Chapter 277 I Kill Myself

In the early morning of the next day, at dawn, Zhang Yi was woken up by the sound of flowers.

Zhang Yimeng opened his eyes and got up from the sofa.

These days, he sleeps with his clothes, just to be able to cope with unexpected situations at any time.

He went to the front of the monitoring and found that there was movement on the other side of the low mountain.

"Want to attack while I sleep? What a chicken thief!"

Early in the morning, people are sleeping very dead, Ling Feng is going to drill Zhang Yi sleep loophole attack.

Although he doesn't know whether this method is effective or not, it is worth a try after all.

Zhang Yi noticed the movement over there and immediately ran upstairs.

Then it takes a certain amount of time for a large bundle of explosives to be bundled well.

After all, it's 500 kilograms of explosives. In case of any mistake, more than a dozen people on the scene will be blown to ashes instantly.

The people in the blasting team were also very careful.

Each person carries 50 kilograms of explosives on his back, then puts them down and starts assembly, then installs detonators and sets timed detonation.

"We have to throw it accurately!"

Ling Feng joked to Shi Dayong next to him: "If I throw it wrong, I have to run several times more and go back to get explosives!"

Shi Dayong laughed and said, "Don't worry, boss. When we competed in the military region, I won the first place in throwing grenades!"

Two people's expressions are relatively relaxed.

Find a way to deal with the shelter, it is tantamount to catching the lifeblood of Zhang Yi.

As long as the tortoise shell is broken, Zhang Yi inside the shell becomes a mollusk in their eyes.

After all, they are all top players in close combat!

And they are not afraid of failure in action. If they make a mistake, they can make the second, third and fourth times … until the shelter is completely captured!

Zhang Yi came to the second floor of the shelter and took out his telescope to observe the low mountain.

Covered by one-way glass, Ling Feng and others saw that the shelter was dark, and they couldn't see anything inside, and they couldn't find Zhang Yi's position.

But Zhang Yi can see their position.

The straight line distance is about 2400 meters.

They knew that Zhang Yi was a sniper with terrible marksmanship, so they kept a safe distance.

But they don't know that Zhang Yi's marksmanship is not just so simple.

With the power blessing, his attack distance and power will be greatly improved.

At this time, Zhang Yi's dimensional gate has been completely repaired, so you can fight back with confidence.

But he was in no hurry. He didn't dare to open the window rashly now.

Otherwise, the next explosion may cause more damage to the wall.

He is waiting for the other side to shoot first.

Zhang Yi watched the movement of the low mountain behind the glass.

Ling Feng's eyes suddenly condensed and turned to look here.

Through the one-way glass, their eyes seem to collide in the air.

Zhang Yi narrowed his eyes. "What a terrible intuition!"

Ling Feng is also holding his arm and said with a face of pondering: "He is looking at us!"

Shi Dayong and Zheng Xuerong looked at the past along Ling Feng's eyes.

Ling Feng's intuition has always been terrible and accurate.

They just didn't think that he could feel someone watching him at such a long distance.

"What is he doing? Is he waiting to die? Or do you want to struggle for the last time in despair?"

Zheng Xuerong said lightly, her eyes are eerie ice blue. If it is not the appearance of the yellow race, it is easy for people to think that she is a hybrid.

"Who cares! I think I'm afraid! But what's the use of that?"

Shi Dayong smiled with two strong arms in his pocket.

"His powers can't compete with TNT's blasting. What can he do except watch us blow up his house?"

Ling Feng said at this time: "If I can, I really hope to incorporate him into our team!"

"After all, his ability is very promising."

Although it was only a short meeting, Zhang Yi's ability aroused Ling Feng's strong interest.

When Shi Dayong heard this, he frowned slightly and asked, "What about our dead brother?"

"It is our destiny for soldiers to die in battle. This person was named by the leader to be captured alive. His old man understands how important a powerful alien is to the organization now."

Ling Feng said lightly.

When it comes to the word leader, Shi Dayong immediately closed his mouth and did not dare to refute it.

He looked at the explosives being assembled by the blasting team, and secretly prayed in his heart that it was best for Zhang Yi to be killed directly!

After some preparations by the blasting team, a bundled giant explosive was finally assembled.

Several people did the same thing, hoping to blow up part of the shelter as they did yesterday.

Shi Dayong incarnated as a great ape of ice and snow, and Ling Feng picked up explosives and threw them far away towards the shelter.

Zhang Yi looked at the giant explosives flying from a distance, took a deep breath, and then opened his right hand in front of him.

Explosives have just flown half a distance, so Zhang Yi is not going to wait any longer.

Because a little closer will explode.

He doesn't want to take such a big risk.

