Chapter 3: A Young Man

Within a month, my doppelganger and I had forged a bond similar to sisters. To prevent confusion, I adopted the name Scarlett, and we wove a web of lies, pretending to be sisters to the outside world. Our similar appearance made the trick convincing.

Yet, deep down, I knew I wasn't in my universe; I was trapped in a parallel world that mirrored my own. Time passed, and strangely, neither of us made any attempts to return. The attraction of this new life was too strong. While I missed my mother terribly, I still managed to keep in touch with her.

She, too, felt helpless about my situation, resorting to involving the police, which proved pointless. Thus, I found myself reluctantly accepting my reality and adapting to my new life. One day, as rain flowed relentlessly upon the darkened streets, I found myself caught in the downpour, my umbrella left behind at home.

Hurrying along the wet sidewalk, I spotted a young man, likely my age, seeking refuge under the awning of a café, his expression a blend of amusement and contemplation. Exhausted and drenched, I approached the café, my soaked hair clinging to my skin.

A glance at the awning prompted a sigh of relief, and I decided to pause and regroup before continuing my journey. The young man noticed my arrival, his eyes widening with playful surprise.

"Hey there, looks like you've been caught in the rain!" he remarked, grinning mischievously.

I shot him a slightly irritated yet amused look. "Yeah, it's like the clouds decided to give me a personal shower."

He chuckled, leaning against the café's entrance. "Well, lucky for you, this café serves coffee and warmth. You're welcome to share my dry spot."

I hesitated for a moment, inspecting his intentions. Eventually, I gave a half-smile. "Thanks, I guess. I wouldn't want to steal your awning spotlight."

"Trust me, it's a privilege to share it with someone who's just had an intimate encounter with Mother Nature," he quipped, his playful tone eliciting a genuine laugh from me.

As we both leaned against the awning, a comfortable silence surrounded us, highlighted by the soothing sound of raindrops and distant thunder. He broke the silence, his voice carrying a touch of quirkiness. "You know; they say rain brings out the hidden romantic in all of us."

Fascinated, I raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? And who are 'they'?"

He shrugged, his grin widening. "Well, it's more like what people tend to feel. Rain has this way of making ordinary moments a little more special. Don't you think?"

I pondered his words, my gaze fixated on the raindrops. "I suppose so. There's something poetic about rain, even when it's causing havoc."

His eyes twinkled mischievously. "Speaking of havoc, I bet I can guess what you're missing right now."

Confused, I looked at him. "Enlighten me."

"An umbrella," he replied, a playful smirk gracing his lips. I rolled my eyes, not expecting his astuteness.

"Very observant of you," I said sarcastically.

"Well, I just so happen to have an extra umbrella," he revealed, producing a small, compact umbrella from behind him. He opened it, sheltering me from the rain. I blinked in surprise, a genuine smile forming on my lips.

"Well, aren't you a knight in shining armor?" I teased, my appreciation evident.

He grinned back. "I try my best."

As the rain continued to fall, a newfound connection blossomed between us, sparked by his carefree attitude and kind gesture. I tried to dismiss it as a brief sentiment, chalking it up to the romantic ambiance the rain had created.

After a while, the rain began to ease up, and I reluctantly realized it was time to resume my journey home.

"Thanks for the shelter and the umbrella," I said genuinely. He shrugged casually, his tone light.

"Anytime you need rain protection or an awning partner, you know where to find me."

I chuckled softly. "I'll keep that in mind."

About to walk away, I stopped in my tracks, curiosity getting the better of me.

"What's your name?" I inquired, suddenly realizing I hadn't asked before.

He looked at me, perplexed. " Felix. How is it that you don't know me?"

I smiled softly and started walking away, leaving him lost in thought.