. "Yes, normal zombie are too weak to drop spirit stones, when you kill a red or higher trial zombies, check their skull, that's where the spirit stones always appeared." The people present nodded calmly. Some of them already believed Leo words, while some looked skeptical. Leo saw these and called:

"Ximen, can you come forward" he was planning to use another person who came from the other nation as proof. Ximen looked at Chen, Chen nodded, and he walked towards Leo.

"Stretch out your hand" Leo said and Ximen compile. Before anyone could react, Leo cut open ximen palm with a dagger.


Ximen groan in pain as blood flow out, shocking everyone, even Chen stood up at the moment looking at Leo with killing intent.

"How dare you?!!" Ximen roar at Leo, if he was stronger than Leo, he would have attacked him already. "Calm down, I am rewarding you, now eat these two spirit stones" 'and potentate unlock his skill.'

[2,000 Doom stones]

'2,000?!! What the... how is it 2,000!?'

[first The target Is till in the Novice stage of the man formation realm, and second he's not your subordinate]


[Successful After the target eat the spirit stones]

Leo didn't bother to warn him about the pain, thinking of losing 2,000 Doom stones. Ximen and Chen looked at Leo, surprise written all over their faces. Ximen looked down at the spirit stones on his palm hesitating.

"What are you waiting for ximen, eat it!!" Chen shouted at the side. Ximen nodded and swallowed the two spirit stones, the next moment he felt a sharp pain in his head, after a while the pain subsided.

Leo grabbed ximen hand, the one he had cut, and showed it to the people.

"You all see this, this is the power of the light enhancer."

All the reporters and people present eyes widen in astonishment, staring at the deep wound on ximen palm which was healing rapidly, clear to everyone present and those still watching. Even Ximen looked at he's palm in astonishment, then at Leo.

"Don't worry, the powers you have in you will manifest to the fullest after doomsday." Leo said to maxim and Ximen. And the two nodded.

After a while a reporter asked. "So Mr Leo, when can we get these spirit stones?"

'Human nature are always the same, filled with greed, when they heard something that might grant them strength, they all asked about it NON-STOP.' Leo thought while potentate giggled.

He looked at the reporter and said. "After doomsday, when the world is in chaos, kill a higher trial zombies and claim your spirit stones, but warning a higher trial zombies have different abilities, like black zombies, their right hand can transform into any weapon, and their regeneration are insanely good, they are just the third stage of zombies evolution. So you need to get stronger before facing these higher trial zombies Or else you are just serving yourself to them."

The people present nodded.

"Now let talk about the second and third threats to humanity." Leo looked at their surprised faces and continue. "Two months after doomsday, the day I call tribulation day will begin."

"Tribulation day? What is that?" A male reporter asked

"The day all the tombs and dungeons will be opened, releasing countless monsters and creatures into our world. These monsters' strength are measured by class D to SSS. SSS are the strongest of all while D, the weakest, these ranking also goes with the mutated animals, which are our household pets like: Cats, Dogs, birds even rats and other living animals, this unknown cause of DOOMSDAY will also affect them, turning them into monsters and beasts, which will feed on both humans and zombies."

"So... you're saying we should start killing our pets and animals?" A middle-aged reporter asked with a frown.

"I don't know how you go with it, but if it was up to me..." Leo stopped for a moment and continued. "Yes, I will Kill all the domestic animals, to reduce the dangers ahead."


All the reporters looked at each other, the people and those watching started murmuring again.

"They are also weapons which can help us in this doomsday, weapons known as spiritual weapons. Weapons at the C-class above. We also have D-class weapons like guns and cold weapons. If a gun can be a D-Class weapons think how powerful a higher class weapon is." Leo said stretching out his right hand to the side and an eerie black mist enveloped his hand and all of a sudden a silver sword with a red handle appeared in his hand, the aura around the blade command attention. All the people looked at the sword speechless, they have seen too much today that they are all numbed.

"This is an S-Class sword, it has the power to kill even a red golden zombie and have the power to cut iron like butter." Leo said with a smile, with a shake of his hand the sword disappeared, returning to his core, Leo looked at everyone and continue:

"These weapons can be gotten from tombs or dungeons, but these places are always dangerous. So you must be careful when venturing into these places."

"I hope you all believed me, because in one month time the dead will be knocking on your door. If you need shelter or protection, come to my base on celestial island. Those who arrive at my base before doomsday will have some privilege, but if you arrive after doomsday, No Privilege. My base is known as celestial base, on celestial island. Oh... and please don't bring pets, thank you for your time." With that said Leo looked at everyone and walked down the stage, leaving it to maxim, for him to introduce his base then sunny, and lastly Nicolas.

"Mr Leo, I believe you" Leo turned around looking at the old lady with a smile.

"But grandma?" Shanghai was about to say something, but the old lady stopped him with a raised of her arm. He sighed staring at Leo with a burning gaze.

[This guy don't like you.]

'I don't care, or did I look like someone who want to be like?, after doomsday he will believe' Leo said.

"Don't worry Mr Leo, when I return I will make sure to build the strongest base, I know with the power and wealth of my family, it can be done in a month time" the old lady said with a smile.

"I believe you." 'In my previous life, your base is surely the strongest around the world, but this life. It will be the second strongest.' Leo thought then looked at the other top families head.

"We believe you" Scarlett and suden nodded, even if they don't, they couldn't just overlook everything Leo showed them. Then he turned to Chen and vanilla.

"I believe you, and thank you for giving ximen the powers" Chen said and ximen nodded.

"I will think about it" vanilla said in a low voice.

"What's there to think about, this is all bullshit, I would have been in my villa enjoying my time, but I have to come to A-City, hear all this scraps. I don't believe you, it might just be a plot created by you, Mr Maxim and Chen here." Xu, the head of the seventh family said with an annoyed look, walking away from the rest, closely followed by his bodyguards.

Leo just smile, he had already told everyone about doomsday, and how the day of fate will be, who will be chosen to survive and who will be chosen to die.

"It's all up to fate."