Crushing Decayed Wood and Pulling Dried Bark

"Hmph, just as I thought!" Dan Chen looked solemnly at Guan Xiao and the others approaching their position, whispering to the two people beside him, "Senior Baili, Brother Song, for the next attack from the Blood Formation, we'll fight with all our might, together!"

"Good!" Song Ye immediately shouted, "Hahaha, this time we won't hide! Let's fight with all our might!"

"It's coming!" Dan Chen suddenly looked up at the dozens of blood columns in the sky, which were emitting a strange light at this moment.

"Oh no!" Guan Xiao had just brought his four junior brothers and sisters to Dan Chen when he suddenly felt that familiar sensation of being watched again. Having experienced two attacks from the Blood Formation, Guan Xiao was very clear about what this feeling meant. "Dan Chen, why aren't you hiding? Do you want to die here?"

Dan Chen coldly smiled, not answering, but instead fixing his gaze on the piece of land glowing with red light in front of him.