CHAPTER 93: Test From The Fire God 2

Leo charged toward the flaming figures and leaped into the air smashing down like a meteor, and started his slaughter.

The flaming figures were going down like headless chickens under Leo's wonderful sword skills, and in less than 10 minutes all the figures had been destroyed by him alone.

Leo turned to the young God and asked:

"Is that your test?"

The God grinned. "I see you are also deaf, survive the tenth wave, and you pass."

As soon as his words fell, countless flaming figures rose up from the ground again, these humanoid figures stood a striking 8-foot tall, armed with long flaming swords.

'Even though I am 90% immune to fire attack, a strike from that sword will surely hurt.'

"Of course"

Leo turned to the God with a deep frown "Can you stop reading my thoughts!"

"I can, if you can block them"

"How can I do that?" Leo asked.

"You aren't strong enough to block your thought from a primordial."

Leo turned his attention to the tall figures as they all charged toward him.

"Time to get serious"

Leo said and shot forward with his sword tearing the air behind. Two fire warriors rushed towards him and smashed down with their swords.

Leo leaped sideways dodging the two swords, as soon as his feet touched the ground, he shot forward with the help of the earth towards the two figures.


Leo separated the heads of the two flaming figures and landed, he didn't have time to waste as he dodged to the right.

The sword smashed the stone floor arena, causing spider-web cracks to appear.

"That was close"

Leo said and shot forward, engaging in a fearsome battle with the flaming figures.

'I can't believe a normal mortal could destroy my warriors this easily, even though he is using his skills, it shouldn't be this easy.'

'How many privileges had you gifted him father?' The God thought inwardly.

Leo was busy destroying as much of the figures he could, even though the exhaustion had gotten to him, he still held on to the ninth wave.

Now monsters were the ones fighting him, not a single humanoid figures. The last monster standing in his victory over this wave was a three-headed hydra, who didn't look friendly, not even a bit.

"How is this monster in his army?!" Leo yelled as he gripped his sword and dagger tightly.

"Hahaha...! You are free to give up human" the God said with a hearty laugh.

"I'm not the one who give up." Leo said, the next moment he vanished from view.

"Oh wow."

The God relaxed on his throne to see the human who his father chose to be their ninth brother.

Leo moved swiftly as he circled the hydra, trying to find an opening, or a weakness. "How can I find anything if its whole body is made of flames!" Leo grumbled.

The three heads of the hydra was moving around, finding their target, but couldn't see anything. Not knowing where their target have vanished to, the three heads let out a loud shriek.


Leo closed his ears and fell to his knees. "What the hell!! How strong in this hydra?!" Leo roared.

"More powerful than two golden zombies combined." The God gave him a simple answer, so he could guess the power gap of the enemy in Front of him.


"Nothing is impossible young mortal, this pet has the power to destroy half of your planet without a sweat" the God answered.

"If it is that powerful, what stopped it?" Leo asked.

"The commandments, I am sure she had told you about them."

Leo nodded and the God continued:

"Prepare yourself, because I sense ten subordinates of the commandments in your planet, who are planning to resurrect them."

Leo was a little surprise about this news, so he nodded and stirred his resolved.

"Thanks, it's time to kill your pet again" Leo said with a smirk, moment next, dark and red auras burst out from his body and enveloped his sword and dagger.

"Let me show you a new trick" with a wave of his hand, the other Pentagon dagger appeared above him, he then threw the second dagger in his hand into the air, and the two joined together.

With A little bit of dark and fire elements, he melted the two daggers in front of the God.

"What are you doing?" The God asked in mild confusion.

"You are Vulcan, the God of fire and volcanoes, and also the patron of all craftsmen, so with a little mastery of fire elements, I can forge any weapon I want, and with the add of the dark elements, it will cool it down faster. I would have love to use water, wind or light elements, but I don't have the elements. So I can only do with darkness."

As soon as he finished his explanation, his new silver sword was done. He gripped the sword handle and formed a connection with it.

"The two daggers are S-Class weapons, I wonder what class you are. But now is not the time, after I pass this test I will ask potentate." Leo said with a smile.

"Time to activate all my skills." Leo stared at the hydra and shot forward with his two swords.

'What a mysterious human, how did he even have the mindset to Marge the two daggers?' The God thought and added:

"I now understand why you chose him father."


The three heads of the hydra opened his mouth and released a wave of fire toward Leo, which he dodged with a swift turn of his body and with *stealth* he vanished from view.


A wave of dark beam struck one of the head of the hydra causing it to let out a loud shriek. The other heads turned to the direction and released torrents of fire destruction towards Leo.

Leo simply dodged from the fire projectiles and shot forward again, getting dangerously close to the monster.

Seeing its target up so close, the middle head opened his big jaw and snapped down on the human.

The hydra stood a 50-foot tall, and 26 meters long. So for Leo to kill this behemoth, he needed to trick it, so it could lower it heads.

Seeing his plan have work, he gripped the emperor sword tightly, and as soon as the hydra jaw came ten feet from him, he simply leaped into the air dodging the hydra opened jaw. And smashed down with his sword, giving a very powerful slash, cutting off the middle head of the hydra.

The two heads let out a painful shriek, as the behemoth moved back slowly. Leo landed swiftly on the ground.

He watched as the middle head and headless neck begins disintegrated into nothingness. The size of the behemoth reduced from 50 to 30 foot, while its length reduced from 26 to 20 meters.

"So If I cut off your heads, your size will be reduced. That made things easy." Leo said with a smile, gripping his two swords.

"What a good plan, and my pet fell for it. Don't worry, you will see my one and only pet. If you can defeat him, I will reward him to you." The God said with a smile.


The hydra's two heads let out a loud shriek and charged with unbelievable speed.

"I need to end this fight quickly, this loud cry is really getting to my nerves" Leo said getting ready for the raging behemoth.


Guys, what do you want the last pet to be?

º Dragon

º The hydra

º choose your pet.

Note: Leo will first fight the creature.