Their land, Their blood

"It's been two years since the orcs have invaded our holy motherland. They burned our villages, killed our people, and even tried to make us their slaves. But now, the time has changed, it is our turn, our time to burn the fire to their land."

"Now, I want you to not worry about any sacrifice. It is time to show your loyalty. We will ensure that every sacrifice and death is repaid in blood."

"Comrades, for the Motherland, for the people, for the honour of the 103rd Guard Airborne Divison, on my step, URA!"

Finished speaking, the commissar jumped off the vehicle, and held his PKM, being the first to charge at the front. The post of political commissar does have many disadvantages, especially in WW2, a political commissar who does not know anything about military tactics and strategy holds the right to command and only knows how to follow the orders from their supervisor blindly causing heavy loss in the early stages of the war, even in peacetime, they always having surveillance on their soldiers, making them not to belief in each other.

However, there is also one thing to be sure of, when there is war, the low-ranking political commissar will always be the one to lead the charge, to boost the morale of the army, hence, they have a very high percentage rate of death. The nazi german does not accept them as prisoners, one of the reasons is because their hate of communism, and another one is the risk of commissar organizing riots in the prisoner camp.

At the same time, two rounds flew above him and dropped at the entrance of the tunnel, it was aimed directly and fired by the 152mm self-propelled artillery.

the orcs tried to block the Red Army with obstacles that were originally filled with their magic. But now, the loss of magic makes these obstacles useless against the 152mm artillery.

Aerindral listening to the commissar speech has the same feeling as well, this is what the orcs have done to them. The commissary speech not only boosted the morale of the Red Army but also them.

"Prince, look up there." One of his men told him.

Aerindral looks to the sky, the same scenario happens just like before. The Soviet missile again flew towards its target with the thermal tails.

"Shit, this is the direction of our kingdom." Aerindral this time only thinks of the reason why the Soviet wants to know where the orcs are gathering because they are going to eliminate them with the way they destroy those mountains.

It does feel good knowing that the homeland is treated in the same way, but for victory, a necessary sacrifice will be needed.

Stopping from thinking too much about it, Aerindral put his attention back on the battlefield. At the moment, a massive amount of the infantry has already rushed into the tunnel together with their vehicle.

The 2nd line of the orcs is mainly for supply purposes, so there is a main tunnel that is wide and big enough to allow tanks and vehicles to pass through. And main tunnel will be connected to other side tunnels that are smaller and only allow one man to enter each time, and filled with various traps.

The Red Army had already envisioned this kind of layout and had carried out targeted training. The one that moved at the front is a customised T-55 tank, it is installed with an additional flamethrower, giving it a code called T0-55, and it had a weight of 36 tons making it easier to move in mountain areas compared to the others. The only drawback it is the same as the other Soviet tanks, the low turret profile of the tanks prevents them from depressing their main guns by more than 5° since the breech would strike the ceiling when fired, which limits the ability to cover terrain by fire from a hull-down position on a reverse slope.

Followed by it, is the ZSU-23-4M2, different from the original one, it does not have a radar system, making more space to store the ammunition, increasing to 4000 rounds from 2000, and also equipped with night vision. It is a variant that was specially prepared for the Afghanistan war, but this time it is not used in Afghanistan but on the orcs.

Using these tactics, the Soviets easily cleaned out the main tunnel. Even the tanks made in the 1950s were unbeatable for the orcs. Strong suppressing fire from the ZSU also prevented the orcs from getting out of the side tunnel and attacking them.

However, the real challenge was the side tunnel. The infantry needed to clean all of it, or else they could not make it here as a forward or logistics base. Orcs are hiding in the tunnel, waiting for the Soviets to enter. As long as they enter, they will drop into or be killed by the trap they prepare. At the moment they are in chaos, they can rush out and give them another round of strikes.

Unfortunately, things do not go how the orcs imagined. The first one to enter the tunnel is not any Soviets, but a small moving object. The small moving object moved straight and dropped to their trap, and then came with an explosion. 

Before they react to the explosion, intense fire attacks them. The orcs hide in their cover, the bullets do not injure them. Just as they are lucky that they are not hit by the Soviet bullet, another small object moves towards them. After seeing its power, the orcs know what will happen, so they try to run, but the explosion happens before they can.

This can be said to be one of the results of Orgarkov's reformation, the introduction of unmanned ground vehicles into the army. Under the Soviet electronic industry, which was underdeveloped but was developed for nuclear war, these unmanned ground vehicles worked well even after the strong EMP wave from the explosion of the hydrogen bomb. And it is cheap to produce, the Soviet soldiers just need to tie explosives or a TM-62 anti-tank mine to it to achieve a suicide strike.

