Harvests in Succession

With the promotion of the Wind and Thunder Step, Dan Chen's confidence soared.

"To obtain the best treasures in this Treasure Pavilion, one must first display the fastest speed. Therefore, there's no need to hide my abilities here!"

A confident light gleamed in Dan Chen's eyes as he shouted, "Wind and Thunder Step!"

A serpent of lightning directly flashed on Dan Chen's body surface, and his speed instantly soared to its peak, nearly twice as fast as when he obtained the Azure Sea Cloud Palm!

Swish, swish, swish!

Dozens of azure-blue light clusters appeared in the void as Dan Chen ran, revealing themselves along with his movements.

"These martial techniques already exist; they are only activated by speed."

Dan Chen didn't rush to make a move. While running, he observed the newly appeared azure-blue light clusters to see what they contained.

"This is a High Earth Rank weapon!"