CHAPTER 108: What really happened 1

In a dislocated area in A-City.

Hemsal appeared with Nicolas in his hand.

"Let go of me you bastard!!"

"Shut up! This place is roaming with black zombies, if you attract them I will gladly throw you to them" hemsal said coldly. Causing Nicolas to closed his mouth shut.

"Good, stay shut!"

Hemsal dragged Nicolas into a half collapsed building.

"Where are you taking me?!" Nicolas struggled.

"Stop struggling! You will see when we get there!" Hemsal said.

Nicolas frowned, the building they were in was once a huge company, but after doomsday, it was turned into ruins, Nicolas didn't know where hemsal was taking him, but the modified humans and experiments were moving around like guards, proves to him how dangerous and secretive this place is.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you. I just need your blood." Hemsal said pushing open a door. "The upstairs is crowded with zombies, so we'll use the downstairs.

"Aren't you scared they will break through and attack you?!!"

"I am the one who placed them there" hemsal said, forcing Nicolas to lie on an experimental table.

"Let me go!!" Nicolas tried to use his skill, but to no avail.

"Did you forget I sealed your skill? You won't be able to do anything." Hemsal said successfully strapping him on the table.

'I am sorry Emily, I couldn't save your bother and mother, and now I lost you too, I am such a useless father. I hope you successfully reach Leo's base' Nicolas thought inwardly, as tears ran down his cheek.

"Hey, hey, hey, men don't cry, ok... tell me, Why are you crying? I want to fulfill one of your wish before starting." Hemsal said.

Nicolas was silent for a moment, "why would I trust you?!! To tell you the truth, I don't need your help!!"

"Ok then" Hemsal shrugged indifferently.

'I am sorry Emily, joy, kander and Leo, I couldn't even protect the thousands of survivors in the base.'



"Does it hurt?"

Nicolas was tending to a young girl, who looks around her early twenties, she has dark brown hair and black eyes, tan body and putting on a soldier's uniform.

She didn't answer, but kept silent, as her father bandaged the cut on her right arm.

"Why are you always training? I told you I will look after you" Nicolas said, seeing she remained silent.

Not getting any answer, he sighed. "It's done."

She nodded and stood up, picking up the AK47 beside her.

"What did I just say? No more training!" Nicolas stood up instantly, seeing his daughter's action.

Emily paused, and turned to her father. "I don't want to be weak as you! I want to be the strongest, so I will have my revenge on those monsters who killed mom and my younger brother in front of my eyes, IN FRONT OF YOUR EYES!! YOU JUST STOOD THERE AND WATCH NOT DOING ANYTHING!!!!" She yelled the last part.

Nicolas sighed, and walked up to her. "Emily, You knew I was busy facing off against two black zombies at that time."


"Do you want me to leave a family of five to die, and I didn't leave you guys unprotected, I leave you with the commander!" Nicolas said.

"We need you Dad! Not some stranger! You know..." She paused as tears ran down her face.

"When Kander couldn't find you anywhere, he ran out to look for you, to look for his father! While Mom ran after him telling me to stay behind, and..." She couldn't finish her words, as her body started trembling from guilt. "I couldn't do anything! I just stood there and watched as those monsters tears my brother's and mother's flesh, right in front of my eyes, and you... whose only job is to look after us, was busy saving others."

"But...?" Tears threatened to fall from Nicolas's eyes, hearing his daughter's words.

"No father! Sometimes we need to be selfish, we need to protect what we treasure before thinking about anything else, but you... driven by your logic, let my mother and brother..." She wiped her tears.

"You can't stop me from training 'father'!" She said, and walked out of the room.

Nicolas collapsed on the chair behind him. 'She is right, I-I should have been there for them! Kander and joy, I-I am sorry.' He said, crying silently in his palm.


"Sir! We are under attack!!" A man in a military uniform rushed inside the room.

"Attack!! Are those monsters attacking again?!!" Nicolas asked as he stood up.


"No? Then... what is attacking us?!"

"Humans and some weird looking monsters, there is also a man who is... flying among them" the soldier said in mild confusion.

He was also stunned when he saw a human flying.

"How many are them?" Nicolas asked picking up his gun, not bothered about the flying man.

"We don't know their real number, but they are at least 500."

"Only 500, then why are you shaken, we have a total of 70,000 soldiers. Where is the commander?" He walked past the man.

"He is already at the entrance of the base." The man replied, following behind him.

"What about my daughter?"

"She..." the man was silent for a moment then revealed "She is also at the gate."

"WHAT?!! Why didn't you stop her?!!" Nicolas roared at him.

"Sorry General, she insisted!" The man quickly said.

"Ahh! That girl!" Nicolas quicken his pace, rushing towards entrance.



Countless soldiers greeted Nicolas as he walked passed them, he didn't reply or slow down, his target was his daughter's safety.

When he spotted her figure, he quickly walked up to her and grabbed her arm.

"What are you doing Emily?!!"

"Let go of me!" She removed his hand from hers. "What did it look like I am doing?! Of course, I am here to FIGHT!"

"FIGHT?! What do you know about fighting?! Because you can fire a gun doesn't mean you can survive in a war!!" He yelled.

All the soldiers' attention was drawn by the father and daughter peer.

"What is going on over there?" A soldier whispered.

"That is Emily, the General's daughter."

"Wow... She is really adamant, every single day, she is always on the training field. Now she is here with us."

"She started this behavior after coming out from her trauma."

"Yeah, I pity her"


"I will prove it to you that I can!!" Emily yelled back.

"YOU!" Nicolas was speechless.

"What a wonderful show" Hemsal said above them. No one knew how he suddenly got so close to them.

"Who are you!!" The commander who stood at the frontline asked.

"Hemsal, I have advice for you."

Nicolas and everyone present remained silent.

"Surrender, and I won't have to kill you all, don't surrender... I think you know what will happen." He said releasing his Aura.

"A Heavenly realm enhancer!" The commander's and Nicolas's face changed dramatically, as they took a step back.

'Oh No, highest... I'm just a master realm enhancer, while the commander is a peak of the master realm. We won't be able to win, I need to find a way to let everyone escape.' He thought and whispered to Emily.

"Emily, we won't be able to win against him, go back inside and direct all the survivors to the back exit. Run and don't look back."


Emily was stunned, this was the first time her father told her to run, even before the fight started. 'How powerful is this unknown man?'

"Don't worry, you won't be able to escape" Hemsal said with a smile.

"How did?" Nicolas was shocked.

"Don't worry, we won't surrender to you!!" The commander yelled. "Soldiers! Get ready!!"

All the soldiers pointed their guns at Hensal.


The commander roared, as countless bullets flew towards Hemsal with deadly speed. To their shocked, all the bullets stopped two meters from him and fell to the ground, like he was protected by an invisible barrier.

"Is that all?" Hemsal asked, as dark smoke started enveloping his body.

"Damnit!! Everyone retreat!!!" Nicolas yelled, grabbed his daughter's hand and ran back inside the base.

"Time to meet your maker!!!" Hemsal eyes turned black instantly.

And so hell broke loose.


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