Everything goes well, except, the tunnel is still bigger than expected. There is a way going up, and also a way going underground. If the Red Army need to clean up, it will take a longer time. This was reported to the Division Commander, Major General Albert Slyusarev. Slyusarev immediately gave out his order after knowing the situation.

"Guard the intersection, we only assault the road to the up, and the underground ... Didn't we just drop the tsar bomb? The orc's magic array is useless now, wait for the reinforcement from Biochemical troops, and ask them to release the Nerve gas. We must continue the advance when the sun rises, no more time should be allowed for the orcs to prepare their defences."

"And of course, we should also go for some standard procedure, asking the orcs to surrender. This job, commissar, you will be the one responsible for this. If they are willing to surrender, it is good, but if they do not, then do not waste time on it, kill every single one of them without mercy."

It is not difficult to do what the division commander ordered, setting one HMG on the intersection point can already make sure that the orcs are not able to take back this position, it might be some challenges for the Red Army to take down a position, but it has no problem to hold one.

As for the attack to the top, since the orcs have lost their magic and it is night, the Soviets can continue their tactics of first using unmanned vehicles or use the advantage of night vision equipment. The only problem is to worry about ambush during some positions where even vehicles are difficult to move.

As for persuading surrender, the Soviets prefer an easy way, setting up a speaker, repeating the words of asking the orcs to surrender, and telling them there is no hope to continue to resist. The Red Army does not care whether those orcs in the tunnel can be heard or not.

Aerindral and Caelith bring their men to the battlefield, seeing if there is anything they can help, but the way that the Red Army fights are already far gone from their knowledge. They could only stand on a side, not blocking the other from passing through.

"Prince, can you contact the kingdom, how is everything going so far?" Caelith asks Aerindral. They still remember those Soviet missiles that flew above them just now, those that flew to the elf's kingdom.

 "I can't Caelith, just as I said, the Soviet explosion cut off everything relevant to magic, but I believe the kingdom is still ok, at least, the amulet is not broken."

Aerindral looks at the amulet on his neck, it is a gift that Eldarion gave him before his journey to the USSR. The only function is to tie both of their live together, as long as one of them is still alive, the other can't die, just that they will need to share the suffering.

Meanwhile, the orcs have already fallen into chaos.

In the front, the communications between each mountain, and fortifications have been lost, and each unit does not know about the situation of their friendly forces. There is no time for them to worry because the Red Army has already marched to their front.

A much more serious problem happened in the command post of the Aba Aba and King Skolm. Two of them give two different orders. One asks every unit to fall back to the land of Octa while the other asks to march into Elf's land. The problem is, that neither of them does the other gives an opposite order. This causes some of the units that receive both orders to be confused.

At this time in the Aba Aba command post, he is frustrated. The fortification line that he is most confident with gets a breakthrough within a few hours. 

"Marshal, latest news from some troop. The King ordered us to continue our march to the elf's territory. He asks us to concentrate all our forces to eliminate the elf first." One of his men came in and reported.

"Is he crazy? The Soviets have already breakthrough the first line, and now we still lost communications with the 2nd one, how is the battle going on there we have absolutely no idea. If the 2nd line is broken too we are only left with the 3rd and the river line, but if the 1st are not able to stop them, it is the same for the 3rd and river line too. Not long later the Soviets will just occupy many lands, by the time we take down the elf there is no chance for us to fight against them." Aba Aba said confused.

He understood the purpose of the order, Skolm was worried about fighting on both fronts, it was not good for deploying troops and logistics.

"Marshal, the king said that we have received some secret weapons from our allies. The king has seen the power of those weapons, it is something that can fight against the Soviets and are spread to many parts, and the Soviets won't be able to destroy them just like how they did to the 1st line unless they nuke every mountain. We have countless mountains."

Aba Aba hesitates about this, but in the end, he still decides to follow the king's order.

"Take back my order, and send the king's order to our troops."

Just then, chaos happens outside the post.


"Protect Marshal!"

Before Aba Aba figured out what had happened, he was covered by something. Then it is the desperate incident he used to experience, the horrible shockwave from the nuke.

In the sky, the Soviet second wave of nuclear attack has arrived. Bigger yield of nuclear warhead that was carried by the ICBM strike to the elf's original first line.

Strong explosion destroying everything. Even those who are far from it can see.

"The Skyfire. It does not descend to guide or bless, but to consume and obliterate. When such power is unleashed, it does not distinguish between the wicked and the innocent."

Eldarion looking at what happened at the moment, muttering to himself. This is a prophecy that has been passed down from generation to generation in the royal family. 

As for other civilians, most of them did not know the existence of the Soviet Union. But when the explosion occurred, they happened to see it, and the strong light instantly blinded them. As for those who were lucky enough not to be hurt, they attributed everything that happened to their gods. They believed that it was their gods who helped them destroy the orcs when the crisis occurred, and also punished those who were disrespectful by taking away their ability to see.