
As consciousness gradually seeped back into my mind, I found myself engulfed in darkness, my senses clouded and my body unresponsive. Flashes of memory danced in the recesses of my mind—a fierce battle against an ancient adversary, their power overwhelming mine. But beyond that, a void.

A distant voice broke through the murky haze, drawing my attention like a beacon in the night. "What is that? I found this on the sea."

Struggling against the heavy weight pressing down on me, I attempted to move, only to realize I was bound, held captive by unseen chains. Panic surged within me, mingling with the confusion that swirled around my mind like a tempest.

"Who's there?" I managed to croak, my voice hoarse and weak, barely audible even to my own ears.

Silence followed for a heartbeat, then the sound of footsteps drawing nearer. A dim light flickered to life, casting eerie shadows across the chamber where I lay imprisoned. Through the gloom, I glimpsed the silhouette of a figure approaching, their features obscured by the play of light and shadow.

The stranger's voice was low, tinged with curiosity and caution. "Looks like we've stumbled upon something... unexpected."

My heart pounded in my chest as realization dawned—I had become an enigma, a mystery adrift upon the vast expanse of the sea. But who were these people, and what fate awaited me in their hands?

With each passing moment, the answers seemed to slip further from my grasp, lost amidst the fog of uncertainty that enveloped me. And so, I waited, bound by chains of fate, and watched as the unknown unfolded before me.


Narel muttered, "How did it come to this? Why can't I use the system? It feels like the connection was cut off. I need to get out of here, but how? How can I escape in the remote kingdom of elves?"

The figure stepped closer, the dim light revealing a woman with sharp, angular features and eyes that glimmered with both curiosity and wariness. She crouched beside Narel, studying him intently.

"You can speak," she remarked, her voice tinged with a hint of surprise. "What are you? And why were you adrift at sea?"

Narel struggled to gather his thoughts, the fog in his mind gradually lifting. "My name is Narel," he said, his voice steadier now. "I was in a battle... against an ancient adversary. Their power was overwhelming, and then... nothing. I woke up here."

The woman nodded slowly, absorbing his words. "I'm Lyara, a scout for the Elven Kingdom of Lethariel. We found you floating in the wreckage of a ship, bound and unconscious. The elders will want to speak with you."

Narel's heart sank at the mention of elders. He needed to escape before he became a pawn in whatever political machinations might be at play. But without the system, his usual means of assessing the situation and devising a plan were crippled. He would have to rely on his wits and whatever fragments of his former power he could muster.

"Please," Narel implored, his voice earnest. "I need to get out of here. There's something very dangerous out there, and I must find a way to stop it. Can you help me?"

Lyara's eyes narrowed in thought. "Why should I trust you? For all I know, you could be a threat to my people."

Narel took a deep breath, willing his mind to focus. "I understand your caution. But if you help me, I promise to reveal everything I know. There are forces at work that endanger not just your kingdom, but the entire world. Please, give me a chance to prove myself."

Lyara regarded him for a long moment, her gaze searching. Finally, she stood and turned towards the door. "I'll speak with the elders. In the meantime, stay here and don't try anything foolish. If you're telling the truth, we may be able to help each other."

As she left, Narel's mind raced. He needed to find a way to restore his connection to the system, to unlock his abilities and piece together what had happened. He closed his eyes, concentrating deeply, trying to sense any lingering thread of the system's power within him.

Minutes passed, and just as he was about to give up, a faint spark of energy flickered in the depths of his consciousness. It was weak, barely a whisper, but it was there. Narel focused on the spark, nurturing it, willing it to grow stronger. Slowly, he felt a semblance of his former strength returning.

Just then, the door creaked open, and Lyara re-entered, accompanied by two elders dressed in ornate robes. Their eyes, ancient and wise, bore into Narel, assessing him with a scrutiny that made his skin prickle.

"Speak," one of the elders commanded, his voice a resonant echo in the chamber. "Tell us who you are, and why you have come to our shores."

Narel took a deep breath, the spark within him now a small flame. "My name is Narel," he began, his voice filled with determination. "I am a guardian of realms, and I have come to warn you of a great danger that threatens us all. But to do so, I need your help to restore my full strength. Together, we can stand against the darkness that seeks to consume our world."

The elders exchanged a glance, their expressions unreadable and laughed. "hahaha, what did this man say? *he's a guardian? if you're a guardian then free yourself from the chain that has bound you. foolish you talk about the great disaster without knowing we are. you will a slave until the day you can no longer and die," you understand right?" guards beat him up.

"I'm fuck up."