"The gate of dimension!"

Zhang Yiting shouted in the second grade. Fortunately, there was no one next to him, otherwise he would die on the spot.

A huge door appears over the shelter, invisible and qualitative, but Zhang Yi can clearly feel its existence.

Only this time, he didn't want to collect the explosives.

Experiments have proved that different spaces can't bear the explosion energy produced by such a large equivalent of explosives.

But he can be released!

Most of the strength of the last explosion is still in different spaces, and the unstable energy Zhang Yi is reserved for use at this time.


An earth-shattering explosion came.

However, this force was not produced by the explosion of explosives, but spewed out from different spaces!

Under the influence of the huge shock wave, the explosives that should have fallen to the shelter were rolled upside down and flew out!

The direction of flying back is, of course, the direction in which the members of the Special Forces are located.

The smile on the face of Ling Feng and others quickly disappeared.


He let out a roar and quickly fell to the ground.

500 kilograms of explosives were pushed back to the low mountains by the turbulent air billow in midair, and then rolled quickly on the ground for a certain distance.

The stability of TNT is so good that even after such an impact, it did not explode in mid-air.

But after a few seconds, as soon as it is set, it will be detonated by detonators.

At the next moment, the flames flooded everything in front of us, and the violent explosion melted the snow for thousands of meters in Fiona Fang.

The heat wave rushed to the low mountain in an instant, and several people who didn't have time to hide flew out!

And they are lucky.

Because behind a large bunker at the foot of the mountain, there are still many soldiers lurking, waiting to attack the shelter at any time.

They are only a few hundred meters away from the explosion point of 500 kilograms of explosives.

The flames are soaring, and the relentless flames and shock waves take the explosion point as the center and sweep quickly!

Those soldiers who don't know the situation are engulfed by thousands of degrees of high temperature in the blink of an eye!

What special uniforms, bulletproof vests and weapons are burned directly under such high temperature.

Their skin and flesh and blood also coked in an instant.


Flames swept across all directions, ambushed at the foot of the mountain, and almost all the special warfare players waiting to attack were destroyed!

Zhang Yi looked at the fire in the distance. Because the effect was so good, he laughed happily.

Originally, he just wanted to use the absorbed energy to bounce the bomb away, so as not to let it hurt his shelter.

But look at this effect, it must have wiped out a lot of special warfare players.

"Hot weapons are still powerful!"

Zhang Yi couldn't help feeling.

"I use it better than they do!"

Zhang Yi only released a part of the energy, but the main damage is actually caused by the huge explosives.

The success of this experiment indicates that this method can continue to be used against them.

Unless they are not afraid of more people dying, this throwing method can no longer be used.

The temperature in that direction of the dwarf mountains has risen to an unimaginable level.

A large area of ground under the foot of the mountain became coke.

Behind the low mountain, a huge piece of ice suddenly cracked.

Zheng Xuerong stood up with a weak face.

Fortunately, she built a piece of ice in time to block most of the heat, otherwise they would have been killed or injured.

But constantly maintaining the ice surface is also very expensive for her.

Ling Feng broke the ice and walked to the low mountain. When he saw the horrible scene at the foot of the mountain, the whole person was numb!

Other people also climbed out to check the scene of the explosion.

Everyone was stunned, and at this time they didn't know what to say to describe the picture in front of them.

They just saw that the explosives, which should have landed in front of the shelter according to the plan, were pushed back to them by a strange force in midair.

At such a long distance, the power of explosion is completely different.

Only relying on the power of shock waves can't have any impact on the shelter.

On the contrary, they are in this direction, bearing the vast majority of the force of the explosion!

This time, the action failed!

Not only was it a failure, but it was a fiasco, resulting in a large number of Special Forces soldiers dying under their own explosives!

Originally, people who were full of confidence looked blank and depressed on their faces.

Sudden changes, no one knows what happened.

They don't even have extra brains to feel anger.

Ling Feng, the captain of the special team, looked at the charred bodies below, and his body trembled slightly.

These people are his brothers of life and death!

A group of people finally lived to the last days. A few minutes ago, everyone was still talking and laughing.

But in the blink of an eye, all these brothers died, in their own plans!


Ling Feng roared in pain, his eyes were cracked, and he looked like a madman.

Shi Dayong also knelt on the ground in pain and smashed the ground in anger.

"Ah ah ah ah!!!!"

He didn't know what to say, but his heart ached.

People can't resent your opponents for being too cruel in the war, can they?

It is their means to deal with Zhang Yi, and Zhang Yi in turn deals with them.

If they really want to resent, they can only resent themselves for being too stupid to think of this way.

However, how can they imagine that Zhang Yi will fight back in this way?