Chapter 7 - Don't like blood

How many people I have kill ? And how many time I have to give the same reason ? A reason to live .


" Mist , mist . It heavier and heavier . It's difficult to breathe. Am I dead ? "

Ishiwaka is in the lake surround by trees and mist . He was looking at half moon in the sky . Suddenly he heard the voice—

"You are not dead— yet . "

The girl in the black kimino with shape rippling pattern . Her hair was covering her right eye . And her right leg were showing from the gap in the kimino . She was sitting on the big stone there . But it look like she was there for a long time watching him .

Ishikawa sigh and said ,

" I guess not . "

When she try to move toward Ishikawa and put her right leg in the lake, the whole water turn into bloody red .

" It looks like peace has make you weak ."

Ishikawa didn't answer .

" You want to go away from the bloodshed . But It look ls like more you try to become a human . The more demon inside you came to know . "

" But don't worry , We won't leave you —

She went close to him , put her hand around him —

" Kurayami ( Translate Dark hell [Ishikawa's right long sword ] ) "

Suddenly two hand around his shoulder came and said —

" Don't forget about me . "

A little girl with big scar on the face . In the white kimono wiith blue particles on them . Her hands were full of scars and painful burn .

" Karu-sa ( Translate Light Heaven ( Ishikawa 's left broken sword . "

Kuroyami said in low voice —

" We will always be with you . "

And they hug him .

Ishikawa became calm . He feel at ease . That lake was the lake of blood . The blood , of the people he have kill . Those people hatred and sorrow are still attach to him .

Thousand of dead corpse are still hanging in his body . To take him , in the place called HELL .

He open his eyes —

" Dream , huh ? "


It been three days since Ishikawa became heal from Mr Kamo and they start their journey to Kyoto . But something went wrong —

" Ishikawa -san , Please teach me how use Shikikiri . "

" Can't . "

" Huh ? Why ? "

" Because I don't know how to use it . "

" What ? But what about the mystical sword and Yumi- chan power ?

" Yumi's power is something you cannot handle . And my two sword's doesn't contain any spiritual power . It is just a swords that I created . "

" So you can create sword . "

Ishikawa nodded .

" Can you create a sword from which I can learn Shikikiri ? "

" Can't do that either . "

" Why ? " She whined .

" Because …. Wait Do you even know how Shikkiri Jutsu works ? "

She said in kind of confuse manner — " No….

Ishikawa sighed .

" You know , what ? ... You are ….USELESS .

" Hey , Now that going to —

" You are going to attack the enemy without knowing what kind power they have ? You are …. An idoit .

" You ...

" Okay . Let's start from the first —-

What is Shikkiri Jutsu ? "

Asaki look at him with the excitement in her eyes.

" —- I don't know —

" Huh ? She said in shock .

" Yeah . And I don't think anyone in the world know about it

...….except —- Hisame [ Translate - A female devil ]

" Hisame — Asaki said in a low tone .

" Hisame Of Kyoto —- she is the only one who knows about everything in this world . What had happen , what going to happen she knows everything ….

" How do you know this — Hisame person ? "

Ishikawa pause for a second and said ,

" We just had a little history . "

" Oh , History , huh ? "

" Unless , we go to the Kyoto , we know nothing . "

" That means I have to wait untill we get to Kyoto . Thats too far . And I haven't contact to my uncle since I left Aizu . ..

Ishikawa look at her and said —

" Aren't you from some bigshot samurai sword school who teaches Shin-ryu Technique? "

" Yes but , I was never taught how to use Shin-ryu Technique because …..

She hesitated and her eyes look on the ground.

" Because You are a woman ? —

She nodded .

" I see —-

" But I know how to use gatana though . "she said . [ Translate — Short Sword which look like a Knife but easy to kill . ]

Ishikawa look at her obi . He saw the black gatana on her waist . On the case of gatana , he saw sliver chrysanthemum mark .

Just like this they were talking and moving on their journey .

Suddenly Yumi sreams — " Aaahhhhhha

Ishikawa and Asaki ran toward her . But they both saw a boy who badly injured , he have many scar . Ishikawa went near and check pulses .

" He is breathing !! " he said .

Asaki bring out a small rug bag that was given by Mrs Kino . She take out some paste and start to apply on the boy's wound .

" Is he .... little dead ? " Yumi asked in curiosity .

" What do you mean by little dead ? Huh . Let me clear you — this kid — is not dead . He is just unconscious that it . "

" I apply the medicine

Yumi just stand there looking at the boy . After applying on the wound , Asaki said , " Let him rest . "

They decide to spend the night there .


At Midnight ….

" A little girl was there . Holding hand of her parents . She was happy . Suddenly a fire lit up and her parents disappear she was crying and crying all alone …. Just like me ….

Suddenly a loud scream broke Asaki's sleep and she saw a that boy hold her gatana so close that it could pierce through her eye .

But thanks to Ishikawa who holding the knife and a boy at the same time with one hand that was cut and made hole by that knife still laughing —

" Today's Kids don't know how to be grateful …

He punch the boy on the face . The kid's flew and land on the ground .

Asaki didn't understand a think what is going on but she knows that if she didn't stop Ishikawa , he will definitely going to kill the boy .

" Now , what shall I do with you ?——

Asaki hold him from behind and said in crackling voice —


The boy was coughing and breathing heavily , trying to get on his feet —

" You monsters — he said

Everyone was in shocked and full of questions in their mind .

" MONSTER ? ——- Asaki said in surprised .

" Yes , You , all are monster that try to take our land ,our forest and our people —- everything happened because you people .


" Shut up ,brat . You really need to learn some manners . "

Ishikawa raise his leg to attack but suddenly—————-

At Mr . Kamo 's House ….

The blood flowing through the floor , as a woman lying cold .

" Kino , Ki,,, no —- man crying and sobbing while his hand stab between the sword .

As hearing his cries ,

" Well , why are crying ? She sitting in the table , adjust her big boobs and was about to eat red bean paste.

She has few henchman with her surround Mr Kamo house .

" You can't…. Rea—lly Understand , because you all are not …. Human … at all …..

" Huh ? That all you have say .

Now , now tell about that girl ? Where did that girl go ?

" I don't know . Even if I know , do you think I wil tell ? "

" I will give you last chance and ask you once again … WHERE DID SHE GO ? "

" I DON'T KNO...

Out of nowhere , sword come slicing his head through his ear ….. Massive blood splash on the room …

On Vice -captain Okii Miruku face too .

In disgust manner ,

" How many times I have to tell you … I really don't like blood . "