CHAPTER 70: Teamwork



"Go right!!"

"They are increasing!!"

The four ran through different alleys, trying to lose the zombies who were Sprinting toward them. After running through different alleys the group of four discovered that they were lost themselves.

"We are lost!" Marisa said running ahead.

"We already put a distance between them but that won't stop them from chasing us. We need to find a fence or anything that can hold them!" Garrett said to Tyson.

"You mean like that?" Tyson pointed at a ten foot tall fence.

"Can we climb that?" Janet asked as the group ran toward the iron fence.

"These's our only escape route!" Tyson said stopping in Front of the ten foot iron fence. "Who's going first?" He asked again.

"Me!!" Marisa shouted rushing forward.

"Come and help me with this box, it will help us climb faster." Janet said trying to push a metal box to the fence.


"Here they come!! Garrett, Marisa help her. I will hold them back!" Tyson said taking the gun from Janet and stood in Front of the group.

"Push!!" Janet yelled pushing the box with the help of Garrett and Marisa.


The zombies stopped at the alleys entrance and looked at the humans who were trying to escape, the next moment they all let out loud shrieks and charged at them.




Tyson stood in Front of the group shooting the zombies down, more just keep rushing up to them not bothering about the gun.


The group finally fall the metal box over so they could use it as a stepping stone to climb the fence.

"Yes! Marisa you go first!!" Janet said helping Marisa climb the fence.

"You guys should hurry!!!"

Tyson shouted while till shooting the zombies down.

"Garrett go now!!" Janet said after Marisa successfully cross the fence.

"What?! You go first!" Garrett said trying to push Janet to climb the fence.

"No we need a man in the other side! Go we don't have time!!!" Janet yelled it him. After thinking for a while, Garrett gritted his teeth and threw his machete across the fence and climb with the help of the metal box.

Tyson turned his head and shouted. "Go Janet!!"

"What about you!!?" Janet asked back staring at the approaching zombies.

"Am right behind you, go now!!" Tyson said, shooting two zombies who were 5 feet from him.

"GO!!!" He roar at her.

Janet looked at the zombies who are only 30 feet from them, and seeing Tyson look, she knew she couldn't do anything so she rushed to the fence and started climbing, getting to the top she heard Garrett voice.

"Janet grab my hand!!" Garrett said at the other side, reaching out his hand which Janet took and jump across the fence.




"Time to get out of here!" Tyson said, turned around and Sprint toward the fence, he jumped on the metal box and shot himself up grabbing the edge of the fence raising his legs placing it on the fence, while all the zombies smashed themselves on the fence, stretching their hands to grab his foot.

"Tyson here!!" Garrett said holding Tyson hand and pulling him over.

Tyson sat on the ground on the other side of the fence breathing heavily.

"Are you ok?!!" Janet said crouching down to check him.

"Am fine, just a small cut from the metal fence!" Tyson said with gritted teeth.

"It's a big cut, you are bleeding!!" Janet said removing Tyson jacket, tearing a piece of it using it to tie the cut on his hand, stopping the blood flow.

"We Need to take care of it before it get infected, but this is not the place for that." Janet who is a medical student said.

"It's good we have our own doctor with us and you are right, this place is not safe." Tyson said standing up, he turned around staring at the zombies who were also staring back at him.

Tyson looked at them and gave them a middle finger. "Fuck you" he said. Walking away with his group, while the zombies watch from the other side of the fence with pure rage.

After running and hiding for hours, the group finally got inside a super market building, it's already night time so the building interior was dark. The group move with extreme caution, trying not to make a single sound, which could attract zombies.

"We need to find were to stay for the night" Tyson whispered while the others nodded.

"Every super market have a cold room right?and zombies can't get in there and without electricity the room won't be cold, I think we could stay there for the night" Marisa whispered after some thought.

"I don't know you were this smart Marisa" Garrett said teasingly.

Marisa just roll her eyes at him and followed Tyson and Janet to locate the cold room.

