Dead End

Hiss hiss!

Wang Shaoyuan’s red claw print directly crushed Dan Chen’s thunder shock slash, and the azure blue thunder power lingered on the claw print, trying to use the last bit of strength to stop the claw print, but, anyone could see that the thunder power left by Dan Chen’s thunder shock slash had already become a spent force.

The red claw print didn’t slow down at all, and directly covered Dan Chen.

"Die!" Wang Shaoyuan hooked his mouth, as if he had the winning ticket.

Crack crack crack!

From the space that was grasped by the red claw print, there came a series of bone-crushing sounds that made people’s liver and gallbladder split.


Hearing the scream from the center of the claw print, Wang Zhenshan also showed a smile on his face, and immediately laughed loudly: "Hahaha, dead, finally going to die! Dan Chen, even if you are a genius, so what? Today, you still have to die in the hands of our Wang family’s people, right? Hahaha!"