Shadows of the Present

As Narel stepped out of the labyrinth, he was met with a world that bore the scars of ancient conflicts and whispered secrets. The radiant light from the platform dimmed, replaced by the ominous glow of a moon that hung low in the sky. The echoes within him continued to resonate, guiding him through the landscape that seemed both familiar and changed.


Spectral figure: "I will be watching you from now on… let me see how you will grow." *Imagining Narel's words, I will follow my heart. "What an interesting boy." *Spectral figure was smiling.


Unbeknownst to Narel, remnants of the labyrinth's malevolent influence lingered in the shadows. The monsters that once patrolled the twisting corridors had now scattered, their predatory instincts seeking new prey beyond the confines of the maze.


Narel's senses, heightened by the echoes, detected a subtle disturbance in the air. He tightened his grip on the shimmering blade, prepared for whatever challenges lay ahead. The cosmic knowledge within him whispered warnings of lurking dangers, and he moved with a cautious determination.


As he went back outside, the monsters emerged from the darkness—twisted creatures with shadowy forms and piercing eyes. Their presence echoed the remnants of the labyrinth's malevolence, and Narel knew that he could not allow them to spread chaos in his world.


Narel was confused for a second and he asked, "What is this? What am I seeing? Goblin? What the hell is this Goblin?" he ran so fast with a confused expression.

* A system pops up. Task Appeared.


*Complete this task.

· Kill all 500 Goblins

· Kill the Goblin leader

*Failing to complete the task results in death.


The first creature lunged at him, its claws slashing through the air. Narel deftly sidestepped the attack, his blade cutting through the darkness with precision. The system guided his movements, anticipating the monsters' movements before they could strike.



Amidst the chaotic battle, Narel called upon the system to reveal the vulnerabilities of his adversaries.

*System Activating Bearer of truth

As Narel looks upon the monster something pops up

Level 1: Goblin

Attack: 2

Defense: 0

Weapon: rust blade

Weakness: Flame


Level 5: Goblin

Attack: 5

Defense: 0

Weapon: rust blade

Weakness: Flame


Level 3: Goblin

Attack: 3

Defense: 0

Weapon: rust blade

Weakness: Flame


Level 4: Goblin

Attack: 4

Defense: 0

Weapon: rust blade

Weakness: Flame


Level 1: Goblin

Attack: 2

Defense: 0

Weapon: rust blade

Weak Level 1: Goblin

Attack: 2

Defense: 0

Weapon: rust blade

Weakness: Flame

Narel finally realizes everything, "I see. Their weakness is fire. I can defeat them."


 The creatures recoiled as the echoes of their fears and weaknesses surrounded them, momentarily disrupting their predatory advance.

Narel fought close combat with the goblins.

*Skill Quick Dash activated

Aaarghhhh!!! "I will kill you all."

*Skill horizontal/vertical slash activated


*Level up!

*Level up!

*Level up!

*Level up!

*Level up!

*Level up!

*Level up!

*Level up!

*Level up!

*Level up!

*Level up!

*Level up!

*Level up!

*skill quick dash level up

*skill horizontal slash level up

*Skill vertical slash level up

*skill obtain cross slash – A combination skill of vertical slash and horizontal slash forming a cross slash.

Aaaaahhhhhhhh!!! There is no end to this! Fire! That's it I need to create a fire!


Weak Level 1: Goblin 40 times

Attack: 2

Defense: 0

Weapon: Bow

Weakness: Flame


Narel was hit by a multiple-arrow attack in right hand, "Tskkk! That fucking bastard smiles at me! I'll kill you all! Aaahhhhhhhh!"

Narel grits his teeth and Clenched his fist grabs the arrow and then throws it back to the goblin.

*Skill obtain Death Throw - A precise and lethal throwing of an object or weapon.

