Silver Sage

"I've only learned my master's alchemy techniques, but as for medical knowledge, I haven't learned much," Song Ye replied.

After hearing Song Ye's words, Bai Lan's last trace of hope vanished instantly.

At this moment, Dan Chen suddenly felt the approach of several other auras. He turned his head sharply and saw three women walking towards them on the path paved with Spirit Stones from a distance.

These three women were wearing robes of different colors—yellow, blue, and black, with the woman in the black robe leading the way.

The main reason Dan Chen paid special attention to these three women was that their gazes were almost fixed on him.

Suddenly being stared at so intently by three strange women made anyone feel uncomfortable.

"Miss Bai, are these three people behind you also from your Scarlet Tavern?" Dan Chen asked, noticing the three approaching women.