Chapter 221 You are useless

Are you kidding me? Forty or fifty people let Zhang Yi save them?

Four or five people, Zhang Yi, were too lazy to rescue them.

These people were born with a golden spoon, and the past two decades have been better than many people's sixty-five years.

This group of young masters and princesses, who saved them back, would be tantamount to giving themselves trouble.

"I just came to take away Yang Xinxin, forget about others!"

Zhang Yi said, and planned to take Yang Xinxin away.

However, how clever are the children of these officials and wealthy businessmen?

They have found that Zhang Yi is not going to take them away.

So several students quietly approached Yang Xinxin and then held her hostage.

"You must take us all away! Otherwise, we will strangle her!"

Zhang Mengning said with a ferocious face.

Lu Combustible didn't expect the students to do that. He wanted to come and rescue Yang Xinxin, but he was pushed to the ground directly by a tall boy.

"Don't! You are all classmates, you can't be like this!"

Liang Yue weak to stop.

But who listens to her now?

In the eyes of these students, her so-called teacher is just a senior bodyguard.

Do or die, they choose to be selfish!

Several students brought Yang Xinxin under control.

Zhang Mengning stared at Zhang Yi maliciously and said: "If you don't take us with you, don't go!"

Zhang Yi scoffed.

He also ignored Yang Xinxin, but looked at Xu Fatzi and Uncle You and said, "You say, why are there so many self-righteous people in this world?"

Pretending to look back carelessly, his hands have been replaced with police pistols that are easier to control.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

Four shots in a row, Zhang Yi shot directly without hesitation!

Without exception, blood holes appeared on the foreheads of the four students next to Yang Xinxin.

They looked ahead in consternation, and the next moment their consciousness dissipated completely!


Four bodies fell to the ground and died unsatisfied.



The students around "crash-" all spread out at once, avoiding Zhang Yi is like avoiding beasts, and looking at him with deep fear in his eyes.

Liang Yue's eyes widened with anger and pointed to Zhang Yi: "You... you actually killed these children!"

Zhang Yi scoffed: "One by one, it is not small. I even know that I threaten others with my classmates' lives. Do you call this a child?"

Zhang Yicai ignored their moral kidnapping and walked to Yang Xinxin with a gun in his hand.

Seeing the dead people on the ground, Yang Xinxin's face didn't fluctuate much.

People are numb?

As long as the brain is good, there will not be too many psychological shadows after taking it back for a period of time.

Over there, Liang Yue is still reprimanding Zhang Yi for his cold-blooded ruthlessness and praying for him to take away these students.

Zhang Yili didn't even care about her.

"Come on, I'll take you home!"

He held out his hand to Yang Xinxin.

Yang Xinxin's water blue eyes fluctuated for the first time.


She nodded and passed her hand.

"Well... can you take my friend with you?"

She begged.


Zhang Yi looked at Yang Xinxin not far away, with a tangled face of land combustible.

After seeing Zhang Yi's means of killing people, Lu Combustible didn't dare to approach, but in her eyes, it was clear that Zhang Yi was eager to take her away.

Zhang Yi picked his eyebrows.

A white rice eater?

He doesn't seem to need it very much.

Yang Xinxin said: "Like me, she is a special student admitted by Tianqing College."

"What does special admission mean?"

Zhang Yi asked with a smile.

Yang Xinxin explained: "There are only two kinds of students here. One is the children of dignitaries and dignitaries, and the other is a genius who strives for fame and special admission for the school."

"The latter needs to participate in various competitions at home and abroad all the year round, and then win prizes to add popularity to the school."

"Combustible, she is a genius in machinery, and she does not lose her master's degree in engineering from Caltech in this field."

She touched the wheelchair beneath her. "This wheelchair is tailored for me! There is no problem after using it for so long."

Yang Xinxin tried her best to sell her good friend to Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yiwen said can't help but look at the land combustible one more time.

This girl with short hair also looks in good physique. You can only be a qualified mechanic if you have good physical fitness.

Zhang Yi asked, "What can you do?"

As soon as Lu Combustible's eyes lit up and she knew that her opportunity was coming, she quickly said, "I am very good at vehicle design and maintenance, and I also study firearms. If you take me back, I can transform cars and firearms for you!"

"And, I have learned the technology of forging knives out of interest. If the conditions are right, it is also possible to build cold weapons for you."

Zhang Yi admitted that the girl succeeded in persuading him.

Now he needs genius in this field!

Zhang Yi clapped his hands. "OK, then come along!"

Lu Combustible and Yang Xinxin looked at each other, and all the eyes were irresistible excitement.

"Thank you... that... what do you call it?"

Zhang Yi chuckled: "My name is Zhang Yi. Just call me Brother according to your age."

"Yes, big brother Zhang Yi!"

Lu can burn a smile very happily.

Zhang Yi let Lu Combustible push Yang Xinxin's wheelchair, ready to leave here.

The rest of the students are about to cry.

"Mr. Zhang, I also have a role! I can drive, and my driving skills are great!"

"I can speak eight foreign languages and can be an interpreter for you!"

"I am proficient in literature and can recite a dream of red mansions backwards!"


There are indeed many geniuses in the crowd.

After all, they have received elite education since childhood.

Even Liang Yue, a national martial arts master, was called to be their martial arts teacher, so it is conceivable how rich educational resources they enjoyed.

However, most of what they have mastered has no effect in the last days.

Because they want to learn from Z, most people spend their thoughts in the fields of literature and history, philosophy and finance.

The practicality is not high, so Zhang Yi's interest can't be aroused naturally.

"If you just walk away, all of us will die!"

In the crowd, a girl with a long wave roll came out and looked at Zhang Yi bravely.

Shen Miaoke, the league secretary in the class.

"Now Mr. Liang is very weak, and the monster has been released by you again."

"Once you leave, what if it comes back and kills us?"

At the thought of that terrible monster, every student's mind was shrouded in a thick cloud.

"If you hadn't intervened, the monster might have been killed by Teacher Liang."

"Are you going to walk away like this?"

"Even if you want to leave, at least, help us solve that trouble!"

Although the students are afraid of Zhang Yi's gun, they are not willing to wait for death.

Zhang Yi was indifferent.

He spread his hands. "It's like if we don't come, you will live!"