The Mysterious Girl

"Kill them!"

The more than ten people in black clothes arrived without giving anyone a chance to speak. They raised their weapons and rushed towards Dan Chen and the others.

"These people don't mention money or goods; they just want to kill everyone," Dan Chen's expression changed. He saw the caravan's guards engage in combat with the attackers, and he turned to Li Zi'an. "It seems they are not ordinary bandits. They seem more like they're specifically here for you."

"Who are these people?" Li Zi'an frowned. "While our Mystical Union Trade Company does have many business enemies, I doubt they'd dare to openly attack us. Even if they want to take action, they wouldn't choose a place like this."

Dan Chen nodded in agreement. Mystical Union Trade Company had considerable influence throughout the Azure Twilight Mountain. On the whole, they were stronger than Zhengyang Academy. Most people would think twice before crossing paths with such an organization.