The group walked silently in the building. they could only hear the sound of explosion and gunshots with countless shrieks of zombies from the distance. Making the group wonder if people were outside fighting these undead.

"Is that the cold room?" Janet asked silently pointing at a door.

"Yes, but the problem is that undead in Front of the door." Tyson said slowly and quietly.

"Can't you two kill him?" Marisa asked with frown.

"We can, but the problem is there is no element of surprise so we can't ambush it, we have to face it head on." And true to Tyson word the zombies stood alone in the open passage, looking around calmly and sometimes sniffing the door.

"Garrett let go" Tyson said walking toward the zombie.

"Really...? No plan I see?" Garrett said following him. While the girls waited.

The zombie tilted his head hearing the footsteps approaching, when it saw the two humans he opened his mouth showing his brown teeth and rushed towards them.

"This will be fun" Tyson said and charged toward the zombie with his axe, followed closely by Garrett.

The zombie leaped up smashing down with his hands and open jaws.

"That's not happening" Tyson said dodging to the right, the zombie landed on The ground and turned his head to Tyson who have dodged his attack.

"Seeing an opening Garrett rushed toward the zombie from behind, raised his machete and chopped down.

The zombie Sense him and leaped back landing on all four.


It let out a low growl and charged on all four at Garrett, with incredible speed.

"What the hell?!" Garrett yelled using his machete to block the zombie attack.


Garrett flew five steps back before stabilizing himself.

"This is no ordinary undead!" He growl in frustration.

"This is a red zombie, it's our luck he isn't fully evolve or we would have been in trouble" Tyson said standing up and walking toward the zombie with his axe.

"Yeah, we can kill this thing together" Garrett said also walking toward the zombie.

The two shot out and clashed with the Non-fully evolve red zombie. The half evolve zombie was having a hard time attacking and defending against the two humans who were armed with dangerous weapons.

"Got you!"


Tyson saw an opening and chopped off the right hand of the zombie causing it to let out a painful shriek. Garrett move behind it and smashed his machete down on the zombie skull bursting it open.


Before the zombie could turn around, Tyson moved also dropping his axe on the zombie head, ending it life.


The two breath a sigh of relief and Garrett said "You can come out girls."

The two girls ran up to them and Marisa said quickly. "The cry of this mother-fucker have attract other zombies outside we need to get inside the room!"

The two guys face changed slightly and Tyson walked up to the cold room and pushed the door but it didn't budge.

"It's lock from the inside!" He said a little surprised.

"Lock from inside? That means someone is inside" Janet said and Bang the door with her hand.

"Please open the door! We are humans not undead!"

Silent fall on the passage, after a while a scared male voice sounded from inside. "Are you alone?"

"No, we are four!" Janet answered back feeling hopeful.

"Why do you sound like someone I know?" the voice sounded from inside surprised.

"Wait, I know that voice. Thiva is that you?!" Tyson said banging the door.

"Wait, is that Tyson?! Wait let me open the door!" Thiva said unlocking the door. Seeing the people in Front of him he was overjoyed.

"Ha, I thought am the only one left! I don't know you guys survived!" Thiva said with a smile.

"This is not the place to talk, let us in" Garrett said pushing thiva aside entering inside the cold room followed by the rest- while thiva lock the door again.

"So what is happening outside?" Thiva asked.


The four looked at each other, not knowing where to start.


Back to Leo.

"I see you guys enjoyed yourselves" leo said with a smile looking at his three subordinates who have returned from slaughtering the zombies without losing a single person, the surprising thing is they all used only daggers till the end.

"Am proud of you guys, I will make the simulation more harder. You won't face normal undead, but red zombies."

Hearing Leo, all the death squad members were all smiles.

[ You turned them to monsters ] potentate voice sounded.

Leo didn't answer her but said to the fighters with a smile. "time to get your reward, 5 red spirit stones for each person because tomorrow we're all going to the city to save as much people as we can, we might jam red zombies but I know you guys will be ready after eating the red spirit stones. Right?"

"YES!!!!" The fighters shouted out loud.