CHAPTER 86: Unstable Energy

"How dare a unstable core formation enhancer attack my fighters!!" Leo roar as he hovered above the vested man.

"...and Who in the mother name are you?!" The man in a vest yelled at the figure above him. 'This person is not simply, the spiritual energy he released was enough to made the ground trembled.' He thought silently.

"You don't even know who you are dealing with and you dare to attack my fighters, how stupid!" Leo said with pure killing intent.

Seeing some of his fighters dead and more injured snapped something in him.

"Your fighters? Are you the Leo everyone talked about?" The man asked in mild surprise and added:

"I thought you are in the station, how did you get here so quickly?"

"I don't have time for your stupid questions, I was planning to kill you but I changed my mind."

"Hahaha... planning to kill me? Do you know who I am?" The man laughed loudly like he had heard the most funniest joke in history.

His looked at Leo with intense coldness and said each word coldly. "I don't give a fuck who you are, all I know is, I must kill someone named leo and you are him, so prepare to die!"

With that said, he raised his right hand and countless waters spears aimed at Leo, with a command they all shot forward with terrifying speed.


Leo gave one command, and an unholy aura descended on the man, all his water spears stopped in mid air and shattered instantly like glass under Leo terrifying pressure. The man face changed dramatically as he was forced on his knees from the pressure alone.

"What did you do?! Why can't I get up?!!" He roar at Leo.

"Shut up! I didn't asked you to speak" Leo said calmly and the pressure increased on the man making even the car four tyres gave up and burst like balloons.

'What the hell is this? Is this why he asked us to leave?! I should had followed him because this handsome guy is a monster! And why can't I speak?!' He yelled inwardly.

Leo moved towards his fighters and landed in Front of them, Looking around his face turned more ugly. 'How can I be so stupid, I should had left one of my subordinate here, because of that mistake I lost a total of 20 lives.' Leo thought inwardly.

"I'm sorry for arriving late." Leo apologize to his fighters.

"What are you saying my lord?. We all signed up for these so there is no need to apologize." A celestial fighter said to Leo.

"Yes, you are just In time."

The other added, they were all more than grateful for their lord, at least he arrived in time and saved a lot of them and he also easily defeat the enemy. These results only fueled their determination to get stronger like their kings.

Leo nodded a little to them and use 60,000 Doom stones to buy 20 mid health potions for the twenty injured fighters. He then turned his full attention to the still kneeling man.

"Who are you?" He asked calmly.

"Fool!, Do you think I will tell you!!" The man yelled with gritted teeth.

"Do you know I can turn you into paste at any moment?" Leo asked calmly walking towards the man. The closer he got the more his aura increased.

"Do you think I care, I know I'm dead already!" The man said.

"A tough nut, but I will crack you slowly and painfully until you tell me what I want to know." Leo said checking the man profile in his system.

"Oh! Skull organization second elder known as Maniac, a weird name I would say, but don't worry after I'm done with you, you will be a full pledge maniac." Leo said calmly.

"How did you...?" The man was stunned.

"Don't worry, I will take care of you." Leo increased his aura more and the man couldn't take it anymore and fainted.

"Lock him somewhere, I will deal with him when we get back" Leo said to one of his fighters.


"What a fool! I said we should leave but he said he want to enjoy himself, now that enjoyment lead to his downfall!!" The guy who was standing on the distance building yelled out loud.

"Wait, I must not let him reveal anything to Leo, I must kill him." The man said and pointed his index finger toward the unconscious second elder, with a thought a small and unnoticeable fire needle shot out and head toward the elder with deadly speed.


A small explosion sounded not noticeable to anyone but stunning the guy in place. 'What happened to my attack?' He thought inwardly, his questions was answered as Leo turned to his direction.

"I'm leaving you alive because I want you to deliver a massage to your leader. After the tribulation day I will personally come and destroy your skull organization and make sure to spare no one." Leo said coldly.

The guy trembled and the next moment he jumped down from the building and ran as fast as he can.

'How did he notice me?, no I need to report to the boss!' He thought inwardly as he increased his speed.

Leo looked up at Nora who just arrived at the scene releasing an overwhelming blood lust.

"Who did these?!" She hissed out.

"Calm down before you killed someone, he is the one" Leo said pointing at the unconscious elder.

Nora observed the man and turned to her brother a little surprise. "You haven't killed him?"

"What did I tell you about your blood lust?" Leo asked with a frown not answering her question.

Nora growl in frustration and landed before her brother, "why didn't you kill him?" She asked again.

"Didn't you notice it?" Leo asked walking away to check up on the people in the ship.

"Notice it? The only thing I noticed is, he is in the core formation realm and also his unstable spiritual energy." Nora answered.

"Good, I want to know how the he got to that realm in a matter of 5 days." Leo said calmly.

"O...k, but can't he eat a spirit stone like the rest of us?" Nora asked following her brother.

"He can, but you guys and them aren't the same, you guys already became enhancers before doomsday while they were just normal humans. Even if they ate black spirit stones, they have to wait for a week to be able to build their cores and enter the core formation realm, but it's only five days and we discovered black zombies yesterday, so there Is no way they could had killed ten black zombies being just a man or even core formation enhancers." He said.

Nora nodded calmly and said "Oh, we Need to move out of here fast. I saw thousands of zombies heading these way with at least 50 black ones, they will be here in about two hours."

"I know, what about the others?"

"They are all following Cameron, the chief, he said he knows a shorter route." Nora said observing all the fighters.

"Good, let wait for them before we head back, there are till things to do in the Island." Leo said walking inside the ship, followed by Nora.


On another building, a female with half red and black hair stood calmly hugging her red sword.

"I'm a little surprise he didn't detect me, but he detected sun." She said with a small smile.

Unbeknownst to her, the aura of the blood commandment have started taking it shape around her, making her presence hard to detect.

"I ate the heart of 20 women in the man and soul formation realm yesterday, only to increase me to one realm higher. I need more heart to eat, maybe Nora's would be more powerful but her brother won't make that easy."

"What should I do?" She asked herself.

"Ok, let keep that ideal on standstill, when I get stronger I will have her heart, for now let me hurt for a weaker prey." She said, turned around and walked away from the roof.


"Is that your friend you mentioned?" The first guy asked the girls as soon as he got himself off the ground.

"That's her brother, you might know him" Janet answered with a smile.

"Brother? I was about to ask who he is" the second guy muttered.

"Me too" the third added.

The two girls looked at each other before the two say one word.


"That's Leo!!" The three guys where speechless, staring at the girls with horror.


"Huff! Huff! Huff!"

The guy stopped after making sure he had put a good distance from the port and Leo.

"What made you so fluttered?"

Dark smoke rose in Front of the guy and a man putting on a brown fur coat walked out calmly.

"Mr hemsal?" The guy called, a little surprise.

"Go and tell Hades everything Leo said, And give this to him, if you fail this simple task I will have your head." Hemsal said with a smile that wasn't a smile.

The guy looked at the black liquid in the bottle for a while then took it. "Why can't you give it to him yourself?" He asked.

"I have things to do in the city, now get out of here first elder."

"Sun looked at hemsal with a frown, but till nodded and walked away."

After Sun left, a devilish smile appeared on hemsal face. "Fools." He said and vanished.


Thanks guys, much love.