Aaahhhhhhhh Narel's sword was blown away, he ran to outmaneuver the goblin. "Shit I lost my sword! This fucking bastard." Narel started hand-to-hand combat and launched a strong punch to the goblins. Narel was shocked as he saw the goblin that was completely destroyed by his hands, he laughed and said: "hahaha interesting, I'll kill you all hahaha!"

*Skill obtain Death punch




*Level up!

*Level up!

*Level up!

*Level up!

*Level up!

*Level up!


Narel's eyes narrowed as he faced the relentless tide of goblins closing in on him. With a swift, calculated move, he lunged forward, his fist connecting with the closest goblin's face. The impact sent the creature sprawling backward, its form crumpling as if hit by a battering ram.

*Level up!

*Level up!

*Level up!

*Level up!

*Level up!

*Skill Death Punch Level up-level 2

*Level up!

*Level up!

*Level up!

*Level up!

*Level up!

*Level up!

*Level up!

*Level up!


Narel (grinning): You really thought you could take me on?

*Skill Death Punch Level up-level 3

The goblin, now reduced to a heap on the ground, struggled to rise but succumbed to the force of Narel's punch.

*Remaining 370 Goblins

Goblin 1 (groaning): Filthy human... you pay!


As Narel celebrated his successful strike, he sensed movement behind him. Reacting instinctively, he spun around just in time to evade a swinging club aimed at his head. The goblin, enraged by the fate of its comrade, attacked with a furious determination.


Narel (smirking): Nice try.


He sidestepped the incoming blow, the club whistling through the air where he had stood just moments before. Narel retaliated with a quick counterattack, delivering a powerful kick that sent the goblin sprawling. The ruins echoed with the clash of the battle, but Narel remained agile, always one step ahead of his adversaries.

*Skill obtain Dodge

Goblin 2 (snarling): We'll tear you apart!


Undeterred, Narel faced the remaining goblins, his confidence unwavering. The dance continued as he punched and dodged, each move executed with precision.


"Aaahaahhaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! "This fucking bastards!"

Narel found himself surrounded by a relentless wave of goblins, their numbers seeming to multiply with every passing moment. Despite his skill and determination, the sheer volume of attacks began to take its toll. A particularly ferocious goblin managed to land a powerful blow, its crude weapon striking Narel's side with a sickening thud.


Narel (gritting his teeth): Argh! You'll pay for that!


He staggered backward, clutching his injured side. The pain surged through him, but Narel fought to stay on his feet, unwilling to show weakness to the relentless horde.


Goblin leader (mocking): Human weak! Goblins strong!


Narel's eyes flashed with a mixture of pain and rage as he glared at the goblin leader.


Narel (shouting): You think a scratch will stop me? I'll show you true strength!


Summoning the last reserves of his energy, Aaahaahhaaaaaahaahhaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

*Notice State Rage

*Notice Entering Berserk mode

*Notice All Stats increased by 80%

*Notice Human form can't take the increased power due to fatigue

*Notice changing human form










*Notice Player is dying! The player is dying! The player is dying! The player is dying!

Narel's vision became foggy, Surrounded by swarming goblins. All the goblins are so close to Narel's. Only Narel's subconscious is alive. "So is this how I die? I haven't started my journey, yet. Pathetic I am, so pathetic. No. Noo.. Noooo!! I can't accept this! I will not accept this defeat! I will kill you!

*Notice Success

Narel stood up surrounded by swarming goblins that were one step closer to him.

*Notice the player's human form changed into Undead, gaining the title: 'The man who refused to die.'

*Notice the player is now a "Reaper"

*Notice due to the obtained title: 'The man who refused to die.'




 *Notice the player's body will remain intact while obtaining an exclusive class 'Reaper'.

The protagonist, donned in reaper attire, is veiled by a long, flowing hooded cloak, shrouding their form in an aura of darkness. The garments bear deliberate signs of wear and tear, hinting at the timeless nature of the wearer. Beneath the cloak, the protagonist wears a dark, form-fitting tunic and leggings, tailored for agility in traversing both earthly and otherworldly realms. Grim insignias embellish the clothes, representing death and the supernatural. Mystic accessories enhance the protagonist's abilities, while sturdy, dark boots ensure practicality during their mysterious and foreboding journeys.


