Chapter 288 Administrative Measures

Ling Feng's explanation made Liang Yue completely speechless about this man.

She doesn't even know how to describe Ling Feng.

Because he has his own set of behavioral logic when doing things.

It was such a pure emotion that no matter what he did, he would not feel that he was wrong.

Even sacrificing others to achieve his own goals, Ling Feng has a way to justify himself.

The point is, Ling Feng is not sophistry, he thinks he is right from the bottom of his heart.

Pure good or pure evil is something that makes people feel afraid.

Liang Yue kept silent and stopped communicating with Ling Feng.

At night, the temperature plummeted.

Ling Feng said to Liang Yue and others: "Let's go back to rest at night! Now that the vision is getting worse, I am not worried that Zhang Yi will notice abnormalities."

He went back with the special team and passed the tunnel excavation site on the way to inspect the work.

There are more than 1,000 surviving residents in Xujia Town, and nearly 1,000 laborers can be sent.

But tunnels can't be dug by so many people at the same time.

It must be divided into batches, and 20 people work in each batch.

Then the shift will be handed over every half hour.

Digging at the beginning is the most tiring.

Because there is a certain depth of frozen soil under the surface, it is very difficult to dig only by manpower.

Ling Feng came over with the captains and asked Academician Wu, who was in charge of directing the project: "How, was the first day's work smooth?"

"Everything is going according to the original plan. If there is no accident, we can dig around the clock and we can get through this 1500-meter-long tunnel in a month," Wu said.

"And then--boom!"

Academician Wu made an explosive gesture and smiled: "We will use 2000 kilograms of explosives to send Zhang Yi's shelter to fly to the sky!"

Ling Feng nodded his head with satisfaction.

He looked at the construction site, which was busy and in full swing.

There are several soldiers with guns guarding around.

Not far away, those who are waiting for their shift are already waiting with shovels and bamboo baskets.

Suddenly, Ling Feng frowned. He quickly walked to a villager and stopped him.

"You, look up and let me have a look!"

The villager has a scarf on his face, but he is small and thin.

Hearing Ling Feng's order, he pulled off his scarf and showed a tender face.

Ling Feng's eyes suddenly stared at the boss. "How old are you?"

"I am thirteen."

The boy answered honestly.

Ling Feng suddenly became furious and shouted at Xu Dongtang and Academician Wu nearby: "Didn't I say that children under the age of sixteen should not let them work!"

"Do you know that children are the future and hope of the nation!"

Xu Dongtang hurried forward and said, "Ling team, we are all farmers. Although he is only thirteen years old, he is no worse than the adults in the city."

Ling Feng said angrily: "I said no is no! Even if the project is tense, we must have a bottom line in doing things!"

He pointed to the boy. "Take him back to me at once! This is a battlefield, and children can't join!"

Xu Dongtang quickly pulled the child aside. "Yes, yes, I will take him back immediately!"

The boy looked at Ling Feng with gratitude and worship in his eyes.

Not far away, Liang Yue witnessed this scene and only felt more speechless.

She really doesn't know how to evaluate Ling Feng.

Ding crab?

Liang Yue was speechless, but it is true that these two people are very similar.

Xu Dongtang had the children taken away.

Ling Feng said to him: "In order to speed up the progress of the project, our tunnel must not stop for 24 hours. Mayor Xu, I hope you will play a leading role and let everyone work hard to overcome it."

Xu Dongtang was stunned.

This matter, Ling Feng never said to him.

No, Ling Feng never considered his opinions and those of the villagers in Xujia Town.

Including digging tunnels, these people don't know what effect they have now.

Xu Dongtang was scared silly when he heard that it would take 24 hours to turn around.

"Ling team, is this workload too big?"

Ling Feng asked, "Is it big? There are 40 people in two shifts per hour and about 1,000 people at the end of the day. Is this reasonable?"

Xu Dongtang argued: "But in this weather, even if you only work for half an hour a day, ordinary people's bodies can't stand it!"

"What's more... if we really turn around, we don't know when this project needs to be done."

"Ling team, what are you going to do?"

Xu Dongtang plucked up the courage to ask.

Ling Feng did not explain to Xu Dongtang, but patted him on the shoulder with his hand.

"Lao Xu, you just need to cooperate with our work. Understand?"

"Everything we do is for your Xujiazhen. If you don't get rid of the devil Zhang Yi, you will all die in the future!"

