CHAPTER 51: Massacre

"How dare you!"


Sam face turned cold, and struck out a powerful kick at shadow chest.


Shadow flew out like a kite with a broken string, smashing on the wall at the far back in the room throwing up a mouthful of blood.

He clutched his chest and shouted.

"What are these fools looking at!! KILL THEM ALL!!!"

All the 30 goons got back their senses after hearing shadow roar. They all pointed their guns at Leo and his group.


Leo said one word, and the three behind move at deadly speed, they were so fast that the 30 men only saw a blur. They quickly opened fire, shooting wildly.



"Please, no!!"


Painful screams of 30 men rung out in the room, shadow's face turned pale. And within a minute all the 30 goons were on the ground dead.

Shadow was scared and stunned, he shakily brought out a remote control and pressed a red button on it.


A piercing alarm rung out around the casino alerting all the goons outside. The ones either drinking, sleeping or playing around stopped what they were doing, picked up their guns and rushed towards shadow's room.

Leo's group quickly picked up guns from the ground, opening fire on the men rushing in.


The goons rushing inside stopped, as more of their members fell down with countless bullets holes on their bodies. The rest hide behind different structures, barricading themselves while opening fire on Leo's group.

With a swift dodge, the three hid behind the couch in the room, opening fire on the goons rushing in. With countless bullets flying around, Leo and his group hid behind the couch, not raising their heads. The goons used the opportunity to flood the room. A total of 300 men, rushing inside with full force and all fully-armed.

"This is crazy" Mila said, hiding behind the couch.

"This is just a touch of what we'll be facing ahead, but we won't be facing humans but undead." Leo said calmly, sitting close to her.


Another door in the room was kicked open as several men rushed in with different weapons from hand guns to hatchets some were even armed with mace. Leo frowned and said.

"I will handle these guys" with that he moved, appearing in Front of them like a teleport. With a wave of his hand a silver sword appeared slashing at the first man closest to him separating his head from his shoulders. Making the others stopped in track.

"What the...?"


They were all veterans, who have seen different bloody scenes, so they quickly recovered and attacked Leo with raised weapons.

A smile appeared on Leo's face, the next moment he vanished from view. "Stealth"

"What!! Where is he…?!!"

"H-How, did he just vanish?"

The people were looking around them like brainless fools, the next moment a head rolled to their feet. All of them lowered their heads, staring at the till rolling head.

"Demon!! Run!!"





Horrifying Screams and sound of blade cutting flesh echoed as The goons dropped dead one at a time.

[Congratulation for killing a normal human, you have been rewarded with 200 EXP and 300 Doom stones]

[Congratulation for killing a normal human, you have been rewarded with 200 EXP and 300 Doom stones]

[Congratulation for killing a normal human, you have been rewarded with 200 EXP and 300 Doom stones]

[Congratulation for killing a normal human, you have been rewarded with 200 EXP and 300 Doom stones]

[Congratulation for killing a normal human, you have been rewarded with 200 EXP and 300 Doom stones]

[Congratulation for killing a normal human, you have been rewarded with 200 EXP and 300 Doom stones]

The system notifications kept ranging out as Leo butchered his way through the goons like a wolf into a group of sheep.


The other three were shooting NON-STOP at the men rushing in, no matter how many they killed, more entered. It only proves there were more than 300 men here.

"How many goons are under shadow?!" Mike asked in mild surprised as more men kept rushing in.

"Is that…? Everyone down!!!" Sam shouted as one of the goons brought out an RPG and fire it towards them.


The explosion surely destroyed the couch into splinters.

The three sighed in relief, at least they dodged that.

"What the hell are you three doing? Kill them all, I don't care if you use your skills or anything, just end them!!!?" Leo roared as he materialized in Front of them. The three nodded and rushed towards the goons who had flooded the room.

"All of you are dead!! You all will know what it means to go against me!!" Shadow yelled, while hiding behind his men.

"I will make sure to use you all as scape...." he stopped halfway, and his face turned pale in horror. Because at the moment 10 wild dogs formed from earth, attacking his men, A figure made entirely of water rushed them with a dagger, cutting down his men like weeds. And the shocking thing ever was the big man whose skin had turned to full silver looking metal with two metal spikes in hand attacking his men.

A man beside him asked scared.

"Boss I think we should escape"

"Yes boss, these people are not humans, they are monsters"

"Boss, run to live another day, we can avenge this in the future" the third subordinate added.

"Yes, you guys are right. Even though we have a total of 200 skull organization members here. Plus our 300 men I don't think we can survive these, that is... if we stay here." Shadow said with gritted teeth.

"Boss, won't the skull organization be angry about the lost of their men?" A subordinate asked.

"We will explain it to them. They might even help us against these people. Wait a second, they are all using abilities… Are they related to the man who announce doomsday 5 days ago?"

Hearing their leader sudden question the faces of his men change dramatically. "Boss, if it's them we must get out of here! Quickly!." A subordinate said with horror.

"Yes! Let GO!!" Shadow turned around to escape, but stopped in track looking at the person in Front of him.

"Hey, I know you and your group are strong, but don't stand in my way. The skull organization are behind me, they won't let you go. But if you kneel down and apologize to me, I will forget about everything." Shadow said.

"Skull organization? I will pay them a visit in the future. But you will have to pay for your disrespect to my subordinates." Leo said calmly.

"How dare you!! Guys kill him" with his command five of his men rushed towards Leo with hatchets and axes. Leo shook his head and moved.

They only saw a flash and the next moment Leo appeared behind the five goons, the five men stopped in track. Moment next, their heads fell off rolling on the ground followed by their bodies.

"Demon!!" Shadow was so scared that he fell butt flat on the ground.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"Well... at least a dying man should know who killed him" Leo said removing the hood which covered his face.


Seeing Leo's face, shadow don't know whether to scream or cry at the moment. What happened next, he quickly knelt in Front of Leo, hitting his head on the ground.

"P-please forgive me mr Leo, please don't kill me. S-spare me, I-I can be your dog if you want. Please don't kill me" shadow pleaded filled with fear.

The next moment the room became deadly silent, no gunshots, no screams, or sound of fighting. 'Did my goons killed the others? No, that will be disastrous! What should I do?!' Shadow mind was racing with questions. But the next moment his face changed to that of utterly perplexed. The three walked up to him covered in blood, which scared him silly. 'does that mean, they had killed all my 300 men and skull organization 200 men?"

"You really have a lot of men shadow" Mila said walking towards him.

Seeing Mila clearly, he finally recognized her as the woman following Leo on that day. 'Fuck, I should have paid more attention to her, my mind was clouded with lust that I didn't even recognize her.'

Shadow was truly regretting his actions at the moment, but there is no regret medicine in the world. Or is there?.

"Why is this guy still alive?" Sam asked with clear killing intent looking at shadow as if he was a dead man already.

"I don't know" Leo answered calmly, tilting his head to the right.

Hearing Leo reply, shadow heart sank, after thinking for a while he said quickly. "You guys are looking for guns... right?. I have guns, enough guns, I even have different weapons. I will give them to you if you promise to spare me"

Leo looked at him for a while then said. "Ok, I promise but if the weapons don't satisfy me I will Kill you instantly"

"Yes, yes, yes" shadow nodded his head like a chick picking rice.

Leo looked at his three subordinates then at shadow and said.

"Lead the way"

Shadow nodded, stood up and lead them deep into the room, but not after taking a glance at the pile of his men's dead bodies.