*Skill obtain Frenzy- When used the time stops for a second.

All the goblins that were close to him froze. Narel shouted and said: "Aaahaahhaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! "ALL OF YOU WILL DIE RIGHT HERE AND RIGHT NOW!" Narel raises his left hand forming his reaper weapon "Shadow Scythe." Then Narel's swings his weapon, rotating his weapon as fast as a turbine we're normal people wouldn't see his weapon anymore. Every goblin that surrounds him is completely obliterated into pieces; only blood can be seen and the body becomes dust.


Narel charged at the goblin leader with a primal roar. His attacks became more frenzied, fueled by a combination of pain and fury. The goblin leader, caught off guard by Narel's sudden burst of aggression, struggled to defend against the onslaught.


Narel (shouting in rage): You can't kill me! Aaahaahhaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I'll crush every last one of you!

*Remaining 150 Goblins

Despite his bravado, each movement sent jolts of agony through Narel's body. His shouts echoed through the ruins, a mix of defiance and desperation. The goblins, momentarily taken aback by the sudden surge of determination, regrouped, preparing for a final assault.


Goblin Leader (smirking): We kill you. Goblins rule!


Narel, fueled by a combination of pain and fierce determination, faced the oncoming goblin onslaught with a renewed sense of purpose. The ruins bore witness to a battle of attrition, the clash of steel, and the desperate cries of a warrior pushed to his limits.


*Skill obtained Pain tolerance

"HAAHHA! Die! Die! Ahahahahha! Narel massacred every goblin on sight. "Killllllllllll! Killllllllllll! Hahahha!


*Remaining 30 Goblins









Remaining 20 Goblins


The goblin leader was unsettled as he saw his people dying, screaming. He runs out of fear and desperation to live while Narel is on his way chasing the goblin leader. Every goblin on his way was massacred not sparing a single one.


*Remaining 6 Goblins

* Skill Obtained Aura

As the goblin leader runs away, out of curiosity he looks back he sees the monster who massacred his people without hesitation he runs however Goblin leader's body won't move, he is paralyzed as the monster looks at him in the eyes, the goblin leader's body is screaming to run.

*Skill Obtained Killing Intent

*Remaining 5 Goblins

*Remaining 4 Goblins

*Remaining 3 Goblins

*Remaining 2 Goblins

*Remaining 1 Goblins

The Goblin leader is crawling, and crawling. He looked back and said please don't kill me!

"Hahaha! What a sight! Why would I spare you?

Goblin leader: If you kill me now my lord will kill you!

Narel smiled and replied: F.U.C.K YOU!

Narel closed his eyes and focused his attention on his breathing, and his hands.

*Breath in

*Breath out

*Open his eyes

"Shadow Scythe- first form -Void Reckoning Slash"

The "Void Reckoning Slash" is a masterful and potent scythe technique that harnesses the power of the shadows and channels it through the blade with precision and ferocity. In this technique, the wielder of the scythe executes a sweeping and dynamic slash, creating a razor-sharp arc that seems to cut through the fabric of reality itself.

As the scythe moves through the air, it leaves behind trails of shadowy energy that linger momentarily, casting an ominous glow. The technique not only delivers a devastating physical blow to any adversaries in its path but also carries the metaphysical weight of the void, instilling a sense of fear and dread in those who witness it.

He slashes the Goblin leader with his technique leaving no trace behind.

"After experiencing death you think I'll be scared for your lord? Fuck you, I'll be the one to hunt your lord! Mark my words, I will decapitate your proud lord. Just you wait!


Completed the task.

ü Kill all 500 Goblins.

ü Kill the Goblin leader.

Successfully killing a total of 500 goblins and the goblin leader

The ruins bore witness to the spectacle, a lone warrior navigating through the chaos with finesse, leaving a trail of defeated goblins in his way.