"Be smart and don't think I am harming your people!"

After Ling Feng finished speaking, he turned and left, without giving Xu Dongtang any chance to bargain.

Or in his eyes, Xu Dongtang is not qualified to bargain.

"Let's go back to rest! I will continue to come here tomorrow!"

Ling Feng said to Liang Yue with a smile.

As the main force of frontal feint, they launch power attack, which consumes a lot.

Liang Yue saw through Ling Feng at this time, so he didn't say anything and followed him across the river back to Xujia Town.

After returning, someone immediately told the women in Xujia Town to prepare food for them.

A little while later, a table of food was brought to Ling Feng.

The main foods are steamed bread and grilled fish, after all, these two foods are the most stored nowadays.

Ling Feng gulped down and could bite down most of the handmade steamed buns with one mouth.

In the following period of time, life became unpretentious and boring.

Ling Feng, with several aliens, feints around the shelter every day as always.

Then on the other side, all the villagers in Xujia Town became coolies, digging tunnels hard.

Xu Fatzi is an alien and will be brought back to Xishan Base in the future, so no one asked him to participate in the work.

But after losing his communication equipment, he also completely disconnected from Zhang Yi.

Time came to the third day.

The tunnel was successfully excavated to more than 100 meters. At this time, the difficulty of the working environment was reflected.

The deeper you go, the thinner the oxygen becomes.

There is no oxygen supply equipment, only the most primitive method can be used to transport air into it through rubber tubes.

Similar to the most primitive diving device, the outside pumps air into the tunnel by artificial shaking.

However, the obvious effect of this method is far less than that of modern equipment.

Coupled with the cold temperature and high labor, someone finally fell down first.

The tunnel shouted in the sky, and everyone panicked and carried people out.

There are military doctors in the special team. After checking it in the past, they shook their heads.

"Acute myocardial infarction can't be saved."

The man who died was Xu Youzhi, 52 years old, a construction worker.

Older people are most likely to stimulate myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction at low temperature.

This disease is not incurable, but needs to be quickly sent to a place with a good medical environment for bypass surgery.

Xishan base has such medical conditions.

But there is no need to bother for an ordinary villager.

So Xu Youzhi was directly pronounced the death penalty.

The villagers in Xujia Town looked at Xu Youzhi's still warm body, and their hearts were full of sorrow and anger emerged.

Xu Youzhi is not dead yet, but he is already dead.

And he risked his life to work for Xishan Base.

A young man shouted at the members of the special forces around him: "It is inhuman for you to do so! This is taking us as cattle and horses, and I quit!"

Said, and he angrily dropped his shovel.

Seeing this, the surrounding villagers in Xujia Town also dropped their tools and shouted to give them an explanation.

Shen Hong, the supervisor, frowned and said coldly, "Organizational orders can't be violated! Everything we do is to avenge you."

"Now that we have come to this step, anyone who dares to back down is equivalent to a deserter!"

The word deserter was bitten by Shen Hong.

He shook his assault rifle, and the muzzle was looming at the villagers.

This simple action is like a pot of cold water poured on their heads, which cools the blood in everyone's bones.

Xu Dongtang sighed: "Carry people back! Substitution!"

With sorrow in their eyes, the villagers can only carry Xu Youzhi's body away and prepare to bring it back to Xujia Town for burial.

However, when one person dies, the subsequent things become out of control.

As the tunnel is dug deeper and deeper, the working conditions and intensity are changing rapidly.

The second, the third, the fourth …

More and more villagers in Xujia Town died in the process of digging tunnels.

Some people are doing it, and suddenly they fall headlong to the ground.

Some people come home after a day's work, lie in bed and never wake up.

People's bodies are particularly fragile.

They have to do their best to live in extremely cold temperatures.

Now they have to be forced to work in a harsh environment, which is like the last straw to crush camels and make them lose their lives.

In the back, several bodies are carried out from the tunnel every day.

The mood of villagers in Xujia Town also becomes irritable with the increase of the number of corpses.

Although they are afraid to directly conflict with the special forces with guns, there are constant verbal conflicts and small moves in private.

After Ling Feng learned of this situation, he was unusually calm.

Because everything was within their expectation.

"Just pick a few leaders and kill them. Some people will not know how to be afraid if they don't see blood."

"In addition, we only ask for the progress of the project and let their own village heads and mayors manage it."

"Their own people are the best at managing their own people, better than us."