I'm in endanger

As Narel turned around the stranger smiled maliciously and wickedly and said "Huhu another food."

Then the stranger stabs Narel with his bare hands.

As the stranger's smile twisted into a malicious grin, Narel's heart sank with realization. The flickering light in their eyes betrayed a darkness that he had not anticipated, and before he could react, the stranger's true intentions were revealed.

"Huhu, another food," the stranger sneered, his voice dripping with malevolence. In a swift and sudden motion, he lunged forward, his hands outstretched like claws as he aimed for Narel's throat.

Before Narel could defend himself, pain exploded through his chest as the stranger's fingers found their mark, digging deep into his flesh with a savage ferocity. Narel gasped in shock and disbelief as he felt the cold embrace of death closing in around him.

"Fool," the stranger declared, their laughter echoing like a sinister chorus in the darkness. "Hahaha."

As Narel's world dimmed and his strength waned, he felt the stranger's laughter reverberate through the darkness like a cruel taunt. The pain seared through him, every breath a struggle against the encroaching darkness.

"Fool," the stranger declared, his voice a venomous hiss that echoed in the stillness of the night. "Hahaha."

Then, suddenly Narel vanished into the shadows, leaving the stranger alone. the stranger muttered, "What happened? This man disappeared in an instant like a shadow?" 

But then, from the depths of the darkness, a voice pierced the silence, clear and strong despite its distance. "Who's the fool now?" it taunted, its words laced with a triumphant edge.

The stranger's eyes widened in shock as he turned to face the source of the voice, barely able to make out the figure that emerged from the shadows. It was Narel, alive and defiant, his eyes ablaze with a fierce determination that defied explanation.

At that moment, the stranger realized the gravity of his mistake. He had underestimated Narel, dismissing him as an easy target in his thirst for power and control. But now, faced with the undeniable truth of Narel's resilience, he knew that he had been outmatched from the start.

As Narel stood before him, a beacon of strength and defiance in the darkness, the stranger felt a chill run down his spine. He had crossed paths with a force beyond his comprehension, and now, he would pay the price for his arrogance.

With a sinking feeling in his heart, the stranger knew that he was no match for the indomitable spirit of Narel. And as he prepared to face the consequences of his actions, he couldn't help but wonder how he had ever been foolish enough to underestimate the power of the human spirit.

"Hahahaha!" the stranger laughed defiantly in the face of the narel threats, his confidence unwavering despite the danger that surrounded him. "You think you can defeat me?" he taunted, his voice ringing out with a fierce determination. "You, a human? Will defeat me? I am a god in the sea." the stranger's resolve remained unshaken, his eyes gleaming with a cruel determination as he raised his hand and summoned forth his water-type magic. "Come forth, water," he commanded, his voice resonating with an otherworldly power.

In an instant, the waters around them churned and roiled, as if answering the stranger's call. A powerful jet of water erupted from the surface, hurtling towards Narel with deadly force in the form of a water gun.

But Narel was ready, his reflexes were beyond human capabilities. With lightning-fast agility, he dodged the incoming attack, narrowly avoiding the blast as it splashed harmlessly against the side of his boat.

But the stranger was relentless, his control over the water growing stronger with each passing moment. With a flick of his wrist, he conjured a swirling whirlpool beneath Narel's boat, threatening to drag him down into the depths below.

Undeterred, Narel focused his energy and unleashed a powerful counterattack of his own. With a stranger's primal roar, he channeled his own magic, summoning forth a tidal wave of his own creation to meet the stranger's onslaught head-on. "Shadow technique; Cross Slash."

As the clash between Narel and the stranger intensified, the stranger found himself overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of Narel's power and the ferocity of his onslaught. With each passing moment, the air crackled with electricity, the water churned with a tempestuous fury, and the stranger's resolve wavered in the face of Narel's relentless assault.

"What is this?" the stranger muttered to himself, his voice barely audible over the din of battle. "What is this killing intent? So thick and large, as if he had slaughtered thousands of monsters around him. This is bad. If it continues like this, I will surely lose."

Desperation clawed at the stranger's heart as he realized the gravity of his situation. He knew that he could not hope to match Narel's strength with conventional means alone. The time had come to unleash his true form, to tap into the depths of his power and embrace the monstrous entity that lay dormant within him.

But even as the thought crossed his mind, the stranger hesitated. To reveal his true form would be to expose himself to ridicule and scorn, to become a laughingstock among his peers when he returned home—if he returned home at all.

Yet as he gazed into the abyss of Narel's unwavering gaze, the stranger knew that he had no choice but to act. With a steely resolve, he steeled himself for what lay ahead, knowing that the path to victory lay in embracing the darkness that dwelled within him.

"There's no time to hesitate now," the stranger muttered, his voice firm with determination. With a surge of energy coursing through his veins, he closed his eyes and called upon the ancient power that lay dormant within him, feeling the tendrils of darkness envelop him like a shroud.

And then, with a roar that echoed across the waters, the stranger unleashed his true form—a monstrous visage of untold power and malevolence. As he beheld the transformation, he knew that there would be no turning back. The die had been cast, and the fate of their battle would be decided by the clash of titans that ensued.